What does October have in store for you? In a numerical point of view we look at the 10th month as new beginnings (1) and the time of zero (0). Wow, what does that mean, you might be asking yourself?

October is the harvest, it is a magnificent display of colors and apples ready to be picked. As crops are gathered, and the reds and orange foliage burst open, the air becomes crisp with anticipation. It is certainly a time for me to take action.
Autumn is also the third season and marks the shift toward the leaves dropping, the temperature lowering and the days getting shorter. Soon the earth will become dormant (winter). This is the transformation of life: from birth to death, from harvest to going within, from gestation to rebirth.
October is entering the time of zero
October, the 10 month, is the energy of rebirth (1) and the time of zero (0) — delving into the unknown and seeing all your potential. The one in numerology is all about new beginnings and leadership. Adding the energy of the number zero is like adding a mysterious ingredient into your stew of life. Embracing the unknown and your potential, can lead you to where you have never gone before. Perhaps a bit scary. but so enlightening!
Zero is the Hallway
When you can acknowledge that you have shifted and changed in your life (the 9 vibration), you may find yourself in what I call the hallway. There are many doors. You know you cannot go back to where you were. Which door will you pick? Embrace October with all your potential and make a leap into the unknown! Be courageous and adventurous. What will you do this month to reach a new goal? This can be in any aspect of your authentic life. Love, relationships, business, creativity, spiritual growth, making an impact on the environment and others. Wishing you all a glorious and abundant time of zero.
“How we approach the zero time in our lives, how we face our fears, how we move toward the unknown and its infinite possibilities will determine the brilliance of what happens next.”
“Namaste. I am potential — walking the unknown Path with Courage and curiosity.” (From the Numerology Journey oracle cards by Greer Jonas. Click here for more info on the cards.)
More on October based on the 9 Star-Qi astrology.
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Numerology Readings
My goal, as an intuitive numerologist, is to help you uncover abundance in all areas of your life, not just money. Through this process, you may also discover the abundance of success in a spiritual, creative, inspirational and intellectual aspect of your life.
Personal Numerology Readings: Interested in a numerology reading all about your name and birthdate? Or looking to change your name? A 90 minute session can help you uncover more about yourself, your lessons and life path. Click here to learn more and to schedule your appointment.
Business Name Reading: Looking to create a new business and want to find a business name that matches your vision and is successful? Click here to learn more and to schedule your appointment.
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