Ask Greer! Why is the Life Path of 8 so Hard?

Understanding the life path of 8 can have many views. First, let’s look at how you find your life path (also called ‘Destiny).
Formula: Add your birthday to your birth month and birth year separately.
So, if you were born February 6, 2007, here is the formula: 2+6+2+0+0+7 = 17 1+7 = Sum: Life Path of 8
The Destiny or Life Path of 8 – hard? Hmmm. I think this question depends on the numerologist and also depends on the person who was born with an 8 destiny. I believe we came into this planet with a purpose and to learn a lesson in some way. The energy of 8 is one of power and charisma. Someone who has the ability to lead successfully and accomplish abundance for self and others.
If you have a life path of 8. In many cases, some people look at their lives as ..” this is hard work”. Or “so many people depend on me”.. or “people who are leaders look down on everyone”.
Well, all of these aspects are thought forms. Some powerful people are afraid to show their power because of the belief system that friends and colleagues will be jealous or dislike them. Others, who work hard and have no joy, suffer and blame their lives on others.
My belief is that if you turn around your thought form, the 8 is about empowerment. Such as “I love myself, and I empower and inspire others through my participation in my life.” Take the infinity symbol, the eight turned on its’ side, the concept of limitlessness
Think: Barbra Streisand, Nelson Mandela, Martha Stewart, and Martin Scorcese. All have 8 destinies.
Do you have questions about your destiny? Check out this calculator!
What is Your Personal Year?
Your birthday will also tell you about your personal year path based on the current year. As 2023 is in the global year of the spiritual 7, you will add 2023 to your birth month and day to understand what kind of spiritual influence you have experienced so far. Want to know more? On September 6. we will review the influence of our personal year and see what is up for 2024. Next we will design a vision for what we would like to see moving forward.
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