You are in a master 22 personal year. Wow.

In numerology when looking at a number with double digits, it is called a master number because they have a very powerful effect on you and the world.
The 22/4 year is the dynamic relationship with others (double 2’s) and manifestation (4). This might be the beginning of a life changing relationship, be it romantic, business or spiritual.
22/4 is the year of the builder, dealing with structure and organization. The atmosphere created is one of trust, balance and brilliant connections which others.
New projects in all aspects of career, spirituality and creativity are open as you finesse your life path. It is a great year for getting things done and taking your relationship to the next step.
I would love to hear from you on this one. Let me know how the 22 year is for you!
Challenge of the 22/4 Personal Year
As the master 22/4 is a dynamic theme of relationships and structure, the challenge that might come up this year is the very block that is in your way of manifesting your ideas. Old belief systems about success or feeling the victim can be discarded. This can me your year to let go of these old patterns and embrace a richer, fuller life.
Stepping back and forward
Stepping back to last year, you were in a 3 year. A year of creativity and self expression. Was it a year of accomplishment or a year of learning about having your voice?
Stepping ahead to next year, the 5 personal year will be all about adventure, fun and much activity and change. Perhaps some of the building blocks of the 22 will manifest in that new relationship?
Want to know more about your numbers?
See my assorted readings available here.
Do you know what your destiny is? Check out this numerology calculator link to find out.
Want to find out your personal year for a past or future event? Or for someone else?
Click here
This is really cool! My bday is 7/17/78. My life path is 22 and I’m in my 22 personal year. My personality number is 11.
Hi Stephanie,
Well, your personal year is certainly a 22. 7+1+7+2+0+2+3=22 In a personal year you have a powerful ability to inspire people and come up with new ideas that can manifest. As 4 (22/4) is the builder and organizer. this can be a very exciting year for you. Has it happened yet?
Your destiny however is a 40 which reduces to a 4. (7+1+7+1+9+7+8 =40) Four is your journey in life. What a great number to have in a 22/4 year. Your destiny is inspired by building. What will you build this year? I would love to hear from you!!
Many blessings, Greer. You might enjoy looking at this handy calculator for your destiny.
my year is also 22/4, born 7/17/75 it´s shaping up to a game changer so far!
Yes Jade, a powerful year for you. In a 22/4 year you should be able to build something new, perhaps involving others. What is happening this year? Also, you have a 1 destiny. That is 7+1+7+1+9+7+5=37 which reduces to a 1. The life purpose of the 1 is to be a dynamic leader and thinker in their field of interest. Combining the 22 which is the builder. I am very curious what has come into effect.
hi I am in a 22/4 personal year.. you say above to let you know how the 22 year is going… well, I think it is kicking my butt. ..Emotionally. I’m not sure how it relates or if it relates to the 22/4 personal year but from the beginning..just 2 days after my birthday the emotional sadness & loss began. I had 9 senior rescue cats that I have been caring for since 2004. Four of my precious cats passed away starting on 12/9, 12/18, 8/4 & 8/17. The loss is very difficult for me. I also just found out that 2 of the 4 remaining are having serious senior related health concerns as well. I read in your writings above that the 22/4 year can have to do with relationships of romantic, business or spirituality. I guess my 22/4 must have to do with spirituality. Wish I understood the intended lesson.
Ah Celia, many times in the powerful year of 22, it is dealing with relationships and grounding and building. Other times it is dealing with the shadow which may be loss, or dealing with health issues or relationships in our lives that no longer suit us.
I like what you said about moving to a spiritual place with it all. Sometimes we have to deal with the loss or sadness in our lives to lift up to another place. Or understand the meaning of why we are here. Sometimes it is as simple as to give others a sense of peace. I hope you find yours. Many blessings, Greer
My Personal Year for 2019 is the lowly 4 (tongue in cheek). But I want it to be a 22 year so I am going to act in accordance with that. Why not? Hey, no one says “Wow, you’re in a 4 Personal Year!” 😉 Birthdate 6/22.
Hi Jen, lol, yes you are indeed in a 22 master personal year in 2019.
6+2+2+2+0+1+9=22 This is a master year of relationships.. building structure (4) and manifestation about something you want in your life. It is not just relationships with others but with yourself. Very powerful time! Next year (2019) you will be in a 5 year. All about change, connection with others in a social way, travel and lots of action. Should be an interesting year for you! Many blessings, Greer Looking for your personal year? check out this personal year calculator.
Many thanks! I have indeed set up a target for this year. I want to become a professional golf teacher, and now I understand why this year I have the energy to work so hard for it is my dream to help others getting better, feeling better. I think this year I have the support of the three master numbers: universal year 11, personal year 22, life path 33 (12/08/1975). I can only be grateful for all that is given to me to reach my goal every day a little closer, and the greatest part of all the year has just began. Many thanks for your information!
Wow.. this is truly uncanny. 1+2+8=11
1+9+7+5 =22+
and then the master number of your birthday.. . 1+2+8+1+9+7+5=33
Wow.. your numbers are filled with master number:) so interesting!
Hi, my personal Year is 22 (12/08/2018) in a universal 11 year (2018). What does that mean for me? These are two master numbers vibrating at the same time.
Wow Pascale,
this is a powerful combo and does not happen often. With a 22 master personal year, you are looking at a time in your life where you can really make a difference in your life and others. It is the master builder in all relationships. And in the year of the 11.. What are you up to this year? Is there an idea or a project you are embarking? If you remember to come from integrity and to help others more than to just make a buck, you can thrive this year beyond expectations! Many blessings, Greer
My dob 20 Jan 1981.not sure how adding this resulted in 22. Appreciate if explained. Thank you.
Hi Gopal,
I believe you have calculated your destiny, not your personal year. The destiny is based on the month day and year of your birthday. The personal year is based on the birthday month plus day and the current year. So 22 is actually your destiny number. This is the way we calculate the destiny.
To calculate add the sum month plus day plus year in the following formula: 1+2+0+1+9+8+1 -=22. when 2 numbers are the same, like 22, they are considered “master numbers” and you do not reduce.
Congrats on having a 22 destiny… it is all about the master builder and connector with people, When you are in the most brilliant part of your journey is when you are connecting with people and your own charisma. Then you can build… examples are opera singer Pavarotti and Director writer Shonda Rhimes.
find out more about your 22 by doing the destiny calculator.
To find your personal year you must add the month plus day of birth to the current year which is 2016.
here is your personal year. 1+2+0+2+0+1+6=12. 1+2=3 this is a year for you of creativity and sharing your voice. Do the calculator again to find out more about the 3.
hope this helps:) Greer
if you want more information about getting a reading, let me know.
many blessings,
I am grateful that Spirit lead me to you.. I have been studying numerology only for a short while.. I have gotten 2 reports this year but each time the Numberologist would break my 22 into a 4 and just give me the reading for a 4 personal year.. Last night while I was creating a template for my readings and working on one of my clients ” my close friends and family allow me to practice on them”.. Spirit stop me at the Personal Year and told me to calculate my own year and I be.. My NEW YEAR is this coming Saturday 8/15.. I am entering a 22 Personal Year!! Like WOW!! I did find my voice and soul’s purpose big time in my personal 3 year.. I will keep you posted!! I am excited!!
Hello Goddess:)
I love this and just to let you know.. you are in the 22 all year long!!! When the year changes at the beginning of the year (January 1) that is when the new vibration comes in. Your birthday time is a special time to charge this brilliant vibration!!! When two numbers are the same, they are master numbers and you do not reduce. Double digits double the power of the number and can help you manifest much in your life. Mastery of relationships (2) transforms into building and manifesting (4) . So this year, your connection with others have the ability to build something new. This can be a project, or a relationship. In mastery you can achieve much. Keep in mind it is also about balance.. so mastery of balance in your life in order to achieve and build is the lesson. Does this make sense? Happy birthday!
You might enjoy the meditative exercise I wrote about on Saturday 8/8/8… working with the 8s to manifest what you want. check in here . Also, I teach introductory workshops in NYC and online. Let me know if you are interested!!! many blessings, Greer
I have tried so many business an still fail, dont know what I am doing wrong.
Hi May, Your question has many facets. Numerology can help give you some understanding and direction. Especially being in a 22 year!
Perhaps I could help you but we would have to figure out which way to go. One would be a private 90 minute reading where we would look at your destiny, name, challenges and skills in your life based on your numbers. Another way to go would be to focus on the business names and see if we can find a name that suits your values and your audience. The 22 personal year can be very successful in the way of dealing with people and building a foundation. Click here for more information on 90 minute reading
If you are interested in a one hour business name reading, click here .
wishing you an abundant 2015!
Hi May, There are many aspects to look into when you have are creating a business. One is the name, the other is how your values meet the needs of your audience. To be in alignment with your life’s purpose and the audience you want to reach is key. Example: if your value or aspiration is a 3, (creativity, creative expression) then your business should be in alignment with inspiring others to enjoy their own voice and beauty. If you are interested in learning more on how to create a successful business name and intention, please contact me for a reading. [email protected]