If your birthdate adds up to a 44 destiny number, you have a rare life purpose. It is the master number (when 2 digits are the same) of the dynamic builder and manifester. I like to compare 44 to nature and its dynamic boundaries.
You have the ability to be the master architect and alchemist who can transform an idea and structure into a powerful, original and life-altering achievement. To find out more on how to find you life purpose, click here.
44 Destiny Number Challenges
Acknowledging your radiance and positive impact on the world while empowering others to do the same are the lessons of forty-four. Fours have the ability to put things together and get things done. You may be a perfectionist, which can be a good thing, but the challenge would be to be more flexible.

The late Swedish musician Tim Bergling (Avicii) was born 9/8/1989, 9+8+1+9+8+9 = 44
Tim coined his name Avicii at an early age. He was a musician, song writer, DJ, remixer and record producer, nominated for two grammy awards. Avicii’s music was moving and although he died young in April of 2018, his music and his charisma still has his audience connected from the heart and deeply sorrowed for his passing.
The 44 in mastery is one who is builder and powerful manifester, one who can create something that is powerful and can change people’s lives. Also his expression number in both names is an 8 — All about abundance and power. Perhaps it was too much for him. As with so many other legends, he died too soon but his memory lingers on. Check out his music and most famous song. Wake Me Up When It’s All Over.
Here are some lyrics to Wake Me Up. His words inspire all that want to make a difference and want to live life to its fullest.
Wake me up by Avicii
Feeling my way through the darkness
Guided by a beating heart
I can’t tell where the journey will end
But I know where to start
They tell me I’m too young to understand
They say I’m caught up in a dream
Well life will pass me by if I don’t open up my eyes
Well that’s fine by me
So wake me up when it’s all over
When I’m wiser and I’m older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn’t know I was lost
*Note: the 44 graphic is from the Numerology Journey Inspiration cards. See Store for details.
Other celebrities with master numbers of 44
- American Actress, Hillary Duff (born 9/28/1987)
- American Actress: Danielle Panabaker (born 9/19/1987)
- New Zealand Comedian: Guy Williams (born 9/19/1987)
I have a 44 life path number (8/28/1997), and I’ve found some other life path 44 celebrities,
Hillary Duff- 9/28/1987
Danielle Panabaker- 9/19/1987
Guy Williams (New Zealand)- 9/19/1987
Thanks so much Sara!! I will add them to my list of 44 destinies.. many blessings.
Yes Genius, the 44 can be an intense journey to be on. You are a master builder (44) and manifester (8). Yet perhaps you expect too much of yourself. Perhaps you do not think you are enough. To reach the peak of 44 is to allow yourself a break.. do not work so hard. Have some fun. Relax, get some chill time.. You do not have to work so hard! Get a hobby that is relaxing and not pressure on you being perfect. Your potential is great as long as you enjoy your journey.
And here are two 44 Birthdays
George Patton
November 11, 1885
11+11+22= 44
Peter Bergman
11+11+22= 44
November 29, 1939
Peter Bergman might not be up in the stratosphere of greats but George Patton is. Brash, Cruel, unruly, he was kicked out of the army command for how effective he was. He also had the brilliant plan to invade Russia who were massively weakened during WW2s end and could not survive another land attack or even air but Washington brass was not having that because you know you always have to have a boogeyman for the people. After that dilemma he got into a car accident and was recovering well but mysteriously died. Many think that the government killed him with the help of the Russians. Either way as I see in my own life the 44 vibration is a threat to the status quo and whenever you give a better way of doing something or pointing out the truth, people come down on you life like thunder and lighting.
Hello Justin, you are such an enthusiastic student of numbers:) I, like you, got interested in numbers and everything about the unknown at an early age.
Let me explain about calculating the destiny, because both of the examples you mentioned are not 44.
When you are working with the calculation of numbers in numerology, it is important to add each number individually.
so: George Patton born November 11, 1885 would be like this 1+1+1+1+1+8+8+5=26. 2+6=8
Eight is a powerful number in itself as it is all about charismatic and powerful leadership, abundance and success. The total describes the powerful officer George Patton. and also describes the shadow of 8, which is to conduct power over others and be reckless with your anger.
The master number 44/8, like your expression number, (which should be calculated by adding all the numbers together of your name) is all about Manifestation into abundance and empowerment. 44 is a hard number to come about in a destiny because it would need a lot of high numbers to add together to equal that. So it would be someone who is born in the 1990s or late 1980s . or someone with very high month and day numbers.. like an 8/9 (august/September) and 28 or 29.
11+11+22= Your analysis is good though cause he has three master numbers in his birthday!!!month day and year!!! this is profound as well .. but sometimes all those master numbers can make someone out of touch of reality, which might be this case of Patton.. hmm..
Peter Bergman – November 29 1939 1+1+2+9+1+9+3+9=35 3+5=8
Thanks for your interest in numerology… did you check out my calculator? https://numerology4yoursoul.com/what-is-your-destiny-number/ for more on your destiny.
I challenge you to find someone famous with a 44 destiny using my form of calculation. It would probably be someone in their 19- early 20s.. Some powerful and enlightened souls being born at this time.. Many blessings, Greer
Hi, I was born September 13, 1984. I have only encountered set-backs and losses. Don’t know how to overcome this.
Life path 9 if I’m not mistaken. My brother was the same. He had a tough life himself. You can over come this. Your an old soul like he was.
My birthday is Sept. 26th, 1989 which adds to 44/8. It’s been difficult to find information about master number 44 since many sites don’t include this method of calculation but I knew that 8 alone didn’t seem to fully describe me. My life definitely has not been easy as I’ve faced many tragedies but yet still have managed to manifest my dreams and find material success making more money than some people double my age. I’ve had many psychic/intuitive/spiritual experiences – even seeing spirits. I think about changing the world every single day – and I know I’m going to do it.
Dear Shelley,
Ah your number is rare! Because of the calculations of such a large number as the master 44, you would have to be born between in the late 80s or 90s . I do not even have a celebrity example of a 44. I see from your comment that you are a deep and authentic thinker and have many qualities to gift the world. If you would like to go into more depth about your self, I would be happy to help with a reading. Here is a link. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-readings/ or perhaps you would be interested in a 4 week webinar to learn more about numerology? http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/introduction-to-numerology-webinar/ Many blessings to you on your path.
Matt Goss english singer 29/9/1968
Pedro Fernández Mexican actor and singer 28/9/1969
Lucero Mexican singer and actress 29/08/1969
Thanks so much for this information Hilda! Yes, you are right, these celebrities have a 44 master number.. I will look into it and do a write up. Thank you!!!
My birth date is 29/8/1969, if I did it well it’s 44
All in life seems simple, but not easy. Besides situations in life I feel inner pace. Sadly some people around feel envy and hate without reason. I can read people easily, I mean knowing if I should trust or not, I understand most of things easily and I used to consider it was the normality for every one….
Hello Hilda, It is part of the destiny of a master number to connect to their divine purpose in life and to let go of self judgment and the judgment of others. It is all about empowerment. I empower you and myself. A win, win. Many blessings, Greer
Celebrity examples – Vanessa Paradis, Naomi Campbell.
Hi Ela, I got excited to see this:)
But alas, Actually, Campbell and Vanessa are both 8s, not 44/8.
When you add the numbers together of your birthday to find your destiny, you must do this in a very specific way.
Vanessa Paradis December 22, 1972
1+2+2+2+1+9+7+2 =26/8
Naomi Campbell – May 22, 1970
5+2+2+1+9+7+0 = 26/8
Like I said in my post, it is very rare to have a 44 destiny, because you have to have very high numbers in your year of birth.. which would probably be in the 1980s or 1990s.
Keep trying everyone, I will give you a free 30 minute reading to the first 2 people who can give me a famous 44!
many blessings, Greer
Hello Greer,
My birthday adds is to 44 8/29/1978 and I have a life path of 8. I was born the same day as Michael Jackson a Virgo. I am very sensitive like him and love music and I am a great communicator, in fact I have a degree in journalism, my passion is the media, though I’m not in it. I work in the oil industry and get to work outside a state at the stars every night.
Thank you Mark, for this comment, I believe I will use some of it in my next post, as it is important information to my readers.
Congratulations, having a 44 is very rare as it can only happen with people born with very high numbers in their birth years (late 1970s, 80s, 90s) and will not happen again in our life time for people born in the turn of the century 2000. In my view, your life path is not just an 8, it is a 44/8. Master numbers are very powerful, so we do not reduce. You have really described a 44 in your description of what you are doing. But having a 44, you have the ability to manifest your dreams. With the double 4, you are a powerful builder and manifester, so you could achieve much. many blessings to you. By the way you are in a powerful 1 year this year. check out this link: http://numerology4yoursoul.com/find-your-personal-year-number-in-numerology/
Wow- This is intriguing me. My birthday is 9/19/1996 (I’m not sure how it adds up to 44).
Wow is right. Your 44 destiny is very rare. In fact, in our life time, only those who are born in 1980/90s can sum up to 44 because of the high numbers. Do you feel special in some way? Do you have a vision that you would like to manifest? I would love to hear more from you. Many blessings, Greer
My birthday is 2\6\1989 =44 and my birthday this years adds up too 44 2/6/2016.
Hello Dylan, Actually your birthday this year adds up to an 8
2+6+2+0+1+6=17 (1+7=8) . You can find out more about what this means from this post. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/2016-new-year-resolution-numerology-style/
Also your destiny is an 8, not a 44. 2+6+1+9+8+9=35 3+5=8.
When doing the calculations, it is important to break it down adding each number separately. I am not sure how you got 44. Perhaps you typed the numbers in this comment in error?
An eight is a very powerful number. Find your destiny through this link. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/what-is-your-destiny/ Many blessings, Greer
hi my date of birth is 09/19/1987 which has master number & karmic number. I get 44 after adding my dob .
Hello Kumar, I am so pleased in finally discovering people with a 44 destiny. This master number is finally available for one’s destiny when you are born in the 80s and 90s. Before this time the numbers did not add up that high. This is a poignant 20 years of birth and people who are born in this time are “special souls” and often see beyond what their parents or ancestors see. How are you finding your journey? I would love to know more details as I do not have any celebrity examples. This should be a destiny of someone who is very powerful as a builder and manifestor. You have the ability to expand beyond the norm and create something that is very powerful for people. How are you doing? Perhaps you do not feel understood? would love to hear from you or anyone else who finds their way to this post, with a 44 destiny. Also if you can find a young celebrity with a 44 let me know! many blessings, Greer
nice, but my total birth numbers together is 33 and born at night 11. Will it too get added as 44?
Hi Self realized.. I am confused by this question. Can you please tell me exactly what your birthday is? The time does not count in the destiny number.
I believe there is something wrong in your calculation. What is your birthday? In this calculator you need to add the month+day+year of birth, in that order.
For example, mine is 4/1/1951. so the sum is 4(month)+1(day)+1+9+5+1(year) =21 = destiny is 3.
I feel I am in a crossroads – my destiny number is the number of 44!
This description radiates my children’s book series. I feel I am meant to make an impact to the world thru my writings by reaching out to my readers. I am looking for my direction, my impact to others.
It is so interesting. Using your ability to manifest and empower children to be all they can be. And to look beyond into the wonderful world of nature and inspiration. There are so many visuals in my head that I see when I think about it. And a 44 destiny.. wow.. so cool. It is all about manifestation. Taking the building tools of the double 4 and shifting it into power and abundance for all. The image of igniting in a spiritual way. As you say you are looking for motivation direction. I wonder if you would be interested in a numerology reading. We could delve deeper into your challenges and aspirations as well as give you intention tools to work to help you move forward on your journey. Here is a link to learn more. http://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-readings/
All the best, please feel free to tell me more about your projects. Greer
I wonder if you would be interested in a numerology reading, though. We could do by Skype and might help cause we can answer all your questions in a one on one method.