Looking at the shadow of master numbers is like discovering the dark night of the soul. You are in the midst of the depth of the dark place in your life and you have the opportunity to reach deeper and learn the ultimate lesson of the soul’s journey.
Stephen Hawking Numerology Tribute – A Man Who Reached Beyond All Limitations
This Stephen Hawking Numerology tribute celebrates the life of a great English physicist, scientist, author, and teacher, who passed away March 14, 2018. He taught us to reach past all limitations
What is Love to You? The Numbers of Love
What is love to you? In numerology, the numbers of love add up to an 18, or 9. This is the number of transformation and freedom. There are so many ways to love. Especially yourself.
Oprah Winfrey Numerology – A Woman of Power
Happy Birthday Oprah! January 29. This Oprah Winfrey numerology analysis illustrates a woman of power and inspiration. Read how Oprah’s life path and expression number shows a path of making a difference in the world.
2018 Numerology – the Year of the 11 Portal
What is in store for you in 2018? According to 2018 numerology, this global year is a new portal for all of us. The master 11 is the energy of divine inspiration, leadership, and new beginnings.