What are master numbers? They are double digits of the same number, such as 11, 22, 33, 44 and 55. When someone has a master number in their destiny or name chart, it is a very powerful energy. It is a vibration of abundance and empowerment — the ability to inspire the world with your words, your mind and your actions.
Numerology Basics
How Do I Find My Personal Year?
Here is how you figure out your own personal number. It is the sum of your birthday month + your birth day + the current year. For example, if you were born: April 1, you would add 4+1+2+0+1+3 = 11/2 (remember if the numbers add up to a master number (11/22/33) do not reduce – they have a powerful vibration for you!).
What Does Your Personal Year Mean?
Want to know your personal year meaning? To find out your personal year, add the some of the birthday to the current year. Find out more here.