Ask Greer: I find it curious that many places I have lived have double numbers. I grew up in the South at 2285 East 66 Avenue. Currently I live at 44 3rd Avenue 3R. So you can see that there are many doubled numbers. What does the address mean? — Jason
Greer: Great question, Jason. The effect of a location on a building or home has been studied by a myriad of specialists, ranging from architects and urban planners to astrologers and Feng Shui specialists.
What does the address mean in Numerology? Numerologists believe that the numbers in the address have a specific influence in our lives. Why would we choose one particular address to live? We are attracted to certain patterns and numbers in the same way we would be attracted to a beautiful tree in the front yard of a property that we felt drawn to purchase. It is almost never deliberate, it is inspired.
What Do The Numbers in Your Childhood Address Mean?
I have separated this article into two parts. Part one will explore the effect of your childhood address on you and your family. Part two will cover your current address and how it supports your life today.
So let’s talk about the double numbers that appear in your first home. When a number is the same in succession, numerologists fondly call them master numbers. The double and sometimes triple whammy of a specific vibrational number will have a powerful intensity especially in an address.
Master Numbers in an Address
2285 East 66 Avenue
Living in a home with double 2s and double 6s is a wild ride, especially for a youngster. In mastery, 22 is a powerful number of connecting with others and the double 6 is the potent vibration of compassion, family and service. This could lead to highly charged family dynamics in your home. How was it for you? Now let’s add all the numbers together.
2+2+8+5+6+6 = 29/11. Yikes, another master number! However enlightened these vibrations are, we may still have to deal with the challenges and lessons of these numbers, especially in a place we grow up in. Eleven in mastery is all about living in inspirational ideas and brilliance. If you have many people with strong personalities, it can be a challenging household, everyone with an opinion. If the family is connected, it can be a continual form of inspiration.
Finally, we add the sum of the letters in the street address. (See Numerical Values Chart below to decipher each letter-number vibration.) When calculating your street address, do not add the words “Street, Avenue, Drive or Road”, but we do add the sum of the word “East”. (5+1+1+2 = 9)
2+2+8+5+6+6 +5+1+1+2 =38/11. Nuf said on that! Tell me, was it a challenge living in the household or an inspiration or both? Was there a sharing of brilliant ideas or people fighting to show their own point of view?
What Does Your Current Address Mean?
Click here to read part 2 in this series which will analyze the theme of your current address and give some pointers to counteract the challenges.
Also check out upcoming classes and numerology meditation cards.
I always make sure the sum of the numbers of where I live adds up to seven. My home is always spiritual and very peaceful.
How very interesting Angela. thanks for sharing!!! Many blessings, Greer
Analysis of my address 1000 Reater street please
Hi Anthony, if you are interested in an analysis of your address, I will be happy to answer. Click on this link and we can do it by phone or email. Hope to hear from your soon. many blessings, Greer
I also provide hour and 90 minute readings on your name and birthday. Let me know how it goes.
Hi. Just wondering what our address means. 2333 White Cloud Road. Both of us are born on master # days (7/22/84 for me & 6/11/69 for him). Just curious to see if our dream home is just that. 🙂
Well this is so very interesting. Not only does your address have a master number but both of your destinies are the same master number.
2333 White Cloud Road: A great place to live as it will be fun and inspiring.
2+3+3+3 = 11. The number 11 is a master number all about inspiration and enlightened ideas. Adding White Cloud Road (don’t count Road in calculation) is W(5)+H(8)+I(9)+T(2)+E(5)+C(3)+L(3)+O(6)+D(4)=59 (5+9 = 14/1+4 = 5) Five is a very social and fun address to have. Lots of change most of the time. If that is what you enjoy, then it will be a good selection for you.
Now the other interesting piece is both of you have the destiny or life purpose.
7/22/84 for me and 6/11/69 for him.
7+2+2+1+9+8+4 = 33
6+1+1+1+9+6+9 = 33
33 is a master number of creativity and service. A great number to be out there in the world creatively making a difference. I wonder if you are partners in business as well as love?
If you would like to learn more about your compatibility charts or a have a few other questions. I am offering special discount rates for 1/2 hour/1 hour and 90 minute readings.