I am excited to announce my newest blog: Ask Greer! Do you have a numerology question? Do you see the same numbers all the time? Or wonder how your numbers can affect your life purpose?
As a numerologist, I continually get numerology questions relating to birthdays, relationship, name changes, business names, and so much more.
I look forward to seeing and answering questions about your numbers. Just Ask Greer!
Send me your numerology questions here
Also, to get a head start, check out a few questions and answers in the comment section below.
Popular Numerology Questions
- What does it mean when I see the same number all the time?
- My boyfriend and I have the same destiny number are we compatible?
- What is my personal year theme this year?
- Does my business have a successful name according to numerology?
- Should I change my name?
- Can my birthday actually help me find my life’s purpose?
- What does my address numbers mean?
My husband, my father, and my father’s father were all born on 3/13. Different years of course.
Any thoughts?
Wow Maggie, how interesting! There has to be a karmic connection, how can we call this coincidence to have three men in your life of different generations have the same birthday? Ok. Let us take a look at the numbers. First, the sum of the month and day of birth is considered the “inspiration” or the “sun” number. This is the energy that inspires you in your journey in life. So let’s take a look: 3+1+3 = 7 Seven is the number of change and spirituality. What inspires these three men is to be unique, to search for things “out of the box”. What is different.. not what is the same? They look into the unknown to find their answers. The “3” represents creativity and “1” is the leader.
Maggie, are these three men independent, and unique, enjoying leading a project? Do they seek what is different rather than the norm?
Very interesting info! Perfect just what I was looking for!
I was born on 30th September 1994. I am having difficulty deciding which direction to follow in life. Please I need help!
Very interesting. First, let us look at your destiny.
9+3+1+9+9+4=35 which reduces to an 8
The destiny of the 8 is success and the charismatic leader.. The main goal is empowerment as compared to power over. That is empowerment for yourself as well as others.
You can succeed in anything you try if it interests you. Not for the reason of making money
The second part is also very interesting. Let’s look at your personal year. When you add your birth month and day to the current year, you will find your personal year number (which will change every year when the year changes.
So, 9+3+2+0+2+2 = 18 which reduces to a 9. The 9 personal year is at the end of the cycle of 1-9. So next year you will be in a 1 yearj. The 9 year is completion and transformation. The exact energy of what you are asking.. “deciding what direction to follow in life. I would sit with yourself and look at all the options. Which brings you the most joy and fulfillment
I have been told I have a life path of an 11 and an expression number of a 4. Do these numbers conflict? – Jeff
Hello Jeff, good question. Even if your numbers have a different energy, everything is a lesson. You just need to apply it.
So your life path or destiny (the sum of the birthday numbers) is the master number 11. This powerful number represents the divine inspirer, leader & inventor (mind stuff)
Next we have the expression number (the sum of all the numbers in your name.) This represents how you express yourself in life. As a 4, you express in an organized way and you also have the ability to build from scratch.
Ok, let us put it together. Your journey in life is a master 11. You can lead others with your innovative ideas. The 4 in your expression number helps you to manifest your ideas. Perfect combination!
Let’s take a look at Sting as an example of putting all this together
How many times does a person’s life path number comes up in their lifetime? For example, at birth my life path number is 33 and this year its 6. Does it have any special meaning besides being a master number?
Peace and blessings,
Hi Joyce,
what an interesting question! Yes, your destiny (the sum of your birthday numbers) and your personal year appears the same time every nine years. (although not always a 33/6, a 6 year will still be very powerful for you).
When your destiny and personal year are the same, it is a pivotal time for all of us. You being a 33/6 — this year can be a time of really feeling your connection with people and service in some way. It is the divine energy of creativity (3s) and service to others (be it self/love ones or community. Here is someone with a 33 destiny — Meryl Streep https://numerology4yoursoul.com/what-is-your-destiny-number/destiny-33/
My boyfriend and I have the same destiny number – a one. Will we get along? – Barb
Hi Barb, first let’s talk about how to calculate the destiny (or life purpose- what you came here to learn).
To find your destiny number (or life purpose), you add all the numbers in your birthday and then reduce to a final digit.
Example: if you were born March 28, 1986 (Lady Gaga) the formula is like this.
3+2+8+1+9+6+8+6 = 37 (which reduces to a 1)
Having the same destiny, you will thrive in the same way. It might be a little tricky, though, having two ‘One’s under the same roof.. lol. You are both leaders and inspirers, but might be a bit competitive? 1s can want things there way. The best bet is to really listen to each other and connect in a way .. how can I support and inspire you? With this connection, you will be always challenging each other in a good way:)
I see the number 619 often. On the clock, on license plates, on receipts, etc…. Is there a spiritual meaning to this number?
Hi Michael. ok.. 619.. is that anyone’s birthday? Like I said before, when you see the same number all the time it is a message. Perhaps dealing with an aspect of your life that you have been wondering.
so let’s look at the numbers. 6 is like a warm hug. It represents friendship, compassion, family and service. The 1 is new beginnings. The nine is about compassion and change.. So it really sounds like you are moving to a new place in your life connecting to love and change and taking the lead in some way.. Could be like a new relationship, or moving your relationship to a new place. Or a heartfelt question about where am I going in my life? can you relate?
Wow! I am a man focused on family, friendship, compassion, and service. I am at a crossroads of a relationship I am in. Do I take it to the next level, or pursue a relationship with someone I just met. So the compassion and change I can relate to, also. The girl I’ve been seeing is not someone I ever expected to be in a relationship with.
Too, I am thinking of enrolling in a Bible ministry program at my local church. Hmmm???
Wow Michael, you seem right on track! Be careful though, on making quick decisions like breaking up or taking it to the next level. Numerology is not a predictive science, it brings you possibilities to explore. Connect in your heart and inner guidance for what feels right to you. Remember to breathe:)
Thank you!
I see 11:11 all the time. What does it means?
Hi Andrea, 11:00 is a popular number that people see all the time. When you see the same number, it is a message for you. Pay attention to what you were thinking or talking about on the phone with a friend and then think… hmmmm. So 11 is considered a master number (when two numbers are the same, they are called master numbers.) 11 is mastery of the mind, taking action, and being a leader in something.. Is there something on your mind that you would like to begin? Perhaps a project or a new relationship?