Ask Greer:
Twitter and Facebook Numerology Question: “I understand that there are different methods of calculating a name in numerology . This is confusing to me. Using the popular social media sites, “Facebook” and “Twitter”, I get different expression numbers based on the method I use. Which one is most accurate?”
“For Facebook, I get an “8” with the Cheiro or Chaldean System , “4” by the Pythagorean System and “8” by the Hebraic System. Please help!” — Richard
Cheiro or Chaldean System:
FACEBOOK: 8 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 7 + 7 + 2 = 35 (3 + 5 = 8)
Pythagorean System:
FACEBOOK = 6 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 2 +6 + 6 + 2 = 31 (3 + 1 =4)
Hebraic, Gematria, Kabbalah:
FACEBOOK = 8 + 1 +3 + 5 + 2 + 7 + 7 + 2 = 35 (3 +5 = 8)
Cheiro System:
TWITTER = 4 + 6 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 2 =26 (2 + 6 = 8)
Pythagorean System:
TWITTER = 2+5+9+2+2+5+9 =34/7
Hebraic System:
TWITTER = 4 + 6 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 2 = 26 = (2 + 6 = 8)
GREER: I love this question!!! Yes, there are many forms of calculations based on the specific numerology method that you use. And I can only share my expertise with the Pythagoras system. In my 30 years of working with this system, I find it makes the most sense to help my clients understand the energy and power of their names and birthday. Other numerology practitioners use their own system and swear by it. So I guess it is like the various ways of interpreting the Tarot or Astrology.
To answer your question, I will examine Twitter and Facebook numerology numbers through Pythagoras and Chaldean methods. In my brief research on Hebraic, Kabbalah or Gematria methodology, it is a very sophisticated spiritual system about energy and the Hebrew letters and their numbers. The English alpha/numerical code is similar to that of the Chaldean method. This advanced system requires years and years of study and it is not possible to use a simple chart to explain. If you are interested, you might go to Kabbalah University and begin your study.
Twitter and Facebook Numerology by the Pythagoras method
The Pythagoras numerology method is based on the alpha-numerical chart below, using the numbers 1-9.

Back in 2004, Mark Zuckerberg and Harvard colleagues conceived of the online phenomenon that created a way to talk to family and friends without picking up the phone. It was to be a virtual place for College students to talk and share information about each other quickly online. Facebook was born with a name that spelled out a new type of “home” for people – social media through the internet.
Facebook’s expression number is a “4” according to Pythagoras. (See above chart) . Fours are all about building— putting things together. It is the square, the home, logic, everything having its place. What a perfect fit as “Facebook” offers a “home” or “page” for each person who wants to join or visit another friend. And they can invite others to “friend” them.
Before the popularity of the smart phone, Twitter was created by Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey, and Biz Stone in 2006 in order to text quickly what they want to say. Kind of like a bird tweeting a message, I suppose.
In Pythagorean numerology, Twitter has a 7 expression – the 34/7. This is a very different vibration than the “home”. It is not friendly. Seven is the spiritual, unique non-conformist that prefers to hide and study rather than be open and sharing. Thus Twitter becomes a “code”, a mystery, a unique way of speaking. And they coined the phrase “tweeting”. You must talk short and sweet, using hashtags and short clips. It is not very social at all. It is a shortcut to express yourself, with a limited number of characters. Twitter is popular, especially among the young folk, (and certain political figures -lol) in order to pass info in the quickest way. Spreading the word and the message without human contact. Long gone are the days when people read thorough excerpts and analysis, sigh.
Twitter and Facebook Numerology by the Cheiro or Chaldean Method
With the Chaldean method (see chart above), they do not use the number “9” in their calculations, so the alphabet and numbers vary in a big way. The meaning of these numbers vary as well from Pythagoras. It is interesting, to see that in this method, both Twitter and Facebook have 8 expression numbers. I have not studied the Chaldean method in detail, so here is a segment from my research about the meaning of “8” in Chaldean terms.
“The number 8 vibrates to the planet Saturn. It represents wisdom, learning through experience, stability, patience, and responsibility. 8 is also the number of financial security, caution, restriction, self discipline, and self control. 8 people are normally quiet, reserved, and shy. They don’t obviously push ahead, but slowly and surely will get there. This shyness and reticence is a cover for an intense drive to get to the top of their chosen profession.” (Read more here.)
I do not totally agree with this interpretation of the 8. Yes, the “8” is about wisdom and financial security, however it is much less restrictive in my opinion as a numerologist of the Pythagorean method. To me, 8 is the powerful and successful charismatic leader – not at all shy. Eight in a business chart is all about abundance and empowerment. Examples of eights would be Nelson Mandela and Barbra Streisand. Both Streisand and Mandela have 8 destinies, which have nothing to do with the letters of their name but their birth date.
If you were going with the Chaldean system of letters and numbers, but not the Chaldean interpretation of the 8, the Pythagorean analysis would be on the mark -all about power and success.
In conclusion, I would say, study one system diligently and learn how to analyze within this system. Then calculate and interpret all your friends and companies you are familiar with and see for your self if this makes sense to you. Then stay with this system and do not compare other systems. It will get very confusing!!!!
Check out this post as well for more info on Chaldean vs Pythagoras. You may also find this analysis very interesting: What makes a business name successful?
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