You are in an 11 personal year. Congratulations! In numerology, 11 is considered a master number. The double ones create a vibration that embodies divine inspiration and making things happen.
In the 11/2 year, you may discover an easy access to enlightened ideas and projects that can have a profound effect on others and yourself.
The 11 personal year might lead you to achieving and creating in a direction that you have never been before. Read more about the master number 11.
The energy of number 11 also deals with the “2″ (1+1=2) which is about relationships of all kinds. You might find that the relationships you meet this year— be it romantic, social, spiritual or business, will be quite meaningful in your growth. In my 11/2 year in 2013, I created this Numerology4YourSoul website. I pushed myself beyond what I have ever done before and past my insecurities. I wrote blogs, taught new classes and marketed my product. Whew…
What will you manifest this year? Will it be the beginning of a new life path? Or a new relationship?
The Challenge of the 11 Personal Year
Stepping out of your comfort zone and being out there in the world by sharing yourself with others is the challenge. Let go of your self-judgment and step into your brilliance. How will you do it? Also do not forget to nurture the relationship with yourself.
Step Back to Last Year’s Personal Year —the 1
Last year was all about new beginnings. How did it go? What did you do last year that helped you to move into the 11 vibration this year? Read more about the 1 personal year.
- Want to know more about your numbers for this year? A 20 minute phone/zoom reading will supply your answer. Click here to schedule your mini reading.
- Full one hour or 90 minute reading to learn more about yourself and your challenges in life through the details of your name, destiny and karmic numbers.
- 90 minute reading includes charts, detailed analysis, skype session and recording, plus intention work. Click here to schedule your 90 minute session.
60 minute reading includes charts and skype session (analysis is not as detailed) Click here to schedule your 60 minute session.
Helpful Numerology Tools
• Order your Numerology Oracle cards. Each card talks about the vibration of the number, with a meditation and beautiful painting (by yours truly) illustrating each number’s personality.
Do you know what your destiny is? Check out this link to find out.
Want to find out your personal year for a past or future event? Or for someone else?
Click here
What about 15 April. I want to know about personal year and I got 3 different calculations as below
1> 15+0+4+2016=2027=11
2> 1+5+0+4+(2+0+1+7)=1+5+4+1=11 Since universal year is 1
3> This is yours 1+5+0+4+2+0+1+7=20=2
Which one is correct is it 11 or 20
This is great question Sagar. When you are doing numerological calculations you must follow this formula and not do any short cuts.
1+5+0+1+2+1+7=20 you are in a 2 personal year. This is especially important to find a master number. (when two numbers are the same) like 11 or 22.
Check out this calculator for exact calculation. https://numerology4yoursoul.com/find-your-personal-year-number-in-numerology/ Many blessings, Greer
My birthday is 11/09/1991 im not sure what my personal year is.
HI Anne, The personal year is the theme of the year that you are in. This year (2016) is the year of change and transformation, the nine (2+0+1+6=9). Therefore, you may be going through a profound time that can help change things you feel you are “just putting up with”. To find your personal year, add your birth month plus birth day to the current year. so 1+1+0+9+2+0+1+6=29. 2+9 = 11. 11 is a master number, very powerful so does not reduce to a 2.
So you are in a year of divine inspiration which is also about relationships of all kinds. How exciting!!! Are you feeling it? Many times in 2016 (year of transformation) you may feel that the people and things you encounter will be meaningful in your life in profound ways. How is this true for you now? I would love to hear from you. Also you can read more about your personal year here. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/2016-new-year-resolution-numerology-style/ many blessings, Greer
Hello Greer
I am having great difficulty getting to grips with 11 year that I am in right now. I have a 3 approach which is 12 th day of month birthday. Don’t know if you personally use the day of birth, anyway mines the 12th (so a 3 approach).
Regards Ray
Hi Ray, thanks for the question. I would say that everyone maybe dealing with a “difficult” time right now as it is the year of transformation. See this link. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/2016-personal-year-in-numerology/. Your 11 is one that can be about what inspires you. So sometimes we look at what is in the way of what inspires you. Which can be many things, like relationships, bosses that don’t see you. If you follow your passion, you might find something new that will move your forward to achieve mastery.
Here is another link that might help. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/2016-new-year-resolution-numerology-style/
If you are interested in a reading, see the link in this post.. many blessings, Greer
What is the difference between a 2 year and an 11 year? And how can you go from a 1 year to an 11 year rather than a 1 year to a 2 year.
-Curious Ashley
Ah, great question, Ashley. So the way I calculate dates as a numerologist, is in a very specific method. For example, in the year 2016: if your birthday was 4/1
you would figure the personal year as such: 4+1+2+0+1+6=14/5, so you reduce the 14 to a 5. If the year was 2013, you would calculate as 4+1+2+0+1+3=11
So you would be in an 11 year because you do not reduce master numbers (when two numbers are the same, like 11 and 22). The 11 has a 2 characteristic, as it is about a time of inspiring and powerful (11) relationships (2). Can you relate this year? It is a powerful time for you to deal with relationships in all matters, love, work, family, etc. How is it going so far? many blessings, Greer
You have no idea how much this helped me. I can completely see myself in this, I’m getting ready for this personal year, which will be next year. I’m also in a essence year 11 and next year the energy will keep following me. I’ll be in a double 11 situation lol. Anyway, it was a great insight! Thank you!
Hi Bruna, I am so very happy you are so inspired! Next year you will be in a 3 year.. all about creativity and self expression! enjoy!