Do you find yourself fighting with your partner? Numerology can help you understand why and what to do. It is all in your birthday numbers!
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Why is the Life Path of 8 So Hard in Numerology?
Why is the Life Path of 8 so hard? Have you heard this before? Let’s take a look at the shadow and the brilliance of the destiny of 8.
Is it Common to Have a Master Number?
Is it common to have a master number? Not really. The powerful master number occurs when the sum of your birthday forms two of the same number.
Numerologist of the Year – Greer Jonas
Greer Jonas has received the honor of the title OmTimes “Numerologist of the Year” (2022-2023), thanks to the popular votes in the community.
Workshop: Time Travel Numerology Journey from 2023 – 2024
A Time-Traveling Numerology Workshop with Greer Jonas will explore the energy shift from the global 2023 to the Global 2024. How will it affect you?