ASK Greer – What is the shadow of the number 8?
Question: In numerology, does having a number ‘8′ in your destiny (the sum of your birthday numbers) or name chart (the sum of the letters in your name), view ‘emotions‘ as a weakness?
Answer: Great question. In my opinion, as a numerologist, the number eight often has a bad rap. The eight is about power and charismatic leadership.
Yet, if a person with an ‘8’ as their ‘destiny‘ is ego-driven (with a ‘power over’ and selfish attitude), that someone would believe “emotions are a weakness“. This belief is the ‘8’ in its shadow.
The Lesson of the ‘8’ Destiny
The true strength and lesson of the eight is ‘empowerment’. Using the strength within you to empower others and empower yourself is key. Having an ‘8’ in your chart is a big responsibility and can result in much success in career, money, and leadership. This person has the energy to make a positive impact of change in a chosen endeavor. Working within the heart as well as the mind and spirit is key. Do not lose yourself. Respect and love for self is also key.
To Find Your Destiny
An example of an empowered destiny 8 is South African anti-apartheid revolutionary political leader Nelson Mandela.
Born 7/18/1918
To find your destiny, add the month plus the day of birth to your birth year like this:
7+1+8+1+9+1+8 = 35/3+5 =8
Read about other 8 influencers here.
And, as i write this post on July 6, we are certainly wrestling with our global ‘8’ shadow this year ‘2024’ yikes… (I wont digress 🫣)

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