Coming up soon is the very auspicious day, November 11. What does 11 11 mean in numerology? Numerologists call 11 (and all same double-digit numbers) “master” numbers. The double ones create a vibration that embodies divine inspiration, creative and powerful ideas, and leadership. This powerful energy of 4 ones (1) translate to using your vision in a very high frequency and also can supply the force behind getting the job done (4). Let’s take a look at this year, 11 11 2014. 1+1+1+1+2+0+1+4=11!
Fantastic. This is a day where you can make a difference in your life and the lives of others. Use your intuition. Take a releasing breath and settle into your solar plexus. Now breathe in through your solar plexus and out through your third eye. What is your vision today? What would you like to do to enhance your spirit? Perhaps inspire someone else, or work on the environment. It is a good day to begin something new that follows your passion and aliveness.
I would love to hear your comments on what your vision is today.
November is an 11th month.
Wow, it is almost the end of 2014! Let’s take a look at November, the dynamic month of 11. It can be a great time to prepare for what is next in 2015. What is your inspiration?
What kind of ideas are brewing up in your head to enlighten your journey? This month can be a time of creating new intentions in different aspects of your life. All avenues are open for you — be it career, your love life or your spirit. If you let go of doubt and judgment, you can truly embrace the power and potential that is in you. Take action, perhaps once a day, towards a new approach to reaching that goal. For example, take an art, writing, web design or yoga class. The opportunity to learn something new is endless. This can be a kick-start to a new you in 2015
Find out what your numbers are and how they can inspire you to reach your potential and power through a numerology reading.
Martin Luther King had an 11 expression number.
An example of a powerful visionary and leader in American politics is Martin Luther King whose expression number (sum of numbers of his name) is an the inspiring 11. By looking at the chart below you can also see that his soul’s essence is a 9. Nine is all about compassion for the world and transformation. His life was dedicated to a vision of peace and equality and he successfully influenced an entire nation. Read more about Martin Luther King in numerology.

Inspiration of the Month
Words and Thoughts have an effect on our lives.
“What we imagine in our minds becomes our world.” —Masaru Emoto
It is believed by many master teachers and spiritual guides that words and thoughts are powerful. If we think or speak judgmentally of ourselves, the universe will give us that negativity. Read more on this topic and Dr. Emoto’s findings here.
“Wisdom” in numerology terms
In numerology, each letter has a number value based on our alphabet.
Lets take a look at the word “wisdom”.Ha, it has the expression number of 11!!! Enough Said, right?
Speaking of inspiration, I would love to have you join me at my art show if are a New York City local. December 11, 2014. The Theme, Divine Inspiration is a collection of 5 paintings.
Ceres Gallery
547 West 27th St Suite #201
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