Discovering the effect that your personal year has in the 9 month of Covid can be a powerful breakthrough.
Numerology describes the number 9 as the energy of transformation, completion, and change. During the Covid Pandemic, we are challenged to encounter “adaptability” in our personal lives. We are asked to let go of all the perceptions we have previously known as “a comfortable existence”.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.” — Charles Darwin
Read more about the 9 in September and its effect on you in 2020.
One way to learn about the direction you can take, according to numerology, is by calculating your personal year and looking at how you can begin to shift the challenges of 2020 during this 9 month of discovery.
To calculate your personal year, you add the sum of the month and day of your birth to the sum of the current year.
So if your birthday was April 2 you would calculate like this:
4+2+2+0+2+0 = 10. Ten reduces to a one.
Therefore your personal year is a 1.
One note: if, your personal number is an 11 or 22, you do not reduce because they are considered master numbers.
Will your personal year in the 9 month of Covid have a transforming affect?
Here lies your opportunity to challenge your comfortability and learn a new way of adapting and changing your life.

Once you have discovered you personal year, take a look at how you can challenge yourself during this time.
1 Personal Year: New beginnings, stepping out as a leader to assist others into the unknown. With the nine vibration of 2020, you may be pensive as you observe the obstacles on this unusual journey. How will you lead the way to make an impact with your friends and family?
2 Personal Year: Connecting with others through love and understanding. In a nine vibration, you may take a look at all your relationships. If you are feeling unsettled, what can you change? Perhaps listen more, perhaps speak up for what you believe in.
3 Personal Year: Creativity and self-expression. In a nine vibration, you have the opportunity to be creative in the wild voyage we are finding ourselves in. What can you do to connect and share your creative voice? It may be teaching a class on the internet, writing a song or painting. Do not hide!
4 Personal Year: The year of the builder. In a nine energy, what can you build? What can you manifest? How different from last year when you could work on a new plan for your team members or gather together with colleagues and plant a garden. You can still plant, but remember your mask and keep six feet apart.
5 Personal Year: An exciting energy moves through you as you ignite to the fire within. Here is a time for travel and to get together with people as you laugh and connect. Sorry, folks, no traveling at this time. And theaters are dark. What can you do? You can still find a creative technique to make people laugh and engage in a social way. New methods need to be invented as you teach a fun class on zoom or going for a walk in the park with friends as you practice social distancing.
6 Personal Year: Six is the personal year of compassion, rebirth, working with others, and doing service of some sort. Using the energy of the 6, might be easier for some. How can you calm others down. How can you show love at a time of such confusion? Perhaps there is a volunteer activity you can get involved in.
7 Personal Year: Seven is the year of spirituality and reaching within to find your answers. This, as well as the nine, might be the easiest to contemplate in a world of “what can happen next?” Now we can meditate, practice yoga, or write about the mystery of life. Find a hidden meaning to it all. It is a quiet time, but you may find a resource to inspire others to a new foundation of being.
8 Personal Year: This year in 2020 may be a difficult one. In an eight personal year, you would tend to be out there as a charismatic leader. Eight represents empowerment and abundance. Well, you may need to search for a new way to do this. Reinvent yourself and inspire others to do the same.
9 Personal Year: Being in a nine month, with a 9 personal year, is major upheaval and transformation! You may be considering a move to a new home, a new relationship, or a method to approach your business in a way that may not require spending a lot of money.
The Master Personal Year
11 Personal Year: In an 11 personal year, the nine will produce opportunities to invent new ideas and products. You will also have the prospect to lead others in a unique way. But the lesson is how can you do it in this baffling world we are in? Many are opening their doors and assisting others to adapt and flourish. The most important message for you is to not only inspire others but remember not to leave yourself out of the equation.
22 Personal Year: Twenty-two is the number of the master builder and resourceful connector to truth and communication. This month you can build an environment that motivates others to act and adapt.
Can you relate to how your personal year in the 9 month of Covid is affecting the challenges in life? What will you do to adapt and shift? Feel free to comment here or on my facebook page.
Find out more about my numerology readings.
Also check out my artist site: www.greerjonas.com
- September, the 9 and the Covid Pandemic
- Master Numbers
- 2020, A New Decade and its Master Effect on you
- The Corona Virus Enters 2020
- What is your personal year in 2020?
About the Author
Greer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist who conducts readings by phone, online, and in-person in NYC. She is also a teacher and an artist. Find out about classes or to schedule a numerology reading.
Art site: www.greerjonas.com
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