“Dear Greer: My birthday adds to a 44 master number (8/29/1978) and I have a life path of 8. I was born the same day as Michael Jackson a Virgo. I am very sensitive like him and love music and I am a great communicator. In fact, I have a degree in journalism, my passion is the media, though I’m not in it. What does this mean?” —Mark
Answer: Congratulations Mark, having a 44 master number life path (or destiny) is very rare as it can only happen with people born with very high numbers in their birth years (late 1970s, 80s, 90s) and will not happen again in our life time for people born in the turn of the century 2000.
In my view, as a numerologist, your life path is not just an 8 as you mentioned in your question above, it is a 44/8. To find your destiny or life path, add the sum of all the numbers in your birthday like this: 8+2+9+1+9+7+8=44. Master numbers are very powerful, so we do not reduce.
The 44 is the powerful manifester (44) and charismatic leader (8). Can you relate? You could be out there making a difference in the world using your mastery as you embrace your dreams and make them so. The challenge is to be patient in the work that need to be done to accomplish the big tasks. In addition, follow your true vision for the bigger purpose and not to satisfy your ego.
It is rare to have a 44 destiny. Thanks to one of my readers, Carito, I have found Swedish musician Avicii. See below for more information about Tim Bergling numerology. To note, when figuring out your destiny, you must add each number separately: the month + day + year just like this: 8+2+9+1+9+7+8 =44. No short cuts in your calculations! (If you have found another celebrity, email me your answer at [email protected] and I will give you a free 30 minute numerology reading!)
Besides looking at the birthday, how can numerology tell me more about myself?
Answer: By looking at the number themes of each letter in your name, you can discover the inner depth of how you express yourself and what makes you unique. You can also find your challenges and lessons in life. Check out the Pythagoras chart below to see the number value of each letter.

The 44 Master Number Can Appear in a Name.
Bono’s Numerology Chart
In a numerology viewpoint, Paul Hewson (born May 10, 1960), known by his stage name Bono, has the master 44 in his expression number. (See chart below.) As a singer, song writer, musician, business man, philanthropist, and humanitarian, Bono (of the band U2), exemplifies his powerful mastery as a builder, manifester and leader. He uses his popularity and inspired music to make a difference and influence others to see beyond their mundane lives and to take action. Through his benefit concerts and religious, social and political themes of his songs, Bono engages and promotes change.
As you can see in the numerology charts below, Bono is filled with master numbers. The sum of his birth name, Paul Hewson, add to a 44. This calculation is called the expression number and illustrates how a person (or business) communicates. You can also see, with Bono, his expression number is a 1, expressing himself as a leader and inspirer.
Finally, Bono’s destiny is a 22, which is powerful mastery in relationships and accomplishment.
About Michael Jackson in Numerology

Since you mentioned Michael Jackson in your question, Mark, I will have to say that this deserves a post onto itself. But to be brief, Michael not only was a master performer, singer, dancer and producer but an enigma to the world. Check out his master numbers (33 and 22) in his numerology charts. Read more about Michael here
Avicii had a 44 destiny
Comment from Carito
I found out that the Swedish musician, Tim Bergling (Avicii) was born September 8, 1989 = 44/8
Greer: Congratulations Carito, you have discovered the very rare birthday combo that adds to the master number 44. As promised, I will give you a free 30 minute skype session on your 44 destiny. Here is the chart for Avicii. Tim coined his name Avicii at an early age. He was a DJ, remixer and record producer, nominated for two grammy awards.
His music was moving and although he died young in April of 2018, his music and his charisma still has his audience connected from the heart and deeply sorrowed for his passing. The 44 in mastery is one who is builder and powerful manifester, one who can create something that is powerful and can change people’s lives. Also his expression number in both names is an 8 — All about abundance and power. Check out his most famous song. Wake Me Up When It’s All Over.
Here are some lyrics to Wake Me Up. Moving to the end of time to all that want to make a difference and want to live life to its fullest.
Wake me up by Avicii
Feeling my way through the darkness
Guided by a beating heart
I can’t tell where the journey will end
But I know where to start
They tell me I’m too young to understand
They say I’m caught up in a dream
Well life will pass me by if I don’t open up my eyes
Well that’s fine by me
So wake me up when it’s all over
When I’m wiser and I’m older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn’t know I was lost
Other celebrities with master numbers of 44
- American Actress, Hillary Duff (born 9/28/1987)
- American Actress: Danielle Panabaker (born 9/19/1987)
- New Zealand Comedian: Guy Williams (born 9/19/1987)
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- 44 Destiny
Greer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist, teacher and artist for over 20 years. She conducts readings in New York and Connecticut, through skype and phone. To book a reading, click here. Or to get more information on classes, or to find out how numerology can help you, contact [email protected].
You said that this Master number will not come for people born in the 2000s, but I’m a 2006 baby and this is my master number: 44/8…
what is your full birthday?
Thanks very much for your workings!
I look for clues in manifesting the right thing..am a 44 lifepath..25.01.1980. I have a dream ) Heaven on Earth which would appreciate a helping hand..s in manifesting. Could i get an advice on how to get there…be sure i am on the right path? I suppose I am just unsure..for now.
Blessings your way*
Hi Katja, it sounds like you are on the right path. Just follow what is in your heart. Many blessings to you as well.
Hello! I’ve came to your site by accident. Actually, I’m a 44 (17/08/1999). Today, thanks to you, I checked the Pythagoras chart and my number is 55 (name=22;surname=33). It hit me so hard! I’ve felt that I’m about to change this world since the day I was born but people around me have always said that I am just highly imaginative and that I’m just a dreamer. But instead, I feel like I’m coming with some kind of apocalypse. I’ve experienced so many weird things in my life… that I’m almost sure that it must be something really big. But it also seems so unrealistic as I live in Poland and very few people from here have ever been world famous… I’m wondering if there is any hope that I’m not just a dreamer… especially because 2 weeks ago it was my 20th birthday and since then I feel it all stronger than ever. And what is even weirder, I keep finding feathers wherever I am.
Hi Klaudia,
Yes 44 is a very unique master number to have as you need to be born in the late 80s or 90s and you have to have a hi month and day of birth to add to such a large number as 44. And a master 55 in expression!!! Yes you are destined to manifest and lead in a powerful way. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. Take one thing at a time and remember to breathe. You can make an impact in a small way, like with your friends, or business associates or family. No drama! No stress! No apocalypse! It is part of the master number path to be at one with self and others, to meditate and connect to your life. To “assist” but not use your influence to fix or force. Think Gandhi. He had a master expression number of 55 in Mahatma Gandhi, which means Great Soul. He lead with a higher purpose, not with ego. Read more here. https://numerology4yoursoul.com/gandhi-numerology/
Hello sir i m born in 19/09/1996 which mean 44/8 but i actually didn’t find about 44 from others so i m not clear whether the 44 exist or i need to sum up to 8 and why others didn’t mention it pls do help me🙏🙏
Hello Vamsi, Who are the others? In my view, all the master numbers appear when to numbers are the same.. This means 11/22/33/44/55 etc.
44 is a rare destiny and it is all about the powerful builder and manifester. Does this sound like you? If not, are you too hard on yourself? Take you time and be proud of who you are.
I wonder if you mean you could not find your number through my calculator: https://numerology4yoursoul.com/what-is-your-destiny-number/
Allow me to explain. To get the destiny, you must use the formula as in the way we present the birthday in the US. month of birthday + day of your birthday + year of your birthday. So it would look like this on my calculator: 09/19/1996. Not your version 19/09/1996. Now you try it on my calculator.
so it would be like this: 1+9+9+1+9+9+6 = 44.
Or maybe it’s not 10+10+1+9+8+6 but 1+0+1+0+9+8+6?
Then I’m 8. But I never felt being an eight
Hello Badescu, An 8 is a powerful number!!! 8 is all about abundance and success! Are you upset that you are not a 44?
44 is very rare.. you have to have high numbers.. like born in September (9) and like 29th of 1986 to get a 44.. very very rare.
Nut no worries!! there is nothing wrong with you being the powerful 8.. What do you feel is not in alignment with you? Are you feeling the shadow of 8, which is to be afraid of your power? Feeling afraid of competition, so tend to be inward?
Here is more info about the 8 destiny. https://numerology4yoursoul.com/what-is-your-destiny-number/destiny-8/
I guess I’m a 35/8 , but I was born in 1996. But, the only way I would got 44/8 is if I would keep 11 and add up all the other digits: 8+11+1+9+9+6. But even if I would keep 11 but reduce 1996 to a single digit(8+11+7) I would get 26/8. Anyways, for me I’m just an extreme 8. I know there is a difference between 35/8 and 26/8 but I think I am going to go with only 8. But I just hope I do not have too much 8. Also, my soul urge number is 3, my inner dream number is 5 and my personality number is 5. I really want to be my own boss and just be creative. I just can’t work for someone. Being controlled annoy me. I also know I need to work hard to get what I want. Thank You for your quick response!
Hello Greer,
You never reduce master numbers to a single digit. Why would you reduce 11 or 22,but not 44. It does not make any sense. They are all master numbers! So ppl who are born the 11th or 22nd of the month or in November don’t need to reduce anything. I was born in November and I have been told several time to keep 11 like that. My life path is 44/8, I was born the 8th, my destiny number is 8 and I am a scorpio which is the 8th sign of the zodiac. My favorite number is 8 Hahaha.
As a numerologist for over 25 years, the way I calculate the destiny number, no matter if you have a master number or not, you add all the numbers separately first and then you come up with the sum. not 11+22. but 1+1+2+2. Yes the 11 and 22 are master numbers and you will look at that in the overall discussion of your birthday, but I formulate the sum first before looking at the destiny. For instance, being born 11/22/1989 would be 1+1+2+2+1+9+8+9 = 33. If this was your birthday, then your destiny is a master 33. Mastery of creativity and service. Maybe we can agree to disagree, but this is the way I have been doing it for years.
So in your calculation, my guess is you were born on 11/8/1978, which would be in my view 1+1+8+1+9+7+8 =35. In my view, your destiny is an 8 all about power and abundance and the charismatic leader. With your master 11 month, you are born in the month of inspired mastery of the mind, filled with ideas and brilliance. What is also interesting is that the 8 appears 2x, once in your day of birth and once in your destiny. You have so much potential to succeed as long as you hold true to your vision and your integrity.
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Hello, my name is Em and My birthday is 8/9/89 and I just realized I am a 44/8 life path. Weird because I am also a startup founder and deeply committed to changing the status quo. I have many dreams and things I feel like I absolutely have to do when it comes to business. The thing I struggle with the most is using my voice, interestingly enough. Every other number in my chart is 9, meaning my expression, soul urge, personality and birthday. Not really sure what all that means though. I’d love to have a bit more clarity on all this as I feel I am in an awakening period in my life’s journey.
Hello Em,
This is a very rare destiny number as you will need very high numbers to achieve it.. So mostly people have been born in the 80s or 90s add up to a 44. I have no doubt that you are successful..
Also interesting is that your inspiration number is an 8 (8+9=17/8). So what inspires you in your life’s destiny of 44/8 is an 8. All about success.. 44/8 is about the builder and manifester. The lesson here is to accept your power and move with it, not above it or on top of it. It is truly about empowerment.. empowering self – and using your voice.. and then empowering others to use theirs. You can do it!!! Perhaps take a singing class or a dance class or writing or even Qi Gong.. a way to enjoy and speak your truth and get out your energy. The key is to have fun and enjoy rather than feeling like life is a burden.
Does that make sense?
hey 11 25 1997 name is Jared
we need to talk, 44 life path, born on 25 so i’ve been making a lot of progress on understanding the 44 and what make us us
Hi Jared, Actually according to the way I figure out the destiny, your birthday does not add to 44.
I add each number separately even if it is a master number. It makes sense to do it this way as you never reduce the number until the sum is calculated. Some numerologist think differently, but in my experience as a numerologist for more than 30 years, I have always done it this way.
1+1+2+5+1+9+9+7=35/8. An 8 is a very powerful number as it is the charismatic leader such as Nelson Mandala and Barbra Streisand.
As far as I know you do have 44 as your life path number. When it comes to calculating life path numbers the birthdates are not reduced. Birthdates are dynamic when they are viewed in relation to the calendar year, the universal cycle. However, they are static when seen as the the window in time when you entered life on earth, the single moment in time when you were born.
Love and light,
Rebecka, also a 11/11 and 44.
Yes Rebecka, that is true about not reducing master numbers. The difference is the way I calculate someone’s destiny is to add all the numbers first and then come up with a sum, If the sum is a master number, I do not reduce it.
For example, I do not add 11+11+22 (the sum of 1984) =44
Instead, I add: 1+1+1+1+1+9+8+4 = 26/8. The 8 is a very powerful destiny all about success and abundance and charismatic leadership.
In my form of numerology, I look at the individual master numbers of one’s birthday as powerful inspiration numbers. This is separate from the destiny. A birthday such as November 11, 1984. month(11)/day(11/ and year(22), will definitely lead a person to be powerfully inspired in everything they do and look at the bigger picture of their lives and others. There are many aspects of a numerology chart and a person’s birthday that numerologists look at.
But you are right… there are several different ways numerologists calculate… for example in the name… some look at Pythagoras and others look at the Chauldeon method in a person’s name.
So yes it depends on the numerology you follow. Look at this link for more info on the different views of numerology. https://numerology4yoursoul.com/numerology-meaning-101-2/
Many blessings
I don’t have it in my birth date but I have it in my full name… I’m trying to understand the difference between life path and destiny number. Is destiny number the expression number?
Hi Lee, Well, it gets complicated.. lol..
Depending on who is describing it. When I talk about the destiny number, I refer to the birthday added up. This is also called life path number. The destiny or life purpose number is your journey in life. What moves you in your life. For example, I have a 3 destiny number. What moves me is creative expression, in my art and also in my readings.
Other numerologists call the sum of the alpha/numerical letters in your name the “destiny number”. I call the total sum of your name your “expression” number. What this represents is how you express yourself in life. So if you have a 44 in your total name, you express yourself in a very powerful way. As my example of Bono — Paul Hewson. His songs and way of life is one of a powerful and charismatic leader that has the ability to manifest that which has never happened before. It is a high expectation for anyone. But in some small way, do you feel you are expressing self in a way that makes a difference, even to family, friends? You can find out a lot from your name and birthday, ask about my readings if you are interested. best, Greer
I have a life path of 44
With all master numbers 11/11/22
Adding to 44, what all does this mean?
Hello Mary,
Actually, you do not have a life path of 44. You have an 8 destiny. To find your life path you add all the numbers of your birthday in this way. Add all the numbers separately and then reduce. so it would be like this: 1+1+1+1+1+9+5+7=26 Your destiny is an 8. Eight is all about power and charismatic leadership. learn more about the 8 destiny in this post.
It is almost impossible to have a 44 destiny. You would have to have large digits in month and day and then year.. so it would be in the 1980s or 1990s
very rare. Here is the destiny calculator to find your destiny. https://numerology4yoursoul.com/what-is-your-destiny-number/
You are very powerful, do you feel it? many blessings, Greer
Hi Greer I have a 44 destiny number (08/29/1996). I was born a virgo just like Michael Jackson born the same day. Could you tell me more about my life path? Looking at my birth chart. Im still very young but on the inside I dont feel like that at all. I feel like a very old soul. I also feel like I have a lot of personalitys and sometimes its hard for me to bring them all together. I have a strong and powerful soul but at the same time Im very sensitive and I have a highly need of helping others even when they dont deserve it. Could you tell me something more about my numerology chart?
Congratulations Pamela!,
you have a 44 destiny!!! It is very rare.
Yeah you sound like an old soul. With the 44 you are the master builder and manifester. How are you doing so far? Yes you are still young, but is there something that you are dreaming of to create? I would consider giving you a free mini reading on the phone, if you would like. It is not often I meet a 44!
To Pamela: Hi i am Aishwarya and i am same like you Greer 29/8/1996 born. And i feel the same things as you have mentioned above .. I want to know more about my life means business.
Hello Aishwarya,
Powerful being in a 44 destiny and very rare. You are one that has the potential to really make a difference in the world.. And to build something powerful.. Is there anything you are interested in at this moment in your life? many blessings, Greer