Welcome to June and the compassionate number 6 (6th month of the year)
Have you been feeling it? The number six in numerology is the energy of the heart, of connections with family, children, friends and love.
Six is gathering together in ceremony. It is also about birth and rebirth. No wonder so many people get married in June or celebrate their commencement from college.
With the warmth from the sun, June (and the energy of 6) can open our hearts, or at least give us a delicate push, towards feeling safe to begin or rekindle a romantic love. (hmm..)
Six is learning trust and opening the heart
The six helps us to trust and understand love as a give and take, as a surrender of controlling. Taking in ‘support’ at a deep level involves sharing the authentic essence of ourselves with others.
Keep in mind, there is a shadow side to every number. Dealing with love and family is not always brilliant and light. Sometimes we need to see how certain aspects of our relationships may hold down our light. We might watch the patterns of shame, resentment, loosing self to please others. Perhaps you feel your role is healer and arbitrator in your connections with people. Are you taking care of yourself first? Are their opinions more important than yours?
This is a great time to look at the historical and karmic patterns of your role in life. Perhaps the struggle and frustration of not being heard or respected are up at this time. This might be the time for you to let go of what is no longer working for you. Do the same family triggers reoccur at work or in love?
You could do it differently this time. Step out of your comfort zone by connecting with someone in a different way. By being authentically you.
How will you share yourself this month?
Six and Sacred Geometry
In Sacred Geometry, the Flower of Life begins with 6 circles together. In its center is a flower. There are no breaks in the shapes. There is no compromising each individual circle to form such beauty of nature.

Architect’s View of 6
Architect John Koch talks about geometry and the 6. “I was particularly interested in the numbers 1 through to 6 because they were the numbers that were manifesting in the geometry of my designs. The power in these numbers appeared to me to be related to the six cycles of creation, each number representing a cycle and its purposeful influences on the evolution of consciousness as we know it.” Read more.
Want to know about the numbers in your life? A numerology reading can inspire you to take a new outlook. Get your Reading here,
Want to learn more about numerology and how to create your own charts? Contact me for more information on upcoming workshops.
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