Many predict that the August 21 Solar Eclipse will have a big effect on us spiritually and energetically, especially in the USA. On Monday, August 21 2017, we are looking at what some coin as the Great American Eclipse. Why? For the first time since 1979, a solar eclipse will be visible across the whole of the United States on this day. The next time a total solar eclipse will appear is in 2024.
This might be a blast of pivotal “Sun” energy for us all. Many astrologers and esoteric scientists believe that this cosmic occurrence will be a catalyst that can influence change in our personal lives, our country and our environment.

On a Scientific outlook, all of Northern America will experience the August 21 Solar Eclipse. It is a path where the moon will be covered by the sun completely. On this day, the solar eclipse will be seen in totality in various locations from Lincoln Beach, Oregon to Charleston, South Carolina. In other areas, people will only view a partial solar eclipse. Read more about it here.
Numerology Speaks about the August 21 Solar Eclipse
From a numerology point of view, August 21 is a day with an inspiration number of the master 11. (Two numbers that have the same digit are considered master numbers since it reflects double the power of that number.)
Eleven (11) is the master number and value of divine inspiration, invention and leadership. One might describe the sun with similar characteristics. It is the charismatic power, fire and source of growth and light. I am already feeling the energy shift in my body and mind as I do the research on this phenomenon. An eleven day can provide a unique momentum to push through (or at least enlighten) obstacles in our country and our lives. (See “More on Astrological view” below.)
For you personally, you might create an intention about a new beginning in some aspect of your life. Perhaps you can gather some people together and drum or meditate with the objective of supporting each other in your goals.
The Lunar Eclipse of August 7 is the Beginning
According to Samyama, a spiritual astrologer and coach, the August 21 solar eclipse will be experienced nationwide. Its transformative effect will actually begin with the Lunar Eclipse of August 7. This phenomenon will have a major influence on us for almost one year and a half after The Event. “The impact of the Solar and Lunar eclipse will affect us in our communication with others and can be used as a healing tool. It will be like spiritual alchemy, which is inner transformation and changing the way we look at things.”—Samyama
Below is a short clip of an interview that I conducted with Samyama. During the interview, she describes how the August 21 Solar Eclipse can affect you in your life based on where your planets are located.
More on Astrological View of August 21 Solar Eclipse
According to Samyama, “The Solar Eclipse will be in the house of Leo. It enters a conjunction with the 9th House of the United States. This refers to Foreigners and Foreign Countries, Dharma (Righteousness or God’s Laws) Religion and Higher Philosophy. It is the need to adjust with something new, the Introduction of a New Paradigm, the Faith and Self Confidence of a Nation, and ITS ability to Succeed! ”
My personal observation: “With the Lunar Eclipse coming on August 7, it is no surprise we are already going through this upheaval politically in the USA!!! It is my hope that the Eclipse assists us to move forward with more clarity in order to produce a new paradigm.” —Greer

Where can you see the August 21 Solar Eclipse?
For you Sun worshipers – Remember to get special glasses before stepping outside. Here is a site that tells you where you can see the eclipse in the USA. Click here.
In New York (my home town) we will see a partial solar eclipse. Partial solar eclipses happen when the Moon comes between the Sun and Earth, but the Moon only partially covers the Sun’s disk. Read more about this.
“Today’s numerology session was beyond remarkable! I can’t express to you how much you did for me today. How much insight and how much clarity you have provided. Your intuition plus expertise were astonishing to witness. I will keep you posted on my journey with my new name.“—Guy, Actor
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Thank you Greer for all you do & all you are … I am eternally grateful to you! ❤️ ✨ 🙏🏼