Ask Greer: I keep seeing the same number everywhere — 11:33, and have noticed 7:14 my whole life! What’s up with that??? —Stacey
Greer: Numbers are significant and play a big role in our lives. If you see the same number everywhere, like on your clock, the subway and on someone’s shirt all in the one day you should pay attention to where you are going or what you said a minute before. It is a clear stand-up and take notice sign for you to act on. You may be strikingly surprised at your ‘aha’ moment.
As far as 11:33.. wow, crazy— two master numbers! A master number is a series of two numbers of the same value, like 11 and 33. These numbers have very powerful vibrations and can affect your life in a profound way. The 11 is the number of inspiration, leadership and invention and the 33 is the number profound self-expression, creativity and service. Did you notice what you were thinking or doing when you saw these numbers? These are all clues. The universe is alerting you to take notice of something that will move your life forward and/or something you need to pay attention to.
Is there a question you have been pondering lately that has to do with your next step in your life? If your life is about spirit and inspiration or the lack of, perhaps this is your time. Also the numbers add up to 8 which could have to do with your power and abundance and livelihood. So pay attention to the signs when you the numbers pop up again.
7:14 – Moving forward (1) in a quiet and inner way with your spirituality and intuition at the helm (7) and your practicality and organizational skills (4) as tools. Adding together all the numbers… 12/3 – so it is all about how you express yourself and share your creative being.
Do you see the same number everywhere? Feel free to comment or ask questions and I will be happy to respond. (Read more comments and insight.)
I have had countless questions and insights on this topic. (See comment section on this post). For further exploration, we look at repeating number patterns in art, music and the number 4. Could these repeating numbers be a code to recalibrate your DNA? Read more.
Hello dedicated reader. This post went totally viral with hundreds of questions and comments a day. I would love to help you find your answers to seeing the same name all the time through a a mini-session with me. Or to get more insight in what you name is all about, what your challenges and inspirations are and how to thrive in life, you might choose a 60 or ninety minute numerology reading. See links below for more info.

Do you see the same numbers everywhere? Have a question and want to know the answer? Do you see the same numbers all the time and wonder what it means? Do you want more detail about your personal year or destiny? Because of the multitude of questions on my site, I have not been able to answer all of them. I would love to get to all of them, so therefore I have a new feature at a nominal fee of $18/$44. Click here for more answers.
Other readings available by appointment.
- 90 Minute Numerology Reading.
- 60 Minute Numerology Reading.
- Finding a successful business name.
- Quick answers to your business name.
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My 26 old son passed away 8 years ago. his birthday is on 3.17. I see this number every where. I wake up in the middle of the night and pick up my phone and its 3:17 a.m. same with the evening. Went to the movies looked at the time and yep there it was again. I mean this number is every where. Please help me to possibly understand.
Dear Gwen, I am so sorry for your loss. I read your email and I wonder if it is more than the number. I believe at some level, your son is trying to contact you. Have you always had this since his passing or is it just recently? Is there something going on recently that he might have a message for you? Breaking down the birthday number.. 3+1+7 = 11. This is a master number that is all about inspiration and leadership. New Ideas that make a difference. Only you would know what he is trying to say to you. You might close your eyes when you see the number and ask, what message do you have for me? It might be simple. like I love you. I am always here for you. Live every moment. Many blessings to you Gwen. Greer
I’m a doctor and have been seeing a lot of patients with the same birth month as me. The weird thing is that their birth day is also just a few days from mine. I’m not sure if this is just a coincidence or actually significant. Just strange to be seeing so many people born in September and seeing the number 9 so much. My birthday is 09/24/1990.
Thank you!
Hi Emily, that is a difficult question to answer. For me, it is always fun to meet people who have the same birth month as me.. I feel a kind of kindred spirit. 9’s are all about transformation and finding the bigger picture of things. But there is so much more to the month day in numerology. What I can describe about you is your “catalyst number”. That is your month and day added together. So 9+2+4=15. 1+5=6. the catalyst number is about what inspires you in life. This is also the sun number. The six is all about compassion, family and friendship and all matters of the heart. It is about service. Does this describe you? Read more about the birthday number here.
I always see the numbers 27, 555, 777, 420 I see these numbers all the time weather I’m playing video games, at school, on the clock just everywhere really and probably more than I realize. The most prominent is 27 as I see it 15-20 times every day also it happens to be my lucky number ever since I was 7 or 8 maybe someone can help me find out what these could mean.
Hi Alex, lots of numbers! Lets look at the 27. Two is all about relationships and balance. 7 is all about spirituality and finding the answers within. It is also about being the unique non-conformist. Add together. 2+7 = 9 Nine is all about transformation and change and completion. So all of these numbers are dealing with connection and ideas. Perhaps it is a message for you to look at the inner meaning of things and to trust your intuition. It might also be saying to think before you act. When we look at the numbers that keep on happening in our lives, there is no cookie cutter answer, Perhaps there is an important project or relationship that you are thinking about? What is happening when you see a 27? hope this helps:) I would be happy to assist you further, see the link below for “answers to questions by email” readings.
I see a lot of repeated number patterns daily, but recently it’s been 27 ( I turn 27 in a few months ) and the number 44.
Thank you
HI Jessica,
27 is a number of transformation. 2+7=9. Nine is all about completion and connecting to your higher purpose. What has meaning in your life. Perhaps as you turn 27, there is a message there for you. Are you doing what brings your happiness? Do you feel like you are making a difference? 44 is a master number of manifestation.. 44/8.. so this might be a really powerful time for you. Pay attention to when you see the number and perhaps you can understand why it is highlighting the message.. take action. many blessings, Greer
I’ve been seeing the number 69 every day for over 2 years. I was born in 69. My wife didn’t believe me until I started pointing it out to her when she was around me and it came up. I happy with my work and family. I make a very good salary and really have no debt.
My dad died 112916 and I started seeing the number before that. No one else close has passed (why do I think this is associated with death is beyond me). It’s really freaking me out.
Hello Steve,
This is an interesting question especially since you were born in 1969. Do not be alarmed when you see this number. It is a message for you, but if it is anything about death, it is probably more like “death” of the old, birth of the new. What is changing in your life? It also might be a message from dad.
When people see the same number, it is often a message to them personally. Do not be alarmed! In fact I feel a sense of “aha” and calmness when I see the number “45”. That was my household address when I was a kid. When I see 45.. I think: Completion and coming home. And also a comforting message from my dad who has passed a while ago.
So the fact that you were born in 1969, and that you keep seeing the number 69, might mean be a message that it is a time of rebirth. What is going on right now that you might be needing to pay attention to.. perhaps it is a major change for the last two years? That is why it is really good to start a journal.. and whenever you see the number, write down what you are thinking, even what you just said to someone.. it is a time to pay attention to the signs.
Breaking it down.. 6+9 = 15, which is a 6. Six is the number of compassion, and yes.. birth and rebirth. It is a time to love yourself and your family. It is a time to connect with your heart.
The fact that you think about your dad, perhaps it is your dad saying hello. What would he say to you at this time? Are there some words of wisdom that he is would say? Hope this helps. Wishing you many blessings. Greer
About a year after my son died, I began seeing the same numbers everywhere. They are 111, 222, 333, 444. I brought this to my husbands attention about a year after I first started seeing them and he said he has been seeing the same numbers, too. I will wake up and see 444 almost every night. In fact, I will try not to look at the clock. We are trying to not freak out and accept this as a spiritual gift. We are Christians and believe in Christ. What do you think? Thank you.
So sorry for your loss.. by the fact that you are asking me… I think you might feel that your son is trying to reach you? Do not fear. Numbers are everywhere… certain times I see the same number. It often happens when talking to a client , saying something importatn and then looking at clock… and boom it is 11:11 or 4:44… I always say to them… when you listen to the tape, pay attention when I say… and it is 4:44… pay attention to what you just said or the topic we were talking about..
Often times when we notice the same number it is a message from your loved one… trying to tell you something. What you could do is get a journal and write down when it happens and what you are feeling or talking about.
No need to freak out! Maybe you can, in a meditation, ask what he would want to say to you or what you would want to say to him.
4s represent grounding/ the earth/ stability / and building. Three 4s add to 12 which is a 3… communication and creativity and self expression. Perhaps he is telling you to breathe and feel safe , that things are ok… move on with your life… maybe you can connect with what he would need to say to you.
Feel free to comment if you would like… many blessings to you both. Greer
I am seeing 42 and 24 on clocks my phone and out in the world non stop. I dont know what they mean. Please help
Hello Avery, 42 and 24 both add to six which is all about family and friends, perhaps there is a message here?
I constantly see the number 52! Its in my phone number and in the times i take to go to school or to go home. 07:52 and 16:52. Those are the times i take the train. Other than that i always look at the clock when its 52? Its strange
What does this mean?
Help me!
Hi Jadeh, Lets see. 52 adds to 7. This is all about spirituality and looking into the unknown. Also 5 deals with personal connections and 2 is about relationships. So perhaps it is something about your connections with people. Are there some connections that do not make sense? Or are especially meaningful? Perhaps it is an inner meaning especially for you? If you would like to know more, we can look at your birthday as well. See links to the right of this post for mini-readings by email or full 90 minute readings if you are interested in learning more about yourself. Many blessings, Greer
I constantly see the number 302. I was raised in a house with that number, but recently looked at my birth certificate and see that I I was born at 302am. I wake up some mornings at 302 or look at the clock in the afternoon and it’s 302. Thought it was only significant to me, but my daughter is surrounded by the same number in her life and she just shared it with me. She wondered why and so do I. Can anyone tell me what that number means and why it’s so prevalent in our lives?
HI Dena,
Interesting number.. for me it is 320.. 🙂 also house number..
When you are surrounded by a number, it is often a time to pay attention to what is happening or what was said at the time you saw it.. I see it all the time.. when something profound is said on the phone..
But in particular, 3 (creativity and sharing your voice) 2 (relationships) 0 reaching into the unknown and potential.
so it is a message to share yourself and connect to your creative uniqueness.. would be good to do a 302 journal.. and log when you see it and what you were thinking..
does this make sense??? Here is a link for more
many blessings,