Do you have a 44 master number in your numerology chart? Learn more about Bono and Michael Jackson through numerology.
What is Your Growth Number in Numerology?
What does your growth number mean in numerology? It is all about what helps you grow in life and it is based on your first name. What helps grow?
I Keep Seeing the Same Name All the Time- Numerology Focus
What happens when you see the same name all the time. Is there a numerology prospective on this? What does it mean?
Dr. Seuss and Lady Gaga Numerology: What do they have in common?
What does Dr. Seuss and Lady Gaga have in common? This celebrity numerology focus for the month of March features two very creative pioneers, both creating caricatures of themselves. See how changing your name has an effect on your life.
Creativity and Numerology Workshops in April
Make your own meditation cards. Learn what helps your thrive through numerology. Join Greer Jonas in two fun Creativity and Numerology Classes in April.