Want to know what your personal year means?

To find your personal year meaning, simply add your month and day of birth to the current year. The result will be, in numerological terms, the theme or environment that you can expect to experience for the year.
Let’s say your birthday was April 1st, using the year 2012 as an example. To find your personal number meaning, do the math: 4 + 1 + 2 +0 + 1 + 2 = 1. So your personal number in 2012 was 1. New beginnings, a time of setting forth on a new path. Yikes, this year can be one of much change and new directions. The challenge would be gulp.. do I know what is next? How will I do it? I know it was that way for me.
Here is a quick rundown of each personal year meaning:
- 1 = New beginnings, leadership, taking a new step. Challenge = how do I take that step? How do I deal with leadership and responsibility.
- 2 = Relationships of all kinds, romantic, social and business. Often a time of love, new relationship brewing or ending. Challenge = how do I deal with relationships? Is it easy or a challenge? Am I longing for or creating positive connections.
- 3 = Creativity in all forms of expression: art, music, speaking. Time of new and unique projects, fun. Challenge = how do I take that creative step, dealing with insecurities around self.
- 4 = Building, home. Ability to organize and manifest projects. Making things happen. May be a time of moving to a new home or redecorating space. Challenge = boredom. Can I stay with a project straight through or do I procrastinate.
- 5 = Energy, fun, aliveness, sex and travel. A great time socially. Challenge: too much to do, Feeling all over the place. Needing to learn to rest and discipline self to build and organize rather than run every where at once.
- 6 = Home, family, community, love. A time of nurturing self and others. A time of receiving and giving support. A time of birth. Challenge: Asking for support. May be a time of connecting with another but also a time to discover what the challenges are in a relationship.
- 7 = Spirituality, inner knowing, discovery. A quiet time of meditation and speculation. Challenge: finding peace. Adjusting to a quieter time that is not as active. Being with self. Learning to love self and to spend time alone.
- 8 = Power and abundance and inspiring others. Challenge: Acknowledging your own power and abundance in your life. Learning to lead and inspire with acceptance of others and without judgement.
- 9 = This is often a biggy. Nine is transformation. A time of transition and completion. Becoming the spiritual warrior and compassionate leader. It is often a time of upheaval. People coming back into your life from the past. A time to recognize the patterns and let them go when they not longer serve your being is the challenge. If you do not learn the lessons, they will just keep coming back to remind you again.
- 11 = As mentioned above, a year of inspiration and profound ideas and projects that can have a profound effect on others and self. A year of profound relationships, romantically, socially, spiritually and business. Stepping out of your comfort zone and being out there in the world and sharing self with others is the challenge.
- 22/4 = A master year of building, structure, and connecting with others. New projects in all aspects of career, spirituality, creativity are open as you finesse your life path. A great year for getting things done and relationships taking the next step. The challenge is being flexible and opening up to ideas of others.
- 33/6 = This is the master year of creativity and service in relation to you, your loved ones, your community and environment. This is a year of nurturing and building community and finding support towards a unique way of seeing life and being in the world. The lesson is not taking on the responsibility of everyone’s situation. Empowering others on their path is the key.
What is your personal year this year? Find out here.
Feel free to comment with inspirations, questions, etc. or email me directly at [email protected]. Also I will give you a free mini reading on your personal year.
Hi Greer maybe you can help me. I notice that I have been seeing the same time on the clock at nights and its 11:11 I only started paying attention recently when I said why do I happen to glance at the clock at 11:11. Now, I started noticing in the day I sometimes glance at the clock 1:11. But I notice you speak of the personal date. My birthday is 2/20. Am I doing it right 2++2+0+2++0+1+4=11 and I keep seeing 11 what does it me I start trying to speak positivity when I see those numbers speaking what I want in my life.
Hi Monique, This is a great post. Yes you are doing all the right calculations. And also I like how you are saying positive affirmations when you see the 11. 11 is all about divine inspiration, so when you see this number stop and see how this moment is inspirational to you. What are you saying to your girlfriend at this moment? What are you reading at this moment? Even road signs you see when you see 11:11. They will give you clues that you are on the right track. Also did you see my numerology calculator for personal year? http://numerology4yoursoul.com/find-your-personal-year-number/ Many blessings, Greer
Hi. If your personal year is a 7, would you say this would be a bad year to start a new business? It’s a creative business not centered around spirituality. Well, that being said, my soul is fed by the hours I spend just sitting being creative so maybe that’s not entirely true. 🙂 The business name I’ve picked is a 11/2, and my destiny number is a 9. (I find all of this quite fascinating! Wonderful site by the way.)
Interesting question, Colleen.
I have seen many clients creating businesses and lives in their seven year. It is a year of reflection and following your inner guidance. As you described, your goal is one of creative inspiration so I would say you will be fine! Just to know that things might move slower and have some twists and turns as you might be forced to deal with the inner demons of the subconscious. It is all good for our growth;)