Hi everyone, since I posted the blog “I Keep Seeing the Same Number Everywhere” back in April, the comments and questions are non stop. All of you have a story. For instance, while driving to Maine last week, my friend and I counted the repeating numbers on the license plates that jumped at us. We kept seeing “333” “777”, while deep in conversation about life and freedom.
Repeating numbers occur in art and music as well as clocks and nature. Do you see the 5‘s in the Fairy House to the right taken at Cathedral Woods in Monhegan Island, Maine?
Why just the other day I received a vlog from coaching guru Gabrielle Bernstein who talked about seeing the same number — 11.
Seeing the Same Number Journal
As I have mentioned in previous posts, when you see a repeating number, it is a message to you, an “aha” moment, a message from the universe to pay attention to the thought you were thinking or saying. You have the key to the meaning. It is nothing to fear, it is a direction of focus in some form. I have suggested starting a “same number” journal to report your insights when you see the same number.
With such a wealth of information from your comments, I have decided to start a “seeing the same number” journal blog. This blog will continually be updated with your comments and questions and my replies, if pertinent. The purpose is for all of you to get involved in sharing your insights and findings. Perhaps together, we will find a new code!
Enjoy and get involved.
Seeing the same number 1+4+3 = 8
Ellie: My husband keeps seeing the number 143. Sometimes jumbled (413, 134, 314, etc.) or with other numbers like when looking at the time (12:43. 1:34, 3:14, 4:13, 11:43, etc.). I keep saying it means, ‘I Love You, or it’s our favorite number ’8′ = 1+4+3. It’s special because 8, has been in events in our lives. my husband’s born on 8-10-1982, I’m born on 11-27-1978, we became a couple on 10-8-2003, and got married 2-8-2012. So what does 143 mean? —Ellie
Greer: Ah, how sweet. Well, the other meaning of 8 is that it is all about abundance and power in every form. So when eight reoccurs in events in both of your lives and birth dates, and you find it is your favorite number, you are also acknowledging each other as important influences in your energy together. Looks like you really inspire each other!!
Also, looking at the 1 (independence and leadership) 4 (the builder and sacred earth number) and 3 (creativity). How does that ring true in your lives together? Pay attention to when you see it. Is it a time that you are being creative and coming up with a new idea or project?
Seeing the same number — 27 = 9

EVA: I keep seeing the same number, literally EVERYWHERE! It doesn’t bother me, but it feels like it has a deeper meaning. I’m a firm believer in Christ, and I’ve found my purpose in life, and the stronger I get in my faith, and the closer I get into missions, the more I see the number 27. It’s mysterious. At first it kind of worried me, but now I just know it’s going to happen. Can you tell me the significance of the number 27 related to Christianity or Biblically?— Eva
Greer: Hello Eva, although I am not an expert in religion, I can tell you that both 27 and the 9 (2+7 = 9) are spiritual numbers. The nine is a number of enlightenment and transformation. Nine, in numerology is about compassion for the universe and is considered the “spiritual warrior”. So I would say you are right on your path of faith when you see the 27. An example of someone who’s life purpose was the spiritual enlightened path of 9 is Mahatma Gandhi (born 8/26/1910). (8+2+6+1+9+1+0=27 / 2+7=9)
Also the 2 is all about relationships in every form and the 7 is connecting within and finding your answers. So 2+7 would be connecting in relationship to a spiritual path with self and others.
Seeing the same numbers: 333
Sandra. What is the significance of seeing 2‘s and 3‘s? I see them as doubles or in triplicate — constantly. What’s more, my address has a 333. Sometimes it is so obvious that I can not ignore the numbers, but I don’t know what they mean. I hope that it means I will soon find a new job since that is my primary focus at this time! 🙂 — Sandra
Greer. Ah, I love the 3s. It is all about creativity. Also 3+3+3 = 9, which is about transformation and the spiritual warrior (see above.) Twos are all about relationships of every kind, and three 2s would be six which is about connection to community and service. So I would say it is a good indication that you are on the right path if your path is about connecting with people and service and creative expression.
Seeing the same number “16” and “1”
16: Tamika: Hello Greer, I came across this page trying to find answers. For the past 2 to 3 months, I have been seeing the number 16 at the very least 6 to 7 times a day. I see the number in time, addresses, license plates. I see the number 16 everywhere. Not to mention I was born on the 16th.
Greer: Hi Tamika, Interesting the number 16, especially since it is the day of your birthday! This may be a message to you. Have you paid attention to what is going on in the last 3 months, that may be a major change in your life? Pay attention to what you were thinking or saying when you see this number..
Let’s break it down. 1 is new beginnings; 6 is all about family and community; 7 (the sum of 1+6=7) represents the energy of spirituality and looking into the unknown to find your answers. Step back, close your eyes and think about what is happening in your life. And ask for the signs to find your answers. Let me know what you have discovered!!
1’s: Tamika: So to give you an update. Since my last email, not only have I been seeing 16 several times a day. I’m starting to see 1111 and 111. It started out maybe once or twice a week. I’m now starting to see these numbers everyday. Sometimes 3 to 4 times a day. It appears in time, addresses, etc. I play online spades a lot. It is even appearing in the scores.
Greer: And seeing ones is very common- on clocks/dates/ etc. “1” is new beginnings.. is there something new coming up in your life?
If you are interested in a more detailed analysis of the numbers in your life, which could include your address, your name, your business, life purpose and more, please contact me.
— Basic Name and Birthday Numerology Reading = 60 minutes = $165 / 90 minutes = $209
— Business Name reading (includes one hour online session and complete brainstorming of business names) =$185.
Click here to find out more about the variety of readings I offer.
To set up an appointment or ask a question about this, my email address is [email protected] or click here for more info.
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Hi Greer,
I stumbled upon this page while I was searching for the significance of seeing the same numbers. Needless to say, there are many people who are facing the same thing. So here’s my number – 327.
I have been seeing this number on a daily basis for the past 5-6 years. On the clock, license plates, the number of likes on a picture, any random order number, score in a game, length of a video, the list just doesn’t end here. I sometimes wake up at night and unlock the phone to see it’s exactly 327. Sometimes it happens multiple times in a day. The thing is that one of my ex’s house number and the license plate was 327 and it was only after that I started noticing this regularly. At first I thought it was some universal sign to be back with him, but honestly, it’s not. We’re just good friends. This is kind of spooky and bothers me sometimes, else I just end up ignoring it. However, I would really like to know the significance of this number in my life and what exactly this means. Would you help me here, please? 🙂
Yes Priya, This is something that happens a lot. The same number has a significance to people for various reasons, often a specific message to you. It usually starts somewhere, like you with your ex. and the number is embedded in your brain. And then you see it and remember it. But what is the message that comes to you? Ok, lets take you. 327. Adds to 12. which reduces to a 3. This is all about creativity and maybe more important to you, it is about communication. Ha, were there communication issues with you and your x?
Perhaps when you see this number, it is a sign that you need to express yourself more or be more creative in your everyday life. Consider approaching a project or issue in a more creative and communicative way. Is there something particular with your life right now that you have been dwelling on? Hope this helps:) Greer
I am being haunted by the numbers 317 and 937. 317 is my ex boyfriend’s birthday (March 17) and 937 is his area code. Sometimes I see my birthday as well 326 (March 26), I noticed that 326 adds up to 11 and 317 adds up to 11 too. I met my ex boyfriend back in 2011, we were both 17 and we clicked instantly it was like we have known each other our whole lives. In 2013, we tried to have a long distance relationship but it didn’t work out. We decided to remain friends but I ended up cutting him out of my life in the end of 2014 and since then I have been seeing the numbers.
Hello Aaren, there is a lot here to look at.. I think perhaps we can take a look through an email reading so we can examine the numbers carefully as it relates to you and your personal year and destiny. There is a lot that we connect to when we have relationships. Many lessons. Some of the lessons appear when we loose our partners. Some of the lessons are how we communicate or not communicate with each other. When we do not learn these lessons, we carry them on to our next relationship. Perhaps some of these lessons are showing up now so you can heal them in you. You have no responsibility in healing them in someone else. Feel free to contact me further if you would like to know how these numbers affect you personally.. See the links below for various types of readings. Many blessings, Greer
5 years ago my life changed completely (for the worst). It’s been a crazy journey since then that left me with a lot of fear, anxiety and depression. Two years in I started seeing mirrored and repetitive sequences of 2,1 and 0 (11:11, 21:21, 20:02, 12:12, you get it). As a daughter of engineers who has been rational all her life I laughed it off and made fun of it at the beginning. Until one day I actually sat down and thought about it for a second because it became too much. I couldn’t just ignore it anymore. And now it freaks me out sometimes.
I’ve read so much about it. Still can’t explain it. The numbers always show up on the clock. I get it, it’s a higher chance to see such a sequence given there are a lot of 0s, 1s and 2s in 24 hours, but I’m not looking for them! On the contrary, if I try to find them, they never pop up.
I could be on the stadium and the clock shows 21:21 into the game (and it’s not the local hour, it’s the game time, so I can’t say I was biologically influenced).
For example, last week I went to a doctor appointment. There were aprox. 25 rooms there,
the receptionist told me that the doctor will receive me in office no. 11. I went looking for it. There was no room no. 11. It jumped from 12 to 10.
I get all these weird small incidents that sometimes don’t really depend on me, but the people around me. I receive text messages or calls at 12:22 or 20:20. It’s so bizarre. It confuses me deeply. Also, when my life changed I was 20. Then 21, 22…
What do you think? (sorry for the long explanation)
Hello Ellie, thank you for your question. It would be good for you to do the journal and log in what you see these numbers. The 2 and the 1 is all about self and relationships.. perhaps it is a message to connect to others and get support. Let me know if I can be of further service to help you get clearer. Perhaps a in depth reading would help. We can talk about the meaning of the numbers in your life through your birthday and your name. Many blessings, Greer
Here are some options. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-answers-by-email/ short numerology answers by email.
http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-readings/ Complete 90 minute numerology
Hi. I keep seeing 109, 1009, 1/9, 10/9, 1:09 10:09. This number is significant to me because it’s an anniversary of a breakup. It’s October 9th. I’m still grieving the relationship, but in all honesty, I’m in a much better place with it now. I’ve healed so much more than I could have ever imagined. So why do I keep seeing the anniversary? It’s not just now that the date is around the corner. It is a constant, regular occurrence and has been this entire year. I mean I saw it during our relationship as well, but this year that it’s been over, the number is haunting and, by far, more frequent than it has ever been in those 8 years. I appreciate any insight. Blessings.
Yes October 9 is coming up. Let’s look at October.. the 10. October is an auspicious month as it is all about the 1 (new beginnings and reaching out as a leader, perhaps in challenging times) and the “0” which is all about potential. Reaching past all thought and opening to the unknown, that zero place where anything is possible. It is not about your dreams, it is about letting go to whatever the universe has ready for you. The 9 is transformation. So looking at 109 or 10/9 is a message to you that it is time to take the lead and move on. Not easy, perhaps as you have loved him deeply. Perhaps it is time to let go. As we move through this nine year (2+0+1+6) we are all being tested to transform what we have been putting up with and accepting in our lives. In an esoteric place, it is our uprooting of the 3rd dimension into the 5th which is not the mundane but is kind of like reinventing ourselves. We are all learning that if we hold on to what was, our memories, our loves and our failures and we place them in a box in our head and heart.. we have difficulty moving on. Haunted is such a rich word that you used. Yes we can be “haunted” by our past, be it good or bad.. but only if we choose to.
Seeing 109 is a gentle reminder to take the lead in your life and to love yourself and see the potential that is yours… to have love that is nurturing and to have a life that is nurturing. The first step is to love yourself and to appreciate all your gifts and all your potential. And of course, to remember to breathe:) Many blessings to you! Greer
Hi Greer,
I see the number 6:19 so often it’s to the point I immediately chuckle and think ‘of course!’. This has been for years. Also, the 1st of my 4 children was born at 6:19, nearly 1/4 decade ago. Any thoughts please? Angel card meaning just doesn’t make any sense. Thanks
Hello MsD, Have you tried working with a journal as this post talks about? Perhaps you will see the message the number is giving you. I could perhaps give you a bit more insight into the meaning for you, based on your specific personal numbers, if you would like to book a one question reading. Here is the link: http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-answers-by-email/ many blessings, Greer
I always see the no 226…be it watching time on mobile..train number…everywhere again and again…Please tell the significance of it..
BTW the no 226 is my college registration no.
Hi Sandy, posts of this sort have gone viral. I cannot keep up with the answers. Seeing 226 in short form is 2(relationships) + 2 + 6 (compassion and friends and family)=1.
So in a quick synopsis, it is connecting with love and relationships time for you, the brilliance as well as the challenges. How are you in relationships? Is there one coming up that you need guidance with? Perhaps a new beginning. If you would like more analysis, including your destiny and personal year, I would be happy to assist you. Check out this link. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-answers-by-email/Many blessings, Greer
Hi, I’ve been seeing the numbers 716 a lot and for several years now, it also happens to be my birth month and day. I see it mostly on the clock when I first wake up but also on the microwave clock, cell phone and oven clocks. Im a catalyst number 5. I mostly see the numbers when I am at home and its more quiet…Why do I keep seeing it? What does it mean?
Hi Debbie, Ah I love when people see their birthday numbers. And yes, when you add the month and day of your birthday it is considered your catalyst number. So what helps you thrive in life and your destiny is a five. (7+1+6=5) So what helps you thrive is energy and people. Seeing 7(spirit and going within for answers) 1(new beginnings) 6(family and compassion) may be connecting you to living your destiny. Living your journey in this life.. When you see this number perhaps it is a confirmation to connect to self and to others and find your meaning in life. Are you keeping a journal? Perhaps you are interested in a reading to find out more about yourself or how specifically the numbers affect you. Feel free to contact greer@numerology4yoursoul for more information or see the links on this page for my readings. Read more about seeing your birthday numbers all the time here. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/i-see-my-birthday-numbers-everywhere-what-does-it-mean/
many blessings, Greer
I have seen the same numbers almost every single day all the time, just like others the time on the clock but also at work or out to dinner my total, licence plates etc. pretty much anywhere and everywhere on everything. (7.22) was my anniversary date with an ex. we started dating in 2009 and have been in love with each other ever since. We were each others first loves and truly believe we will always have a connection. Trying to date other people and move on, but recently the numbers are popping up more often. I don’t know if this means anything or just a reminder of a good time in my life.
Hi Eva, No numerologist can tell the future. What I can say is that the numbers we see in our lives are sometimes codes to a message that is intimate to us alone. to some 7 2 2 means nothing. To you it is a feeling, a sense of a time that was perhaps exciting or pivotal to your life. Perhaps at that moment you felt aha.. this is it, this is what I have been longing for.
That is why a journal helps. Jot down when you see this number what you are feeling, what you are wanting at that moment in life.. you will find your message. 7 2 2 also adds to 11 which is inspiration.. so it is an inspirational message for you. 7 (inward feelings) and 2 2 (all about relationships)! so that says it all, doesn’t it?
If you are interested, we can delve further into the numerical meanings of 7 2 2 and how it is to you. We could also do a bit about your personal year and destiny in a 15 minute Skype session. Here is the link http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-answers-by-email/
Hello, my name is Tony my dob is 13.06.1985 I have been noticing the number 13 in the clock and on my mobile. Does it have any message for me? Or is there something going wrong in my life. Thank you!
HI Tony, Ah, a familiar topic for me. Here is my opinion and I am sticking to it:) The number 13 is not an unlucky number. That is a superstition created long ago. It deals with fear of the unknown and power. (in my opinion). Thirteen describes a pattern of new beginnings (1) + creative expression (3) = building and structure (4). It is actually a theme of solid, grounding movement.Here is a link to more on this . http://numerology4yoursoul.com/number-13-unlucky/ If you are seeing 13 and especially as it is your birthday number, it can be a message to stay grounded and move forward to something new using your creativity and your understanding of how to build something new.. perhaps a project you are working on? Or something to do with the home? And so interesting as you just had a birthday (happy birthday:) and you turned 30!!! Moving into the next decade which is all about creative expression. Enjoy and keep journaling about when you see this number.. it may be a clue to what is next. Many blessings, Greer
Since 1985, after starting a new job in a different part of the country, I have been seeing the number 13. I mostly see it as time on a digital clock (8:13, 10:13, 6:13, 9:47), however it shows up in many other ways. Frequently I wake up in the middle of the night, glance at the clock and it’s X:13. Last night that happened at 3:13 and 5:13.
HI Lenny, you might be interested in this post. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/number-13-unlucky/
13 is a sacred number as it is about independence (1) and creative expression + (3) which equals 4 (the sacred earth and grounding) So when seeing this number, it is a time of union of the mind and the voice to create home.. It is all about building. So when you see this number, think about what you are seeing and hearing and thinking about. And what projects are you involved with that you are building? hope this helps. If you would like to know more about your name and how it guides your life, I would be happy to work with you in a private reading.
OMG I some answers please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I keep seeing the number 19 EVERYWHERE! When I wake up it’s 19 I found this website and clicked in in and the title was a lady having her child in 19 weeks. I was born on February 19 1992 when im watching a video and stop it its on 19 I mean the list goes on. What does this mean?? It’s freaking me out I loose sleep over this its driving crazy. And I feel scared. It’s not just a coincidence is it??
Hi Eve,
Please take a deep breath and let it out. There is absolutely no reason to freak. When you see the same number all the time and especially when it is a birthday number, it is like saying, pay attention to this moment. It is like a confirmation. My friend came over yesterday, for example. We were heading out to see a play and she came in earlier. After our hug and while I was putting on my coat, I looked at the clock. It was 4:44. YAY! I felt a surge of excitement. I smiled.. yes a confirmation for me of love and how important she was to me and how I should pay attention to the conversations discussed. And yes, it was a special night.
Lets take a look at 19. 1 (new beginnings, ideas, and leadership) + 9 (transformation, change and completion) = 10/1 A path of new beginnings and potential. So clearly when you see this number it is continually saying.. pay attention. You are on the right path! It is a big YES. Calm down, you are on your journey. It will be great to start a 19 journal. Like every morning before going to work or starting your day. Write in the journal 19. How am I today. How have I been working on my journey yesterday. And then whenever you see 19 write down how you feel, what happened at that moment, who were you talking to. What were you saying?
Lets take a look at your destiny number. 2+1+9+1+9+9+2= 33 . Your destiny is a 33. A master number all about creative expression and service. If you begin to use your beautiful and creative talents to serve and inspire others, you will be truly at one with what you are here to do. Find out more here: http://numerology4yoursoul.com/what-is-your-destiny/
Hope this helps and let me know if I can be of further assistance with a numerology reading. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-readings
All this year 2014 I have been seeing 4 – 14 and combinations of the same. I turned 41 in april on the 14th. (4-14 and turned 41 in 2014….aaahhhh) Seriously freaking me out!. It has not been the greatest year so far and I’m on pins and needles waiting for the next pin to drop. My FIL passed in January, my son had his appendix out in February. I just want to stop stressing. Hoping you can tell me the bad stuff has been a fluke. Going to keep a journal of thoughts/actions when I see the #’s and hope to find something good in all this craziness. Thoughts?
Hi Jen, so you keep seeing your birthday numbers, well there is more to it in the very combination of these numbers. In fact the birthday month and year is the catalyst to everything you do in life.. kind of like what moves you to do what you do.
So 4 (home and structure and grounding) +1 (new beginnings) +4=9! 9 is the spiritual warrior, the message of transformation and change. Everything you do in life is for this purpose. To transform. Do you feel like your life is always changing? It is looking at everything from the perspective of what is the higher purpose to things. So when you see that number, it might be that it is a message that yes, you are on a higher path. Let go of all judgment and look at the what you have said or done today. Like your son’s experience and your connection with him might have been a karmic one. Look at what lessons unfolded from that. Perhaps a deeper connection with spirit? Does that make sense? Rather than looking with fear, look to the divine and know you are loved. And you are not alone.
You might also be interested in finding your personal year, which is a seven. All about finding your own inner spirit. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/7-personal-year/
Also interesting, is that with your 9 catalyst, you will always be in line with the universal year, which in 2014 is a 7. Take a look at this post. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/personal-year-and-universal-year/
Hi there. My name is Crystal. For the past four or five years I have been seeing the numbers 8 and 14 everywhere, whether it be on my clock, on T.V., account numbers, billboards…etc. I have noticed the numbers more frequently in the past month, sometimes two and three times a day. My birthday is August 14th, and my grandfathers birthday was August 14th. As August 2014 is approaching, I become more and more concerned of this unexplained occurrence. I am petrified that something is going to happen to me or someone close to be during that month. I refuse to look at the clock in the morning and the evening in order to avoid seeing the numbers, but inevitably I will see them somewhere else… Is there any explanation as to why this is happening?
Hi Crystal, interesting that you see your birthday number. This is a common occurrence. The birthday month and date is the catalyst to one’s life. What moves you in your life.
so 8 (power and abundances) +1 (leadership) +4 (sacred number of the home and building) = 13/4 . What is the message here? It tells me that your catalyst for life is very focused. You strive to get things done. Perhaps a bit of a perfectionist? When you are in the zone, you can achieve great things. Perhaps the challenge is your own insecurities. Stretching beyond judgments you have on your self or that you think others have on you. You are very powerful, do not be afraid of it. Embrace when you see this number. It is telling you you are alive! Say thank you when you see this number and look at what aspect of your life you are embracing that brings you joy. This may be a total new outlook on what you believe is true in life. I challenge you to embrace it! A journal will help. When you see this number, close your eyes and think, how lucky am I? How wonderful am I? What can I do today to embrace me? How can I creatively move past my limitations at this moment. Even if it is about taking out a colored marker and writing in purple, how can you step out of the box and be unique?
You might also enjoy this post. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/find-your-personal-year-number/ Many blessings, Greer
hi my name is Sharon and I have been seeing the number 32 EVERYDAY! and I mean numerous times throughout the day. mostly on the clock? ill look up and itll be 12:32 or 11:32 any hour of the day. its so weird to me? I see it so often that its becoming strange please help me better understand?
Hi Sharon, 3+2 = 5. Love this number. It is all about action and freedom. Perhaps it is the universe’s message to tell you to take action. Five is all about people and connecting and having fun and be seen. If you see it all the time you are being told to step out of the doldrums and connect! If you see it at home and you are feeling sluggish.. turn on your favorite song and dance! Or call a special friend and go out! I am not sure if you are married, or in a relationship.. but might be time to spark something.:)
If you see it at work, perhaps it is time to step out of the conservative box and do something spontaneous that might not fit a shy personality. Approach someone you might be afraid to approach and say hello.. What do you think? would love to hear from you on this! Enjoy!
Hello Sharon and Greer. I’m Zihan. I usually don’t write anywhere but as i was searching ‘the meaning of seeing 32 repeatedly’ ; somehow i came up here and i just found that you people, already had a conversation about this.
I started seeing this specific number about one and a half year ago. At the very beginning, i thought it was just co-incidence, but then i started taking screenshots of the clock everytime, when i see 32.Now, i have more than 1500 of that. I also see them in many other facts.
I wish to hear some more from Greer. And it will be great if i can communicate with u, Sharon.
Btw, did anyone notice that Sharon posted it at 11:32???
And i’m writing it when it is 2:32 here.
Dear Zihan,
And this comment came up on my email at 3:32. There is so much here that you cannot decipher it all. Your best bet is to start a same number journal. When you see this number.. 32 what are you thinking? What is happening to you on that day.?
What are you saying to someone? Does 32 have another meaning for you? Could be an address, an age, etc of importance. It is kind of like a message, a code that is telling you to pay attention.
hope this helps.
I get to the point in my life, when I see the same number, I just nod and contemplate.. ok, what do I need to know. It happens a lot in my readings. I will be saying something important or the client is saying something and I look up at the clock and it is 1:11 or 4:44 and I say it out loud.. And tell the client to listen to the tape and see what they are saying at this time.
hope this helps. Greer
Hello Greer, thanx for ur suggestion. I wanted u to know that this “32”-thing happened to me so many times in so many different cases that i just couldn’t relate it to a specific incident / fact.
So, now, would u help me to put some light on it from any other different angle ?
It is true that i’m passing a transition time / hard time, so, it might indicate to wake up and pursue what i’m after, what do u think ? And a little more about me, don’t know either it’s meaningful / useful to u, but anyway, 19-11-1992 is my birthday.
Thanx again…
i been seeing 304 all my life.my life have been changing.
HI Travis, Thanks for your question. 304 =7. It is all about reflection and yes, finding self. You are one to find your answers through inner exploration. Through writing, meditation, yoga or taking long walks in nature. Painting or writing poetry. When you see this number, smile and know you are on the right path. Perhaps hug yourself or say a positive affirmation. Something like, “I am. I am light and joy. As I express who I am, I share my passion with the world” something like that:) Can you relate? Blessed day, Greer
This totally helps and makes so much sense! Never had this happen to this point. Thanks! Shelley
I have been seeing the number 37 for about 6 years now. It started with my ex bf at the time. He would see 37 all over the place and told me it started for him with an ex that he felt she shouldn’t of let go. I see it in movies, driving around, in my paperwork from work and even in songs on the radio. I would just like to know if there is something more to this number reoccurring in my life on a very regular basis or should I not read to much into it. Thank you for your time!
Hi Shelley, thank you for your comment. lets break down 37
3 (creativity and self expression) +7 (spirituality) = 1 new beginnings.
So interesting about the ex seeing it. It is about moving on. It might be a message about true communication and creative insight and connecting to your soul’s desire. And new beginnings for you.
When someone sees a repeating number, the meaning is unique to them. When you see the number, smile and connect to how you are expressing yourself in your life, what is going on that might be a new beginning and how can you move forward and not dwell on the past? Do you journal your number? would be good to do so. Or meditate on it. Hope this helps. Greer
I always see the number 6! I noticed that whenever I want to look at my mobile what time it is always as I’m being force at that particular time and always always 2:06,2:16,2:26 example …. or 3:06,3: 16,26,46,56 …
Hi Sonia, I love the 6. It is all about matters of the heart. Love, compassion, family, friends, community.
When you see the six, start paying attention to what you are thinking and feeling. Perhaps it is a message to connect with a loved one? It might be fun to start a 6 journal and write when you see the number how you are feeling.
What is your birthday? It would be interesting to see what your personal year is this year.
I’m seeing 09:11 all time. From the past few months.
Hello Norah,
911 is an interesting number.
9 is the spiritual warrior, understanding the bigger picture of things
11 is the master number of divine inspiration
9+1+1 = 11
So it is truly a call for help. When you see this number, go within to find the true picture of what might not seem obvious. Ask yourself, what is going on in my life, what am I thinking about, what conversations am I hearing? What is my message? Perhaps seeing 911 can be a confirmation that I am on the right path or that I should take a look at what is underneath what is going on or being said.. make sense? best to you, Greer
I keep seeing 327 all the time it was my anniversary to my ex what does that mean
HI Tonia,
Very interesting.
lets break it down. 3 (creative expression) +2 (relationships of all kinds) +7 (spiritual) =3
Ah beautiful and interesting it makes you think of your ex. It can be a message of guidance for you to connect to your creative side. To communicate in a unique and creative way when dealing with relationships — is it that new romance, or wanting one? or even business? Also connecting in a way that is true to your soul’s desire. It is all about communication ultimately as the total is 3. When you see this number, what are you thinking about, what are you dreaming, what are you saying? Are you being honest and truthful in your communication? Perhaps it is a message to stop thinking and be spontaneous. Perhaps it is saying.. be true to you and love yourself. Would be great to start a 327 journal or paint or write or dance it! Hope this helps. many blessings, Greer
For a couple of years now, I keep seeing the number 52 every single day. I have no idea what it means but I see it all the time in the actual time when I glance i.e. 2:52 or 11:52 etc. I go to eat out and get the table number 52. When I’m on the computer and look down at the clock, it will show 52 as the minutes and if I find one of my friends opens a post I sent them on Facebook, it is usually always opened at a time with 52 minutes in it. What is going on???? I don’t see it as a weird thing anymore, I just laugh now but 52 has become my favorite number. I’m 51 years old this year – maybe my life might change when I’m 52????? Would anyone like to comment?
Hi Mimi,
So fun. please be sure to look up your personal year. When is your birthday? http://numerology4yoursoul.com/find-your-personal-year-number/
So lets break down the number.
5 (energy and being out there in the world with people, entertainment and travel) +2 (relationships of all kinds, be it romantic, social and business) = 7 spiritual, going within to find the answers.
So wow, it hits every level. Physical (5) Heart and emotions (2) and spirit (7) When you see this number, would be good to meditate on how you can take action in your life. Perhaps with others, that special relationship or business associate. Connecting the physical to your relationships and connecting within to find the answers before jumping. How do you feel when you see this number? would be good to start a journal and write down the messages when you see this numbers. It is clearly a guide for you to stop and take notice. Feel free to tell me more!
Many blessings, Greer
Take a look into the Mayan culture and their numerology.
Hi Nathan, Fascinating.. please tell us more about what you are referring to. Thanks!
Are u still alive ?
Glad you are reading this blog Alex. Mimi if you are following this blog, let us know how you are doing. Many blessings, Greer
I also see 52 my home in mountains. Zip ends 52. I bought a piece of land whose lot number is 52 and so much more all the time!
Im also seeing number 52 again and again, i don’t know what to do with this, I’m seeing 52 always, it started 1 year ago , i want know why it is happening and I’m just 24 year old
Hello Shala, perhaps I can help with a mini-session and we can explore all the aspects of the message you are receiving. There is nothing to worry about, we are often given numbers in our lives to give us guidance. We can see what it means specifically for you. You can email me privately at [email protected] if you are interested in examining it further. Many blessings, Greer
Over the last couple of months I have been seeing my birth date constantly (11:06). Most of the time I see it on the clock, but I also see it on a timer or was even sitting next to a friend who checked her phone and the time was 11:06. Even at my workplace things will often total that amount, or I encounter a lot of customers with the same birth day. Is there a significance to this?
Hello Teagon,
So your birthday just past. Happy birthday! Are you paying attention to when you see your number and what you are thinking about? It could be a message for you that you are on the right page.. especially since it is your birthday number. So let me break it down for you. 11:06. Double ones – inspired thoughts that could make a difference in your life and the life of others. New beginnings in some way. Six is all about all matters of the heart — compassion with community, family and loved ones. Add it together and it is all about 8 — abundance and power. So great number to see all the time. Pay attention to when you see it. It is connecting the heart to leadership and ideas and once you do this, you will achieve abundance in some way.. not just money but abundance of life. great combo.. check out the signs of when you see the number. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/what-is-your-destiny/
Also, you might want to check out your destiny number.
I have found this page: http://sacredscribesangelnumbers.blogspot.com.ar/2012/08/angel-number-1106.html. It helped me. I also see this number from time to time(11:06), sometimes I see it one to three times in day… and always in a watch, cell phones.
Thank you, this is a great spot to find information about the angel numbers. And very right on, I might add.
Let me put my spin around 1106.
Master number 11 is all about inspiration. Six is all about matters of the heart, family, friends. Adding together is 1+1+0+6 = 8, a powerful number all about abundance in every way. So when you see this number you are getting a sign from the universe to pay attention to your ideas and thoughts as well as connections with family. In an inspired way, if you tune in, it will give you some guidance in achieving your dreams. Wonderful.. Can you relate?
I have been experiencing 11:06 thing for the last 4 years. Since it is also my birthday, it creeps me out. I keep getting messages at 11:06 from friends, It’s not that I am subconsciously looking for it, it just finds me somehow.
Hi Tom,
A frequently asked question and so very interesting. Birthdays have a special meaning as the sum of the month and the day is your “inspiration number” or catalyst number. This means that it is what inspires you. So when you see this number, it is a message that there is something very special about this moment. Something you need to pay attention to. So let’s look at November 6. Add the numbers together. 1+1+0+6=8. So what inspires you in life is to succeed, to feel your power, to be out there in the world making a difference. Can you relate? When you are achieving something and inspiring others, does it excite you and help you thrive? When you are not achieving something and feel at a mundane job or relationship, do you feel down? Seeing this number might be saying either yes you are on the right track and this moment is a clue, or wait you are in the wrong direction, turn around and do something differently. You might also enjoy this post on seeing your birthday number. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/i-see-my-birthday-numbers-everywhere-what-does-it-mean/
Another interesting post would be http://numerology4yoursoul.com/2016-personal-year-in-numerology , which talks more about your inspiration number
many blessings, Greer
My name is Ella. I constantly see my birth month and day on the clock. (6:13). I was wondering if this has any meaning or significance??
This is unusual as the common thing to see is 3:33 or 1:11.
so lets break it down.
6+1+3 = 11
Awesome. Usually when you see a number continually, it means that it is a code to pay attention.. kind of like the universe just called you. What is the message? when you see the number, pay attention to what you just said, or what was on your mind.. you will find a pattern.
back to the numbers.
Virtually the message is saying:
Pay attention to your connection to others, what is your heart saying? Issues dealing with family, friends, compassion and matter of the heart is the 6. One is new beginnings and new directions. Three is communication. And it adds to a master number – 11, inspiration.
So the message could be:
Connect to your heart and your loved ones, in a new way, or a new person? and how are you communicating with them? working on this will be enlightening and inspiring and probably important in your life. Greer
Over the last month, I have looked at the clock five times (once at night and four times during the day), and it showed “11:11”. I just think it’s the Universe reminding me to allow the inspiration to flow through me as I continue this journey of creating my first workshop. It has been so enlightening and continues to change me in the process as well. — Esther