Numerology 2015 – What will the new year bring?

Wow 2014 went so fast! What a year it was! Are you wondering if there is any difference in energy between one year and the next? A huge “yes”! According to numerology, 2015 has a distinctively new and powerful vitality which has an influence on all of us in a poignant way.
According to Pythagoras, numbers have a vibration and energy. Let’s take a look at the year coming up, 2015.
2+0+1+5 = 8. Eight is the number of power and abundance. The shift to eight will give you a new outlook towards everything in your life. Kind of like observing things in a different and more productive way. It might be a bit scary for some and for others, it might be the boost that helps you get through a project you have been holding off from. How will you embrace this universal eight year?
What was the numerological affect of 2014?
2014 was the universal year of 7. A was a quieter, spiritual, inner time of reflection and soul searching. Did you find this true for you? Sometimes, in the seven year, if you are not meditating and connecting with spirit, you could find yourself uneasy and confused. Often covert secrets are revealed like NJ’s Gov. Chris Christie’s George Washington bridge debacle. Read more about 2014.
I found 2014 a time of looking inward and examining “who am I?” and “what is my true essence in life?” It has been quite a transformational year for me.
Our dynamic United States, a very aggressive country, had a hard time of it because in the 7 year everything goes slower and you can’t get a lot of practical work done. Can you relate?
What will happen in 2015?
Enter the 8.. wow.. complete turnover. A dynamic energy begins to unfold, where you can accomplish your goals and dreams in a clearer way. The 8 is abundance in all forms – your power, your relationships, your money, your spirit. It is an exciting and energetic boost to your body, mind and soul. What will you do to enhance your life this coming year? Hopefully our country will use this energy to empower others and not push the oppressed down even further.
I would love to hear from you about what your aspirations are for 2015.
“My theme for 2015 is Focus, Commitment and Dedication. I promised to step into my dreams.” — Venice, GA
What is your personal year for 2015?

Based on numerology, you can find out what unique environment your life will be like in 2015. Your personal year number (based on your birthday) will change every year. So on January 1, 2015, you will have a new theme and energy to look forward to. Read more here.
Want to know what 2015 has in store for you? Check out this handy numerology calculator.
Taking this time to wish you much abundance in every way, filled with good health, success, growth, happiness, and love. May you enjoy this holiday season and share it with your family and friends. Love and gratitude, Greer
Feng Shui, Power and the Number 8

“The number 8 is also a very powerful number throughout all the various schools of Feng Shui teachings,” says Feng Shui Expert Andie SantoPietro. “In BTB Feng Shui, the number eight- “Ba” is the prefix to one of the most commonly referred to Feng Shui terms, “Ba”gua. In mandarin this means…the eight sided octagonal Feng Shui map.” See Bagua map to the right. (For enlarged version and more info, click here.)
“The Bagua is the GPS used in Feng Shui consultations and assessment processes of one’s home or office to determine the quality of Relationships, Children, Helpful People, Career, Knowledge, Family, Wealth and Fame. It is believed that when all “eight” life situations are in balance, that an abundance of good Health becomes it’s natural by – product.”
For upcoming classes and teleseminars on Lemuria, Feng Shui and 5D Living, visit
Looking for a unique gift for your loved ones or yourself?
∼ Divine Inspiration greeting cards from a collection of original paintings by Greer Jonas, blank inside (collection of 6 for $18.00)
∼ Divine Nature greeting cards, blank inside (collection of 6 for $18)
∼ Numerology Oracle Cards ($20)
∼ Numerology Reading gift certificate
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