Wondering what June has in store for you? We all have a specific personal month numerology theme, depending on our birthdays.

The month of June, the 6th month, is all about the focus of love and compassion. How will this focus impact you?
Love is the answer, and you know that for sure; Love is a flower, you’ve got to let it grow. — John Lennon****
The Six is Love and Compassion
Let’s take a break from the crazy circus we are in now and talk about what is really important – the heart, love, and compassion. Caring about each other. Loving ourselves. Letting go of self-judgment, connecting in community. Relating to another because you truly want to experience life and joy. This beloved connection is the energy of the 6 (six) in numerology and the inspiration for June.
As we celebrate June, we will have the opportunity to react and speak with our hearts. Perhaps you are already feeling it. How are you connecting with friends, family and loved ones? We can see all sides of how we communicate — the loving encounters and the dreaded ones. Even if you do not agree with someone, do you scream at them? In my opinion, I guarantee this. When you scream, the person you are speaking to cannot hear you. They will close their ears, turn you off, or scream back. There is no real communication or connection. And your important view will not be heard.
Seems like there is a lot of screaming and disrespect lately. How can we turn this around? Starbucks had the right idea. They got together to talk things out, listening to all sides of employee views and feelings.
In this global year of 11, you have the opportunity to be inspiring. How can you do that in this month of compassion? Let’s take a look at the qualities of your personal month theme for June. When you understand these qualities, you can set out an intention to connect through your heart with a certain theme in mind.
How do you find your personal month theme?
- Find your personal year. This is the theme of the year for you.**
Birth Month + Day + Current Year. (important note, follow this formula by adding each number separately and do not reduce till the end)
So If your birthday is December 29 and it is the year 20181+2+2+9+2+0+1+8= 25. You are in a personal year of 7. This is the year of spiritual growth, of finding your answers within. - Find your personal month by adding the sum of your personal year to the number of the month. So June would be: 25+6 =31. Your personal month in June is a 4. This is the energy of stability and hard work and connection to the earth. So in your personal year of 7, you will find June to be a very structured month where you can get things done. Especially dealing with people (the 6). So when dealing with love, your guidance is to get as grounded as you can. And love yourself without doubting yourself.
Personal Month Formula:
Add your birth month + birthday + current year + current month
So in the example of December 29, 2018 for the month of June:
1+2+2+9+2+0+1+8+6 =31.
Your personal month number for June is “4”

What is your personal month numerology number and theme?
Using the formula above and the insight of each month’s focus, you can understand your theme and come up with strategies to help you enlighten your vision during the month. For the month of June, the specific focus is on love and compassion. (*See the focus of each month below to help you understand even further how you can work with your personal month theme.)
1 – A time of rebirth and innovative ideas. Tap into new ways or stepping forward and building your new life.
2 — Focus on relationships. Connect with another, to find truth and balance. This is a time of relationships of all kinds, be it romantic, social, business, self.
3 — Creative expression, how will you communicate with others? What will you create this month?
4 — You are organized and strong. It is a great month to complete a project, work with your hands and mind to build.
5 —There is much energy and connecting with people, travel and entertainment this month. And lots of sexual energy!
6 — Your heart is open. Consequently, you may find yourself sharing more love and compassion with family, friends and community.
7 — The seven personal month number is a vibration of spiritual growth and finding the answers within. It is a period of reflection. This would be a good time to write and be alone with a creative project.
8 — Abundance and action is yours to help you move forward in your life. It is a time of power and strength as a leader and manifester.
9 — Nine is all about transformation and transition. This is a pivotal month in the area of change.
11— Eleven is the master number of divine leadership and creative ideas. This is a powerful month for you to step out of the box and use your unique intuition and let go of judgments.
22— Twenty-two is the master number of relationships that make a difference and can create something powerful, in your romantic, business or social life.
To find your personal theme for any month, follow the formula above while changing the specific month’s number. Once you discover your personal month numerology theme, you can use the above descriptions to help you cope and thrive.
*Numerology Focus for Each Month
Below is the number and specific focus for each month
- January – (1) New beginnings
- February – (2) Relationships
- March – (3) Creativity
- April – (4) Building
- May – (5) fun and action
- June – (6) compassion
- July – (7) spirituality
- August – (8) power and abundance
- September – (9) transformation
- October – (10/1) potential
- November – (11) divine inspiration
- December – (12/3) Creative expression
**Understanding the theme of your personal year will help you work with intention each month. Use this calculator for further guidance.
***The Venus Yantra by Melissa Forbes is based on the Vedic tradition of creating yantras (mandalas) which coincide with their planet, color, and number. Venus coincides with the 6. Find out more about choosing your Yantra based on the planets, numbers and colors here.
Perhaps it is time for a numerology reading for new guidance on your path? We can look at your name, birthday, personal year and personal months, name changes, etc.
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- Find your personal year
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- The Six Destiny**** (John Lennon)
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