Creativity and Numerology Workshops for April in Connecticut
With Greer Jonas
I am excited to announce two new creativity and numerology classes in April incorporating your numbers and your creative heart. I hope to see you there! Love, Greer
New Moon & Meditation Card Creations
Thursday April 7 (6:30 – 9:00 pm) $49

To celebrate the Aries new moon, Thursday, April 7, I am presenting a really fun creativity workshop at the Lotus Wellness Center in Greenwich CT. (6:30-9:00PM). The class will work on your intentions with the focus of the new moon—which is all about new beginnings. The process involves creating your own inspirational meditation card.
In fact, you may have time to create 2-3 cards in one night. These cards could lead to the beginning of your very own oracle deck which can be used for insight, meditation and to work with clients.
Of course with the new moon in Aries, which is my birthday:) I have a special affinity to this project.
Thrive in Every Aspect of Your Life: Body, Mind and Spirit.
Creativity and Numerology Workshop
Saturday, April 30, (10am – 5:00pm) $140
What helps you flourish? There are many aspects to who you are and what makes you happy and fulfilled.
In this class, we will explore these parts of “you” with a unique approach that uses a different side of your brain. Using numerology as a tool, you can quality that wants to be developed. Next we will help manifest this value through a creative practice using brushes and paint. You will take home your creations, and with daily affirmations, move your dreams into reality.
This full day class will be broken up into two parts- both incorporating numerology and art.
1) Your life purpose (destiny) numbers
2) Growth number (the key to what helps you thrive).
Both Classes are at the Lotus Wellness Center. Fees includes handouts and art supplies.
Lotus Wellness Center
46 Pemberwick Road/Greenwich, CT 06831
To Register:
Please e-mail [email protected]
or call The Lotus Wellness Center #203-531-4784
Reservation Required. Space is limited.
No Art Experience Necessary!
There are no prerequisites to either of these fun and creative workshops. Whether you are a beginner, or know a bit about numerology, this class is for you. Leave your judgments out the door. No art experience necessary. Let this be a joyful time to play, charge your chi and true potential in a creative and no-mind way.
Join numerologist Greer Jonas in one or both creativity and numerology classes.
Please bring a journal (or notebook) calculator and pen. We will tell you more about what personal items to bring when you sign up.
For more information, contact numerologist, Greer Jonas at
[email protected] or call 917 716-5814
Want to know your destiny or life purpose number? Click here.
I will be doing 30 minute numerology readings in Queens!
Come join me and the other practitioners
at Fitness “R” Us on Sunday, April 24 at the
“Wellness Healing & Psychic Fair” from 12:30 – 5:30 pm.
192-23 Station Rd, Flushing, New York 11358
We suggest booking readings in advance, walk ins welcome!
To book a reading call 646.236.9155
Greer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist, painter and teacher living in New York City. She has been practicing intuitive numerology for more than twenty years. Greer works with clients around the world by appointment, in person, telephone and skype.
To schedule and appointment or get a class schedule, email [email protected].
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