At this tumultuous time for our country, here is a reminder of compassion and the words – “We are the World” by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie. How perfect to celebrate Michael’s birth (August 29) with a Michael Jackson – Numerology chart. Jackson was not only was a master performer, singer, dancer and producer but an enigma to the world. He was a man of many faces but mostly all about love.
His many facets, moods and physical incarnations show up in his numerology charts. Talk about master numbers!!!
Soul’s Essence in Michael Jackson – Numerology Charts:
To find someone’s soul’s essence, you add all the vowel numbers together. Soul’s essence is exactly what it sound like, what is inside you, your true being. Looking at the two charts below, we see that Michael’s soul’s essence has master numbers in both birth name and name he was called. When two numbers are identical, they are called master numbers because they are double the energy of that number. The 33 (in his full birth name) is mastery of creative expression (two 3s) and service (6). The 22 is connection with people, relationships, and truth (two 2s) which leads to the builder and creator (4).
Expression in Michael Jackson – Numerology Charts:
The expression number (the sum of all the numbers added together in someone’s chart) illustrates how a person expresses themselves. Jackson had quite a diverse combo here that probably lead to some of his troubled life. The 8 expression is all about the charismatic leader. How true! All ages imitated his dance steps and reveled in his moving words and music.
The 7, however, in his name “Michael Jackson” is all about mystery, spirituality and being alone. The total non-conformist. What a dichotomy – part of him loved being on stage while the other part had a very private life.
Michael Jackson’s 6 destiny gave him the path of compassion and wanting to be loved. Yes so many loved him and wanted a piece of him, perhaps it was never enough. 8+2+9+1+9+5+8 =42. 4+2=6
Looking at the Michael Jackson- numerology chart explains many sides of this troubled and talented man. Full of compassion, he influenced the world with his form of relating (through his brilliant music, dancing and words). His mission was creating art to change the world.
Born August 29, 1958
8+2+9+1+9+5+8 = 42. 4+2=6 Destiny

Here is a clip of his song (co-written by Lionel Richie), “We are the World”. This was a benefit single for victims of famine in Africa, raising over $60 million. Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie wrote the song. All the proceeds went to charity. We so need this selfless understanding right now. Thank you Michael, you have given us so much. We will always miss you. Your words and music will always be an inspiration to inspire, be brilliant and be compassionate.
View Michael Jackson and a host of musicians as they sing “We are the World”
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