Eight is the powerful, successful, charismatic leader and entertainer who is not afraid to be out there in the world. Your 8 destiny number, or life purpose is one of standing out in a crowd and using your influence to empower others with your words, your voice, your being.

Two perfect examples of successful eights are director, actress, singer Barbra Streisand (born 4/24/1942/ 4+2+4+1+9+4+2 =26/8) and South African anti-apartheid revolutionary political leader Nelson Mandela. Born 7/18/1918 (7+1+8+1+9+1+8 = 35/3+5 =8)
What is the challenge and lesson of the 8 destiny number?
The 8 life purpose often has a bad rap. We think of the bossy male or female who dictates what others should do. We hear the expression, “showing off”. Learning about empowerment, rather than power over is the life lesson of the 8. Eight is all about abundance in every form and your ability to have a meaningful and inspirational effect on another is a life-given gift that you are here to embrace!
What? You don’t think you have power? Ah this is the other side of the coin of the 8 destiny. Eight is one of the most difficult life purposes numbers to have. Oftentimes people, especially women, stifle their power, with fear that they will hurt someone else with their very voice. Or it is not ok to be powerful. If this is you and you are holding in your life-given vitality, you could find yourself with headaches or stomach aches. It is because you are condensing inside rather than expanding.
Eights need to expand, to lift their voices and sing like only Barbra can do, and in her expression, she can bring someone to tears through her song. Or influence a country and shift its political strife of its people like Nelson Mandala.
To find out more on how to find your life purpose, click here.
Click Here for all reading choices
90 minute reading includes charts, detailed analysis, online session and recording, plus intention work. Click here to schedule your 90 minute session.
60 minute reading includes charts and skype session. and recording. This session is usually good for follow ups. (analysis is not as detailed) Click here to schedule your 60 minute session.
Confused on why my 44 reduces to 8?
2+1+1+1+9+8+4 = 44
Thank you and wish you well!
Hi CJ, The way I work with finding your destiny (or life purpose) number is by adding all the numbers in your birthday separately. So yes, 2+1+1+1+9+8+4 = 26 which reduces to an 8.
Me and my boyfriend have same destiny number 8
Hello Suzanne, this combination of both of you having an 8 destiny can be dynamic and challenging at the same time. The 8 tends to be charismatic, powerful, and successful with a strong opinion on things. So when the two of you are on the same page, such as planning for an outing or working together on a project, you will have no trouble finding people to work with and accomplishing your goals. In addition, the potential to have lots of fun together and be extremely attracted is available. But with the same dynamic, if one is not up to it, or is against what the other is proposing, there can be extreme fire and disagreement. Your work together is to enjoy each other and not make the other wrong. You can disagree but listen to the other’s point of view first. And if you lose your voice, you must take a break and then come back saying what you need to say. You can agree to disagree, but if one overpowers the other, the spark will lesson in your relationship. Can you relate?
hello there…I’m also a destiny 8′,…well…I have very determined soul to empower the world!…but I’m just short of career based decisions… I got chance in medical recently… could u tell me if being doctor would help me enough to reach my goal or not?..is something that I worth?
Hi Mugdha,Unfortunately, I can not answer if being a doctor would fit your aspirations or bring you satisfaction. It is all up to you and what inspires you and how much effort you put into your work. What I can tell you is someone with an 8 life purpose has the potential to be powerful. It sounds like you feel this in yourself. I would suggest connecting to what brings you joy. Perhaps you can do some research, take some introduction classes, or a part time job in the field, or even volunteer, to see if you enjoy it. Are you a student now? If you are interested in learning more about yourself, Hereis a link to schedule a reading. https://numerology4yoursoul.com/numerology-readings-greer-jonas/
Many blessings,Greer
My name is Ben and I have 8th destiny. I wants to build up a career in acting. Is this the right way for me and if it is what problem I may face?
Hello Ben, this is a bit of an involved question. For one I can say that with an 8 you have a good chance to enjoy the benefits of a powerful and charismatic life as you enjoy being on stage and connecting with people. The eight has many aspects and sometimes is a struggle as you need to find the fine balance of empowerment and being controlling. Powerful and charismatic celebrities such as Barbra Streisand, Martin Scorcese and the late Robin Williams have 8 destinies. Problems you would face? Ah, a difficult career it seems for most. But the main goal would be to do it because you enjoy it and it is your passion. I would be happy to help you with your name and numerology chart to learn more aspects of you. Let me know if you are interested in a reading. Many blessings, Greer
My birthday is 04/22/1980
Do I end up with 8 or 44 in my life path?
Thank you!
Did you use my calculator to find your life path? To calculate the destiny you must add each number separately.
4+2+2+1+9+8+0=26. 2+6=8
44 is a rare life path as you would need very digitally high numbers.. such as 9/9/1988. So in our life time, you would have to be born in the late 1980s or 90s..
here is the calculator again.
thanks for your question.
Having an 8 destiny is very powerful.. do you feel your power or are you afraid of it?
Let me know if I can assist you in any other way.
Hi Janak, thanks for your inquiry. The Interior design field can have many successful numbers.. like 5 (building) or 8 (abundance) but when I work with clients, we seek out many aspects of the business including your vision for success. I would be happy to work with you on a business name. Here is a link with various options.
One answer reading = http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/one-answer-business/
3-5 business ideas = http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/business-name-answers/
much success for you, Greer
My DOB is 24/10/1990 and i have started a online payment system whose number is 40/4 . Please suggest me it’s future as i am in launching phase.
Hello Rishabh,
I would say 40/4 is an excellent number as it is the builder and organizer. Also everything being exact and in its place. Very grounding and supportive. Perfect for an online payment system. Of course there is so much more to finding a perfect business name. If you are interested in more analysis, here is a link that can show you the options of my readings from a quick analysis to a more indepth reading and some more suggestions. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/one-answer-business/ Hope this helps and much success to you! Greer
Hello Greer,
My name is Janak Panchal, my birth date is 17/04/1974, I am planning to start new business in Interior Designing field, right now i have planned to name my firm as FIGMENT INTERIORS PVT.LTD. is this name will work for my business ? or should i opt for another name ? or any alphabet to be added in this name to get business a successful for Interior Designing. Please guide me.
hello my name is vijay and i m self employed person. now i have to open new firm on the name of my wife Sandhya, his birth date is 3rd January, 1975 and business name selected is sanvee compurentals. so please guide me is it ok for new computer rental business. plz gave us suggestions.
Hello Vijay,
Thank you for your question. A computer rental business should be very successful, there are many numbers you can look at based on your vision.. Perhaps a 4 or an 8. I would be happy to help you find the perfect name. Here is a link with some options. One answer reading = http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/one-answer-business/
3-5 business ideas = http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/business-name-answers/
Hi, my dob is 14/7/76. I am facing financial problems from the past 2 months. My friend is ready to support me to open firm related to water purifiers. what should be the matching number and suggest the name of the firm if possible.
Hi Greer,
My date of birth is 30/11/1983 . I am working in IT company. I have started a new travel business. Could you pls tell me about my future, married life and; my new business fortune.
Hi Parja, I see you are an 8 destiny which is all about abundance and being out there in the world as a leader. Wonderful.. To answer all your questions, we would have to set up a numerology reading. Then I can analyse your name charts and business charts. During the session, through skype, we can take a look at what helps you flourish and what your challenges are. Just a quick word about the Travel business. That is definitely about the number 5 .. travel and energy and connecting with people in a gregarious way. If you are interested in a reading, I would be happy to talk more about your married life, business opportunities, etc based on your name charts and business charts.
Here are a few links about my readings: http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/business-name-answers/ and http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/one-hour-numerology-reading/
Can you please give me a hand here with calculating my life path accurately? So my dob is 8/11/1987. I recently learned that i should not reduce the 11 because it’s a master. So if that’s the case, then i’ll get 8+11+1-9+8+7= 44=8 =44/8
but if i reduce the number 11, then i get 8+1+1+1+9+8+7= 35 = 8
Either way i get 8 but the 44 and 35 part is confusing.
Thanks for helping in advance. Hannah
Hi Hannah, let me explain. The reason my destiny calculator resulted in an 8 destiny is because we add each number of your birthday separately, regardless if it is a master number in the month or day of birth.
So August 11, 1987 would be added like this:
8+1+1+1+9+8+7=35 – which is clearly an 8 destiny.
The result of the total sum of all the numbers in your birthday is what you do not reduce (if the number happens to be a master number). So if the sum is a 38, you would reduce to an “11” and keep it there. If the total sum is a 22 or 33 or 44, you would not reduce, but you could look at both the 22 and the 4 to understand all the characteristics of the master number destiny.
44 is very rare as it has to be very high numbers, like people born in the 80s or 90s.
The 8 destiny is nothing to fluff off. 8 is all about power and abundance. There are many 8s who have made an impact on the world. They are not afraid to be out there as charismatic leaders. Hope this helps:) Let me know if you have further questions. I would be happy to give you more information about yourself through a numerology reading. here is a link, if you would be interested. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-readings/
My destiny no.is 8 my firm no. Is 7 Gifts world and we plan to open a store on 14th August 2016 is this date suitable for me to open our store.
Hello Bijal, Congratulations on opening your store! With a destiny of 8, you should succeed in anything if you are aligned with its vision. Eights are charismatic and powerful and love to be in the spotlight. If the goal is to empower self and others, you will do well. Now let us look at the date.. Awesome!!! 8+1+4+2+0+1+6 = 22!!! This is a master number, all about connecting with others and building a foundation. I send you my blessings and much success.
Of course, this is a short synopsis, there is so much more to numerology – I do not believe it is just about picking a lucky name and a lucky opening date. My work is about helping people find out more about themselves and their vision for their business. If I can help you further, with a reading, please let me know. Greer
My birthday is July 6, and for past few weeks I have been seeing this number every where I look, in form of 7:06,607,706,760,067. What does it mean ? And this happen every year during this time of year.please help
Hello Mithi, thanks for your question. Many of us see our birthdays everywhere. Check out this post for more.
In a short synopsis, July 6.. 7+6=13/4 This is all about spirituality (7), compassion (6) and sum of 4 is all about the home. Seeing this number all the time might have something to do with a message to connect inside and out in order to find your home .. be it the body, the family, the business. Of course this is very general. If you would like to learn more about yourself I have a 15 minute skype reading, or hour and 90 minute readings are also available.. check out for more info: http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-answers-by-email/
I am stuck and I don’t know what my passion or destiny is please help me as inside me I feel like I should be doing huge powerful things but I don’t know how to get there!!?? HELP ME PLEASE!!
Hello Denisse,
Hello Denisse,
I understand you feel a surge of energy to be a powerful and charismatic leader. I cannot help you find your passion, but you can look at what you like to do the most.
Eights can be leaders in many ways and can be very successful. If you want to learn more about yourself, Here is a link to the type of readings I do. https://numerology4yoursoul.com/numerology-readings-greer-jonas/
By the way, you have a very interesting way you spell your name. Is this a given name?
many blessings to you,
what about career?
Hi Varna, 8s are very powerful people and will most likely succeed no matter what they do. They are charismatic leaders and not afraid to be out there with their vision. Unless you are in the shadow, which is afraid to show your power and to succeed. On the other hand, sometimes 8s come across as too controlling or overpowering which could turn people off. If you embrace your ability to thrive and shine while remembering to empower others, you will do well. Hope this helps. Many blessings, Greer
What about it? 🙂 Any destiny has its strengths and challenges in the love department. As an 8, you are charismatic and many will be attracted to you. However the challenge might be that you come on very strong and may be intimidating. Your success and happiness depends on how well you listen and learn to include others in your life. Intimate love is a two way street. The optimum 8 empowers self and others. Enjoy:)
Am 8 destiny number and am into politics hope it will be well with me.
Please what date is good for me if I want to start a business and my marriage date.
Hi Frank, With an 8 destiny, politics is an excellent choice. You are the strong charismatic leader. The main challenge is to not get too much into your ego.
I cannot tell you the exact date to start a business or get married, but I would recommend waiting till mercury goes direct. (Mercury Retrograde is October 31 – November 21)
If you are interested in a business name reading, here is the link.