Is there a reason I keep seeing 20?
“For the past couple of months I’ve been seeing the number :20 on the clock. It started out as me seeing 4:20 everyday and I would go “hey! 4:20!” Because its typically very hard to catch that time on the clock. And I’d think little of it just a cool coincidence.” —Raj
“Then it happened, again & again & again until I started to take a serious notice. Now, I catch the :20 after EVERY hour. I’d open my phone and it’ll be 11:20, 1:20, 2:20 etc. It is not purposeful at all, either. I’d be getting ready for work, run to my phone to check the time..8:20. I’d leave a business meeting.. 3:20. I’d be relaxing and just look up at the clock.. :20!
I keep seeing 20 so much that I started to screenshot my phone screen just for documentation that I’m not going nuts! My phone is now FILLED with screenshots of this time. I started talking to a friend about it, who got me into numerology and “Angel numbers” and I’ve done so much research, and I can’t seem to find anything.”
Seeing the Same Number Everywhere is a Message for Us
Greer: This is so very interesting. Most of us see reccuring numbers and many are unique to us, kind of like a message of DNA that is written in our path. The meaning of 2 is about relationships of every kind —romantic, social, business and self. It is also about balance and fairness. The number zero (0) is about potential. Reaching into the void to find an answer. That which has not yet been created.
When you see a 20, ask yourself.. what is it about this moment that is connected to the way I am with others? Even self? What is it about this thought that can lead me to increasing my potential?
As a numerologist, it is my opinion, that when we see recurring numbers, it is a message that you are getting from the universe. I continually get questions like this. Read more.
Start a “Keep Seeing 20 Everywhere” Journal.
Hey it is 4:20 now, and I was just thinking about… etc etc..
When I see a familiar number, I smile.. it is almost like coming home. Example, 320 which is my address. I see it and it is almost like a confirmation. I am on the right track. Yes, what I was just thinking was correct, etc etc.
See the same number everywhere is a common question from my readers. Here is more.
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Want to know more about you through numerology? We can look at your birth and name charts and discover your destiny, karmic numbers, soul numbers, strengths and challenges through a 60 minute or 90 minute numerology reading. Contact me for more information.
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I have this exact thing happening. Started with 4:20, but now seeing “20” and sometimes “40” thought I was losing my mind. At first thought it was just something that would go away, a curiosity. And I’m not à lucky person so figured it would just end. Still hasn’t. Can’t figure out what it is. I’m not that important so I’m just at a loss. Nothing good happening in my life right now. Nothing hopeful right now. No idea.
Hi Phi,
First thing I would like to say is, I suggest you let go of “I am not enough.” The universe hears this negativity and will give you what you ask for.
Consider this. Perhaps when you see 20, it is a message to open up to relationships, to connecting to self in a positive way. It will be good to start a “I see 20 all the time” journal. Every time you see the number ask yourself, what can I do to change my attitude to positive? What is going on that I can shift to the positive view? Perhaps you are in a relationship with someone or in business.. how can you shift what is going on to a more positive view and action.
many blessings,
Numerology readings are available. Read more here.
Hello! I’m always seeing 11:11 or 1:11 on my clock……what does this mean? Thanks in advance!
Hello Melissa, Seeing 11 all the time is pretty common. It is all about new beginnings, 11 is a master number about divine inspiration and leadership. Good chance if you see these numbers all the time it is a message saying pay attention to what is going on in your life. Perhaps something new is about to happen or there is a message in your thoughts or events that are going on, that you need to pay attention to.
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I think that is it. I have been working on “me” for the past 2 years. I don’t feel I am ready yet for a relationship, so I am continuing learning to love myself. There is no one man in particular that is popping up in my life. Most come and go. They will chat with me online or on the phone, then fall off the planet, lol. So, I am just taking my time. 🙂 Thank you.
You are so welcome Jenna!
I started seeing 4:20 all the time and now it’s something :20. It’s been going on for a couple of months, and now it seems to be going on all day. I do have a lot on my mind lately regarding my adult children and I have gotten out of a toxic relationship at the end of 2017. I have been taking the time since trying to work on me and rebuild what I have lost both monetarily and physically after the breakup. Many men have tried to get me to go out with them, but I don’t feel ready. Makes me wonder if the number 20 is trying to tell me I am more than ready or that someone is actually who I am meant to be with.
It could be as 20 is all about relationships but perhaps it is about the relationship to yourself. Maybe it is time to connect with what you need. Yes pay attention to “feeling ready”. Perhaps you can nurture what you really want to do.. be creative, dance, write, long walks in nature. Find the passion within. Many blessings to you. Greer
I started with seeing 4:20 too! Then it was something:20. I see it everyday. It’s so fascinating that a lot of people started seeing 4:20 specifically. What does that number mean? Around the time I started seeing this pattern I discovered Neville Goddard. I wonder….
very cool.. what is the message for you? How are you dealing with a new way of building and relating? Perhaps getting more into making a difference in your life ala Neville Goddard.
I have seen the number 20 lately as well. And it started with seeing 4:20 on the clock constantly for several days. Then it was anything with a 20. It could be 9:20 7:20 12:20 or anything with a 20. Not just the clock either. If I give change to a customer, the change would be $16.20 for example. Or someone would call me to say they were late and would arrive approximately by 4:20. Or I would happen to notice when my phone had only 20% battery life left. At the moment that I see the number 20 nothing seems to be happening out of the ordinary. So what does this number mean then?
HI Rubi, It can mean many things. Sometimes just a message to pay attention. When I see the same number, I often just stop and think. hmmmm.. what is different about this moment? If you want to do a mini session, maybe we can delve more into it. You might start a “I see #20 all the time journal. See this link.
I am experiencing the same things and I don’t know what it is. I just saw 1:20 again now and started to google about it and found this website. But reading here I found 2 is about relationship and 0 is about potentials. I didn’t knew it yet but now I at least realize one thing that I met a girl and it started at the same time frame I met her in. Any ways I just wanted to say it all began with 4:20 and then it converted into 1:20 2:20 3:20 also sometimes. I am in a kind of relationship too.
Fascinating! All those 2s.. It might be interesting to start a :20 diary. Note in it every time you see a 20, what you are feeling. It might be a certain message to you. Something to pay attention to. When certain numbers come up in my life, I usually pay attention and note that this was either an important thought or important day. Some numbers on the clock come up frequently when I work with clients. I usually point it out to them during our taped session. Like I say something or they make a comment and I look at the clock and it says: 1:11. I say to them, and it is 1:11, when you listen to the tape you will hear what we talked about at this time. It was important. Hope this helps. Greer
Same here! Started with 4:20, then other times at :20 several times a day. This has been going on for several weeks now. Can’t think of anything that it may relate to though. I don’t seem to have anything new or different happening in my life. It would be great to get an awesome relationship to enter my life. Those seem to be really hard to come by. Maybe that’s what it is. One can always keep hope! Or maybe it’s the potential of my relationship with spirit and energy since I do try to improve that aspect of my life on a semi-regular basis.
It’s a mystery!
HI Angel, I think you are on to something. re: relationship.. when you see this number, what are you thinking of? it might be a hint.. start a journal that might help as well.. We can look at other aspects of your life through your numbers and perhaps come up with an intention strategy to getting what you want.. Check out my readings..
Many blessings,
IM HAVING THIS TOO!!!! exactly what was explained is what’s happening to me!!!!!!!! 20 past the hour every hour! It’s starting to freak me out now… glad someone else has experienced this tho!
Hi Jodie,
It is so very interesting… what is it about 20? All about relationships and potential. Are you paying attention to when you see it what you are thinking? You might want to start a journal every time you see it and jot down what you were seeing or saying out loud.. It might be an important sign to pay attention to. No freak out.. just fascination. See it with a smile:) See this link for more about the journal.
its been 2 months I keep seeing:20 number on my watch or mobile. it is kind of affirmation that it has some meaning. even I used to feel that something gonna happen what universe is trying to say me. I don’t understand that. Please let me know what can be the reason.
Hi Prabhjot, So seeing 20? 2 is all about relationships of all kinds and balance and truth. “0” is all about potential. Perhaps there is something in your life or someone in your life that you could be looking towards? A new relationship? A new business partner? A new relationship in business? What do you think the universe is telling you? If you want to go further in this discussion based on you particularly, I am available for a mini-reading. Here is the link. Also, you might be interested in my latest post: Many blessings, Greer
This is very interesting to say the least.I have noticed the 20 also in fact just about every time i go to see what time it is its something :20, not even sure what to think about it now after reading these posts but thank you for sharing now i can show my gf that im not crazy.but i do think this is weird as hell to say the least.
NO not crazy at all. Next time you see it, pay attention to what you were just saying or feeling or doing. It might be an affirmation to pay attention to. I love when I see certain numbers.. For me it is 11 and also 320 (my address) It is usually when I had just had a particularly thought provoking talk on the phone or something meaningful happening in my life. Thanks for your comment.
This exact thing happened to me and it too started with 4:20. I would look at my clock every day at that time. then it started being other times 3:20, 9:20, 10:20. Every time i look at any clock, it’s something:20. Starting to get freaky and has been going on for the last six months at least.
So weird lol
So interesting, isn’t it? So tell me about your life a bit. 2 is relationships and 0 is potential.. Is there something happening relationship wise in the last 6 months? What has been on your mind? the universe is trying to tell you something. keep us posted:)
I’ve been seeing the number 20 everywhere too. My odometer, my clock, I like the journal idea, and the relevance to number 2 and 0 resonates in my life right now. Strange, but cool.
I know it always makes me nod my head (yes) when it happens. So when you see this number it might be about relationships of some kind. And potential. Perhaps something new in the horizon? Definitely keep a journal. It should help you get insight. See this post for more. 🙂
Happy 2014. Greer