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Ask Greer: September was a crazy time for me. So much was going on. I felt exhausted, like I was running a race. Too much to do! Glad it is over. Can you tell me about October numerology numbers and what I might look forward to?
Greer: October, the month of 10, is a more energetic and balanced time, not just because of the beautiful fall foliage but because it numerologicaly represents the energy of new beginnings (1) and potential (0).
October Numerology Numbers are Vibrant
Let’s break it down. If we examine October numerology numbers, we see the first double digits of the year (1 and 0). As we experienced in January, the 1 (one) represents a time of new beginnings, resolutions and a new direction in life. Zero (0) is all about potential, that place of the void. We may not know where we are going, yet we know we are ready for something different. How we embrace the unknown is the key to our potential and an opportunity to move through our blocks. How will you seize the opportunity?
October = 1 + 0 = 1
So two ones and a zero can give you the impetus to really move forward in your life. Are you feeling the almost “itchiness” to accomplish something that you have been putting off? Or perhaps there is something new you have never completed before. This is the month to get that project started, take a class, begin a new job or relationship.
Step Back to September
“You weren’t kidding when you said September was a month of transition in so many ways!”
— Nancy
September is over. Yikes, was it a whirlwind for you? Did you find multi-tasking difficult because there was so much to cover? Was it a transitional time for you, filled with change, loss or thought provoking experiences? October is a more directed and grounded time. You should be feeling more balanced energy and ability to get things done.
The Challenge in October

With the renewed energy, you may be feeling that you are all work and no play. Let go, enjoy nature and have some fun! Time to work on yourself through better eating, exercise and enlightening your spirit.
I would love to hear from you and how you are transitioning into new beginnings and new directions this month. Feel free to comment below.
Talking Astrology
Stephanie Azaria’s TheCosmic path.com, talks about the Astrological view of October. It is so interesting to me how, although astrologists and numerologists get there calculations from different places, (one from planets another from the numbers) the information is so similar.
“Libra. October kicks off with a fresh new beginning for you on a personal or physical level. This means that from the NEW MOON on the 4th you have 2 powerful weeks to put things into play that will either lead you towards new goals, help you elevate your identity or brand, reinvent who you are, get your body in shape or in better health, introduce a new name into the mix, or spruce up your image in some interesting way. Eyes are on you so make it count. ” Read more.
What can you do to learn more about your self?
- Take a numerology class
Intro to numerology class at Edgar Cayce Center in NYC in October/November (read more here). - Painting the Chakras workshop
A fun two-day class in dedicated to exploring your chakras and creative side through painting and meditation. (class to be announced) - Private Numerology Reading
Discover your lessons and karmic challenges through your name and birth date. We can also discuss your business name or name change during the session.
Feel free to contact me for more information, to register for a class or schedule a reading. Comment below or send me an email.
Hi, Every time I checked my mobile clock it is either 12:52 or 4:44 could you please tell me what is reason behind that?
Hi Chirag, thanks for your question. Check in this post to see other answers to seeing the same number all the time. If you are interested in receiving a personal reading to your question, I would be happy to help out. Here is the link. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-answers-by-email/
Hi Chirag, thanks for your question. Check in this post to see other answers to seeing the same number all the time. If you are interested in receiving a personal reading to your question, I would be happy to help out. Here is the link. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-answers-by-email/
How do I leverage ‘numerology’ when I am not sure about my exact year of birth?
From childhood till the age of 35, I had been using a specific date of birth which was documented on all my academic records as well as other documents. Now I found out that my parents purposely changed my year of birth strictly for school admission requirements and somehow it continued. My month and date of birth is correct but my year of birth is different than what I had been basing my numerology so far.
Interestingly, when I am reviewing your website and analyzing my personality traits, characteristics, career etc, everything fits very well and somewhat accurate based on the year of birth I have been using all this time. However, when I tried to use my newly discovered, ‘original’ date of birth, the reading is totally off. I am confused and lost. Do you have any suggestion in such a scenario? Appreciate your help as I do believe on the vibration powers of numbers.
Fascinating question! I had a client last year who had a similar thing happen, only with her birth day. She discovered that there were two parts of her vying for her attention.
While I was working on Deepak Chapra’s chart for a post on my site, I could not find a consistent date of birth reported. See: http://numerology4yoursoul.com/october-reveals-bill-gates-numbers/ . Actually it kind of makes sense as he is a 7 in some ways (spiritual, inward thinker) but I can totally see him as an 8 (outward charismatic leader). I have a definite take on this. Almost like both vibrations are important for your development.
If you would like to explore more about this, and the influence that both destinies have on your life, I could assist you with a reading. For a short reading to talk about this particular life destiny question, we could do a 15 minute skype session. But you might be interested in a longer 90 minute session where we would go in detail about the affect of your name, karmic numbers, intention for this year, etc. See options on this page. Many blessings, Greer