You are in a 1 personal year. Wow. New beginnings and leadership for you! This is the year to take a first step and start new projects. With your innovative ideas, you will find this year a time of change.
You will find a new energy to take that next action to accomplish your dreams.
It is a year where you will lead in some way, just as Priscah Jeptoo passed the finish line, first of all the women runners in New York City’s 2013 Marathon.
The Challenge of the 1 Personal Year
It might be slow going at first. Be easy on yourself. How do you take that first step? How do you deal with leadership and responsibility in your life? For some of you, it may be very exciting and transforming. For others, it might be a time of stretching your comfort zone and reaching out through the unknown to achieve something that you have never achieved before.
Taking a step back to last year
Last year you were in a 9 personal year. Was it a rollercoaster ride, or what? The nine year is a time of completion, transformation and looking at what no longer serves your well-being. Can you relate?
This 1 personal year is the time to take charge. How are you doing it?
• Questions on your numbers for this year? I will be happy to answer through a 20-minute mini-reading. Click here to schedule your mini reading.
or schedule a one hour or 90 minute reading with me to find all the details about your name, destiny and karmic numbers.
• 90 minute reading includes charts, detailed analysis, online session and recording, plus intention work. Click here to schedule your 90 minute session.
• 60 minute reading includes charts and session (analysis is not as detailed) Click here to schedule your 60 minute session.
Helpful Numerology Tools
• Order your Numerology Oracle cards. Each card talks about the vibration of the number, with a meditation and beautiful painting (by yours truly) illustrating each number’s personality.
Do you know what your destiny is? Check out this link to find out.
Want to find out your personal year for a past or future event? Or for someone else?
Click here
Hi my destiny number is 5 (12-04-1978) & my name sums up to 113.I am in deep trouble for the last two years. Can you help when I will be out of this situation. Lost job suddenly in December 2016 & then all down then.
Sorry Amit, Numerology is not predictive.. at least the kind I do. What I can tell you is you are in a 1 personal year. 1+2+4+2+0+1+9 =19. 1+9=10/1
This makes so much sense about your state of affairs right now. Last year you were in a 9 year. The nine year is all about transformation, completion and change. Lot’s of things can happen in the 9 year cause it is shaking up your foundation. The nine year is like a rollercoaster ride. You get to see what is in your way from achieving what you want.
Sometimes we have to hit bottom till we change. Now you are in a 1 year, full of new potential. This may not be as easy as you would hope. Sometimes we have to walk through all the change and discard what is still in our way. This year you are in the time of new beginnings. Perhaps try things you have never tried before. Perhaps see people and happenings in a different way. Look for the opportunities in life rather than dwelling on what you do not have. What can that be? Is there something you would like to do that you have dreamed about an never done? You might look into that now.
Many blessings to you,
This year I am continuing my college work in Visual Communications and trying to build up my personal strength and confidence. Well, I’ve been working on that for some time now, but this year feels different somehow, I’m not sure in what way just yet though. Perhaps what I do with my education will make a positive difference somehow? Or what I do while receiving my education perhaps?
Your website is very nice. Thank you!
Many Blessings 🙂
2017 was a 9 year for me and yes, definitely a roller coaster. ☺️ Full of ups and downs.
2018 will be a 1 year for me so hopefully it will be better.
Hopefully the calculations were correct…
My birthday is 11/15/1976
Definitely correct. You are in a 1 year.. awesome.. read more about the 11 global year of 2018. https://numerology4yoursoul.com/2018-numerology-the-year-of-the-11/
What are you moving into this year that can make a difference? It can be an exciting time!! many blessings, Greer
I think it is fascinating that my life purpose/destiny number is a 7 and my personal year is a 1. One of my sisters’ life purpose/destiny number is a 1 and she is in a 7 personal year. We have had a very close bond throughout our lives..purchasing the exact same gifts for relatives or personal books/magazines within the same period or knowing that it’s the other calling when the phone rings although we have lived in different states/countries over the last 43 years. We will be merging our households later this year. I am looking forward to continuing this fascinating life journey together!!!
Yes that is fascinating. So your sister’s destiny of a one is all about being a leader and inspirer. Your destiny of 7 is all about being a seeker of the unknown –. You are a spiritual being and unique non-conformist. In some ways, the seven and the one will not see eye to eye as the one’s purpose is to seek outward and lead while the 7s purpose is to seek inward and explore. It is a fascinating connection if you understand each other and appreciate each other’s uniqueness — as long as you do not try to convince each other of what you believe in (if there is a difference in belief:) lol. Can you relate?
Your personal year of 1 is all about new beginnings. Her personal year of 7 is all about seeking truth and inner connection, So I see you are synchronistic at this time in your lives and can help each other move in a direction you might be uncomfortable with. For example, your sister can help you be out there more and you can help her connect to her inner being and have quiet time. Does this make sense?
It will be a wonderful new journey as you honor each other’s authentic selves. I imagine you have other aspects of your numerology chart that coincide, since it seems like you are so connected. You will not, by the way always have this synchronistic pattern of 1/7. It is unique to this year… Next year you will be in a 2 personal year and she will be in an 8.
Hope this helps. Please feel free to connect with me and if you are interested in a reading.. perhaps we can do the two of you???
This is truly talking to me as I am in my no. 1 personal year 2016 being born on 7/15/1968. I am at this moment looking for a new job and feel like it will happen!
Awesome Ola, please keep me posted with the job.. I am sure if this job is truly a new venture that inspires you, you will get this job or at least an opportunity for something new. Sometimes we do not even know what that opportunity is.. it might be something you never expected. Lots of luck! Greer
How do I get out of this nonetheless cycle? Although it says that this year is a new beginning for me, and my reality this year clearly shows it to me, I’m still fighting to get out of the phenomenon that took over my life in the past 3 years. I want to start a new, but still struggling with the old. Want to start a new business, want to take upon myself a new position at a job… Have MANY opportunities and all I need is just to take it with both hands!! Btw, I was born on July 5 1985 – which means 8 life path or something like that… I can’t wait to get back and be myself already!!
Hello Hilary, do not despair! Often times we are in the shadow side of our personal year. So the shadow side of the one (new beginnings) is feeling in the mud. Feeling the frustration of not moving ahead and doing what you want to do. This is part of the process of getting to the other side. To take the steps to change your life. I remember in my one year I finally quit my corporate job but it took much work to move forward towards success. Be patient and take steps, even if they are baby steps towards following your passion. You will find it rewarding. Also with an 8 life path, you are on a journey of success and leadership. hope this helps. Greer
Also ,My name adds up to a 88 expression number, but I can’t find any information about it…can you give me a quick synopsis
Yikes Jasmine!!! wow your numbers are awesome!!! You might want to schedule a reading with me to find out further, cause you are so powerful.
I rarely see this combo. But no pressure, let me explain as simply as I can through this blog.
When two numbers are the same they are called master numbers because they have a double spark of this particular energy.
So 88 is double energy of power and abundance. Having this in expression will provide you with the vibration of charisma and being able to achieve. It also adds to 7.. so it is connecting at a very high level to the brilliance and opportunities of power and the energy of abundance from the heart as compared to the mind. 7 is the energy of spiritual enlightenment. So when you are in the true place of 88/7 your are coming from your heart and spirit and empowering all. Make sense?
Now your destiny (from your birthday numbers) is another master number!!! a 33. 33 is all about mastery in creative expression (3s) and service (6) So your life purpose is all about connecting with others, making a difference in the world and service. Can you relate? Are you doing it now? When you do not live the journey of your destiny, you may be disappointed and perhaps trying to please others rather than being with what you truly want to do. Hope this helps. Here is a link to finding your destiny calculator. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/what-is-your-destiny/ have a blessed day. Greer