The concept of the shadow of master numbers occurred to me yesterday as I saw the headline about the Facebook controversy top center in the news. On the front page of the newspaper was a picture of 33-year old Mark Zuckerberg, internet entrepreneur and co-founder of Facebook testifying to Congress about the misuse of data retrieved from his site.

In a previous post, I spoke about 2018 being the global year of the master 11. (2+0+1+8=11) This is a time of tapping into the intuitive power of the mind —gathering information to make a difference in our world and our lives. What will we do with this information? We are brought to task and anything that is not of integrity will be exposed.

What immediately flashed to my mind was George Orwell’s book “1984“– how prophetic! Written in 1948, long before the internet, personal computer, and iPhones, Orwell talked about the information age. He told the story of how people would be tracked and all information about them known by the powers that be. This information would be used to control an outcome about the society. The phrase, “Big Brother” was invented.
So years later in 2018, it all comes true. Facebook – the beginning of what has been coined a “social media” platform – started by a few college students who wanted to connect with their friends on the internet. Thus a new way to connect without the telephone (I am talking landline, folks:) and without visiting in person or writing a letter was invented. A new way to share information about each other has evolved into a risky platform where your privacy has been jeopardized.
The business of Facebook and other forms of internet pages (such as Google), becomes about making money by sharing user data with advertisers. The shadow of the master number 11 has appeared. Facebook is no longer about just a social connection to share your baby’s picture. Knowledge —be it true or fake— is being promoted for monetary or political gains.
Delving with our shadow is the wake up call for all of us. It is like our dark night of the soul. Facing this dark night is when change can happen in our society and our personal lives.
In the shadow, there is a glimmer of magnificent light. Maybe it is that time for you?
The Shadow of Master Numbers.
The shadow of a number is like the dark night of the soul*. When you are feeling in the depth of a dark place in your life, you have the opportunity to reach deeper and learn the ultimate lesson of the soul’s journey. The 11, as in the year 2018, is the energy of the mind, the energy to create from nothing with ideas and concepts. We are learning the dark night of this lesson fast and furiously. How are we allowing technology to run us rather than using our knowledge to empower? Zuckerberg was faced with this dilemma and did take responsibility by taking action to control the information leak. It might be a long road, but it is a wake-up call for us all.
The shadow of the master 11 is uncovered. When you get lost in the ego and focus on the 3d view of material gains, when you connect more to what you can accomplish and you do not take responsibility for the result, then you are in a very dark night.
1984 – sharing of information – loss of privacy.
Orwell predicted it. I remember when I first read the book back in grade school. I was mesmerized. Big Brother indeed!!! Here was a book that talked about how the powers that be gathered personal information to influence us to think a certain way, controlling society.
Why 1984? I always wondered about this. Why did Orwell pick the date 1984? Perhaps, when he wrote the book in 1948, it seemed far enough away, and he switched around the numbers 48 to 84.
Here is a numerological view, although I have not found any research to believe that Orwell was into numerology. 1+9+8+4=22 or 22/4
22 is the master builder and connector in relationships of all kinds. The shadow of the 22/4 is to discover what people need and want and use it for power over them. Like the book, it is creating a society that is controlled (be it an election or a belief system).
The Lesson of the Shadow
2018 is a pivotal time for the truth to be uncovered. What we do with this information is yet to be discovered. Will we learn from our mistakes? Do we understand the power of the mind yet remember to respect our privacy and not let the new world of computers and information control us? Can we learn to connect again on a one on one basis without relying on social media, or texting to communicate?
Facing our dark night is when change can happen in our society and our personal lives. In the shadow, there is a glimmer of magnificent light. Maybe it is that time for you?
Other topics you may be interested in:
- Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook
- 11 Destiny – Barack and Michelle Obama
- 22 Destiny – Shonda Rhimes and Luciano Pavoratti
- Embracing the Shadow
Want to know more about numerology and the lessons in your life? See the variety of readings I offer.
Great content like always.
Thank you Samuel.
Thank you Samuel
This is so great Greer. So right on. Interesting times. Grateful for your Wisdom! Thank you! Thank you! <3
Thanks Ahalya:)