Do you find yourself at times, scratching your head in confusion, looking for the numerology meaning of your numbers on the internet?
Are you drowning in a plethora of numerology labels? Do you see a lot of words, like “heart’s desire” , “destiny” or “life purpose” and you are not sure how to decipher their numerology meaning for your name and birthday?
Here is a cheat sheet of common expressions and their definitions that will help you understand the numerology meanings in your life.
What do the numbers mean?
My method, as a numerologist, goes by the Pythagoras system, basically using numbers 0-9. This is considered Western numerology. Each number has a vibration or energy that is unique to itself and has an effect on you and the environment. Example: the number 1 is the vibration of new beginnings and leadership. It is the force that moves things forward. Each number has a brilliance and a shadow. The shadow of one is stubbornness, egotism and impatience. In numerology, we find the numbers in your name and your birthday to analyze how you thrive in life.
Numbers also appear everywhere around you, in nature, music, art, physics, addresses. All are codes for you to discover.
The letters of the alphabet (in Pythagoras methodology, revolve around the number 1-9 vibrations.) There are others systems (like Chaldean) that do not use the 9 in their calculations. See two samples below of each system.

Definitions used in Numerology
Master numbers
When two numbers are the same, such as 11/22/33 they are called master numbers because they are double the value of the particular number. This has a powerful effect as it inspires to greatness in some way. 11 as an example, is the powerful leader of ideas, inspirations and aspirations. With their intuitive minds, they see the bigger picture and can lead others to see past their own limitations. Read more about master numbers.
What you can discover from your birthday.
- Life Path or Life Purpose (often called the destiny number) is the total sum of your birth numbers. The life path number is your journey in life, what you are here to do.
Find your destiny here. - Inspiration number (or catalyst number, achievement number or sun number) is the sum of your month and day of birth. This is the number that helps you thrive in your destiny. If you have a destiny of 1 (the leader and inspirer) and a catalyst number of 3 (creativity and self expression), what helps you grow in your life purpose is to surround yourself with creative people and to be creative in every project) You would definitely not thrive if you had a mundane job that did not challenge you. Read about your catalyst number here.
- Master numbers in your birthday. Are you born in November (11) or on the 11th day of the month? Or does your birth year add to a master number (such as 1984 adds to a 22)? You are inspired and have the unique potential to make a difference in a big way in this lifetime. Read all about November for example.
- Personal year is the total sum of your birthday month, day and current year. This is the theme of the year you are going through and changes each year when the year changes in January. Find your personal year here.
What you can discover by your birth name.
- Soul’s Urge or Soul’s Essence is the vowels of your birth name added together. This vibration (fondly called your heart’s desire) is the inner you, your true motivation. That which is closest to your heart. The soul’s essence is who you are, before any outside influences such as environmental, psychological or family upbringing.
- Personality number (or value system number) is the total of the consonants in your name added together. This vibration (also called the outer you) represents how others see you and the people and energies that you attract in your life.
- Expression number (this is sometimes called the “destiny number“, but lets call it “expression number” for easier understanding in this post.) The expression number is found by adding the consonants (personality number) and your vowels (soul’s urge) together. The numerological vibration of this sum represents the way you express yourself. The opportunities you have at your disposal, is expressed through your actions and your voice. Read more about the soul’s essence, expression number and value system number here.
- Growth Number (or Key number) is the total sum of your first name. This is the number that helps you grow in life. (Check out Marilyn Monroe’s growth number)
- Karmic numbers (not to be mistaken for Karmic debt numbers) are the numbers that are missing in your full name that is on your birth certificate. (See above Pythagoras chart to see which letters correlate to each number) If you are missing a number, it is the lesson in life you have come here to learn. It also can be a past life lesson. See how Bob Marley’s karmic 8 influenced him.
- Karmic debt numbers. There are four popular double-digit numbers that are known to be karmic debt numbers: 13/4;14/5;16/7;19/1. You can find these numbers through your birthday, name and numbers that show up all the time for you in your everyday life. These numbers are believed to be a debt to pay in this lifetime. Read more about karmic debt here.
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Hello I’m going through a really tough part of life. I keep seeing my birthday which is 9/25 I’m trying to understand what is happening to me. Please help.
Hello Autumn,I am sorry you are having such a rough time. Looking at your birthday, I can see you are in a 1 personal year. 9+2+5+2+0+1+9 = 28. 2+8=1This is a year of new beginnings in so many ways. It is often hard to move to the next step in life. But it can be very exciting as well as we have the opportunity to let go of what we no longer need and begin again.
Perhaps I can assist with a reading. Together we can examine your life path and see the aspects in your life that are challenges and brilliances. My 90 minute reading also includes an intention process to assist in creating the joy you want in your life.
Here is the link.