Do numerologists believe that your home address number can influence your life? The answer is yes, most definitely. It is interesting to compare the theme and challenges of your present day address to your childhood address, which is covered in part one of this series.
Analyzing Your Home Address Numbers
Currently I live in the South at 44 3rd Avenue 3R. Again, I repeat the pattern of double numbers that appeared in my childhood address. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? — Jason
44 3rd Avenue 3 R
Ha, not good or bad, I see numbers as inspirations and challenges. The number 44 is the master builder and manifester. Living in such a vibration will help the inhabitants to connect strongly towards studying and building a foundation in a powerful and unique way. In its challenge, perfectionism and impatience may be key to someone who has a strong vision on what they want to achieve. This would apply to all who live in the home, so sharing each other’s brilliance without judgment is key.
Three is Creativity / Five is Energy
Now add the 3 to the mix. Guess what? Another house with an 11 vibration!!! (4+4+3 = 11). Are you living in your inspiration currently? The apartment, 3R (3+9= 12/1+2 =3) is another three vibration. The three creates a home environment of creative inspiration and self-expression in every way, be it art, music, speaking or writing.
Adding the sum: 4+4+3+3+9 = 5. Living in a five abode can be very active, with lots of movement and social activity. It can be an ever- changing time without much stability, but also can be a place of fun and connection with people.
What You Can Do
With all the 4s and all the 3s, you have the potential to build a stable and creative life where you can step out in the world and empower others. The only challenge here is it is not a very restful and peaceful address. The energetic five vibration may influence you to want to be active all the time. This could be exhausting!
How can you rest? One way would be to put calming colors in your apartment like blues and greens. Plants would also be helpful and if you are so lucky as to have a garden or patio, make it a place you could go to, to rest your active mind.
* The address of the White House is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. This sum of the address (do not add “Avenue”) is a 7. The seven vibration is all about connecting to the unique and spiritual inner meaning of the world (kind of like, the bigger picture). Hmm.. interesting that the presidents of the USA live there. We can only hope that it helps them see the bigger picture of politics and international and environmental affairs.

Also check out upcoming classes and numerology meditation cards.
I live at 21 Christopher Street
Hi Laura,
When calculating a street address, you do not calculate “Street”/”Court”/”Drive” etc. So 21 Christopher. 21 adds to a 3. The main vibration of your home is a 3. This is all about creativity and self-expression. It is a home that will attract a feeling of sharing one’s voice and who they really are. Christopher adds to a “4” which is a very organized and grounded place to live for all its residents on the street. Adding it together, you get a 7. Ah.. a unique non-conformist abode! Interesting, as your home would enjoy being designed in a way that is not the norm. No gray for it! lol. More colors and unique fabrics. Are you an artist? Your home would like that. The 4 would not like to be messy though (4). So clutter and not putting things away would make you feel irritated.. true? 7 is also a very spiritual number. So a great place to meditate. Might be a place to have your own private sanctuary with a few people joining you that you love. But the vibration of the 7 home is not typically a place that will enjoy loud parties or social gatherings. More of a quiet retreat. For you, if you are single, it is more of a place of creative reflection. Do try to get out more and socialize. If have a family, it will be the same. Also encourage the kids/partner to enjoy their creative selves. Hope this helps. Let me know if you are interested in getting to know more about yourself and all your relationships through a private reading. Many blessings, Greer
Would like to discuss the purchase of a home with the 14/5 number
14/5 is the karmic number of freedom. So often times we choose this address to learn deep lessons about transformation and deeper understandings of self and all our relationships.You can contact me at [email protected] about a private reading. Also did you see this link? https://numerology4yoursoul.com/address-in-numerology-meaning/
I am currently living in an 801 address and purchased a home at 1316 but haven’t moved in. I have an opportunity to purchase 1519 which on the surface is a bigger and nicer house but everything I’m reading about a 16/7 house sounds frightening. I am married with 2 young children and could use help deciding which address is best. I am a life path 4, my husband an 11, my 1 child a 5 and the other 6.
Hello Lidia,
Ah yes, a 16/7 could be an inner vibration of isolation. 7 is also spiritual, but I wonder if you could do better with something more grounded. You could also work with adjustments (like grounding Feng Shui adjustments)or painting with grounding colors (not purple:) if you really like the house.. But my sense is you already have a spooky feeling about it. I would love to work with you on this, if you are interested in a mini reading just about the house numbers or a more involved 90 minute reading which would cover all the aspects of your name birthday and perhaps your family as well. If you are interested, contact me and we can talk further about which reading would be best for you. Here is a link to the readings. https://numerology4yoursoul.com/numerology-readings-greer-jonas/
Finally getting a house that we worked so hard to get, I was super excited until I saw the unit # 44. How bad is this number sigh
Nas! No worries!!! I have to lol with this because, in my personal rant, 44 is not an unlucky number! I understand in Feng Shui and other modalities, it is considered bad luck. But I do not. Four is actually all about the home and it can be a sacred number as we can see the four seasons, the four directions, the square in sacred geometry. Having double 4s is double the essence of the builder and adds to an 8. So 44/8 is all about power and manifestation. A beautiful and powerful number for your home! It will help you and everyone living there manifest their desires. 44 is like Nature.
You can read more on the topic here. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/current_home_address_number/
Read more about the powerful 44. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/44-master-number-michael-jackson-numerology/
Hi Greer,
I went to a psychic medium who told me which number house I live in, however I am confused because different websites say different things. My house I rent resides on a big block which was subdivided by the owner and now the owner has built another house on the same block. Forever my house has been 29 V… Street, and on the house it has number ’29’. The owners decided to make the newly built house ’29’ and now my house is ’27’ but only on the letter box.
I am confused as this house has been 29 for many many many years and only been 27 for 2 months, so which number do I go off and are you able to help me?
I was wondering when calculating your house address number what if you north or south in the address? Do you add the house number plus north or south plus street name with street/ave/blvd too?
Also, I notice in your example above you lived at 3rd ave. but you only add the 3 to the numerology calculation not the third spelled out.
I am still learning and find this so interesting.
in answer to your question, we do look at North and South but we do not look at Street/Avenue/Drive, etc. Therefore we look at 3 (not 3rd). If you want to give me your address, no worries, you do not have to give me your city or state and if you want you can change the numbers around.. like 345 Boxer lane to 534 Beatrice Street.
WOW!!! There is so much of what you said going on already here!!!!! We have called the house “River Road Rehab” because when people (and wildlife) need a place to heal…this has been it. My spirituality changed significantly here as well AND I am in the process of creating a Tarot Deck!!! There are lots of gatherings as well here….My room is my sanctuary on occasion!!!! Again….WOW!!!! Thank you very much for your reading!!!!! <3
I live at 1502 River Road
Hi Cat, this is a very enlightened address and you probably feel inspired living here.
First we look at 1+5+0+2 = 8. An eight vibration is very charismatic and powerful and out there in the world. Do you have your practice here? If so, it can be very auspicious and successful.
Adding the entire address together (we don’t include Road in calculation),
1+5+0+2+9(R)+9(I)+V(4)+E(5)+R(9) = 44. A master number and also reduces to 8! (read more about Master numbers. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/master-numbers/) 44/8 in mastery is all about building a powerful foundation and making a difference. To me the 44 is all about manifestation. So wow.. this could be an address for a healing center? Or at least allows you to live in a place of abundance in many ways, (not just monetary) empowerment, spiritually, community, etc. The lesson of the 44 and 8 home is to be humble and empower others as you would self. Also it might be very lively, so you would do well to have a quiet place just for you for meditation. Do you relate? Do you have further questions on this?
If you would like further information on your name chart and life purpose, I am available for readings. Please comment below for more info.
many blessings, Greer
Hello Greer! I need help in determining my house’s number. Some people add just the address number and others include the street’s name also. Doing this I get first a 5 then a 2. Throw into the mix a master or karmic number and I’m totally confused. Please forgive my ignorance. I’d love your advice. The address is 10517 H…. H. (Editor’s note.. name of address taken out for privacy. Thank-you so much-Nat
Great Question Nat. Yes, we can look at all the numbers and letters in your address when determining the vibration of your home in numerology. However, I see the numbers as the most important. They tell the “heart” of your home. Then looking at the letters can add the street’s influence.
So lets take 10517. Add it together and you get a 14/5. All about Karmic freedom. You can read more here. (loved the question so much I made it another post.) http://numerology4yoursoul.com/address-in-numerology-meaning/