How will the dynamic master number of 11 affect you this month and the months to follow? Now can be the time to embrace all the possibilities of new actions, letting go and facing your fears. What will you do?
11 master number
Today is 11-11 A Powerful Portal to a New Beginning
Today is 11-11 (November 11th). What does that mean in your life? 11 is the master number of divine inspiration and leadership– It is a Portal and a good time to reach out for a new vision. What will your wish?
November 11 is a Master Number
November 11 is a double master number – 11 11! How will this day affect you?
Mercury Retrograde Numerology Interview
This Mercury Retrograde numerology and astrology interview for the period of October 31 – November 20 2019 will be most enlightening. Find out more with astrology practioner Maria Luisa Ruiz and numerologist Greer Jonas.
The Shadow of Master Numbers- Thriving from the Ego
Looking at the shadow of master numbers is like discovering the dark night of the soul. You are in the midst of the depth of the dark place in your life and you have the opportunity to reach deeper and learn the ultimate lesson of the soul’s journey.