Updated from my September 2014 post!
How perfect is this!!!! Just tonight while pondering two weeks into 2024.. what is next in my life… I receive a comment from my 2014 post on the Yin Yang Symbol. Almost 10 years have passed. And still, yin-yang rings true.
Here is the comment 12/15/2023 – Comment:
“Thank you so much! I have always seen the yin/yang symbol but never knew what it meant. I love how you explained this. Now I understand. When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Thanx”
Thank you Carlette, for the reminder!!! Wow, life reminds us just as we need it. Below is my post from 2014.
September 2014 Post: Yin Yang Symbol and Numerology
“The dance between darkness and light will always remain— the stars and the moon will always need the darkness to be seen, the darkness will just not be worth having without the moon and the stars.” ― C. JoyBell C.
Perhaps the most potent image in our world is the Yin Yang symbol. In numerology, Feng Shui and other modalities, it is the mirror of the 6 and the 9, or in simplest form, feminine and masculine. I meditate on this symbol daily as it reminds me of the need for balance and brings me peace.
I woke up this September morning feeling a stirring of excitement and anxiety. What is next in my life? September is always a time for me to ponder the unknown. But this year has been a biggie. Almost like a big question mark is starting to form into another shape. But my shape is still uncertain. I know I am no longer in the same state of being that I was just a year ago. Hey just 3 months ago.
Many losses, but also gains in independence, creativity, and inner strength. I am a totally different person than I was only last year.
What helps me is the wisdom of the Yin Yang symbol. It is all about balance and unity. The left side is the mirror of the right side. We all hold this duality in us. There is no wrong mirror. Both views are important for our emotional, spiritual, and physical growth in our world.
“The ancients envisioned their world in two halves – masculine and feminine. Their gods and goddesses worked to keep a balance of power. Yin and Yang. When male and female were balanced, there was harmony in the world. When they were unbalanced there was chaos.” ― Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code
The Mirror Guidance of the Yin Yang Symbol

Looking at our mirrors teach us about the dichotomy of our lives. In perfect balance, we find harmony. Yin versus yang; masculine versus feminine; assertiveness versus sensitivity; wisdom versus curiosity; strength versus vulnerability; expansiveness versus control; “I am” versus “we are”; ego versus humility; chaos versus stillness and darkness versus light.
Opening up to making a stand for my own power versus opening my heart to support others is my poignant journey recently. Each mirror is important. The balance of the yin/yang is the key to abundance in all matters of human life.
The Yin Yang Symbol in Numerology
When looking at the yin yang symbol in numerology, we see the mirror images of 6 and 9. Each number is about compassion. In Feng Shui, six is considered the strongest yin number as its’ meaning is all matters of the heart and love for family, community and friends. Nine (the strongest yang number) is compassion for the universe and the meaning of all things. Nine is compassion turned outward toward global consciousness. It is not judgmental, but sees all possibilities. Together the six and nine form a harmonious union of self, our universe and our life’s journey.
How do you apply the yin/yang symbol in your life?
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With 2024 here, perhaps it is time for a numerology reading.
What is shifting in your life that was true in 2023 ( 7 yin global year) to a two 2024 (Global 8 yang year)?
Check it out! Want to know more about what makes you unique and helps you thrive in your life?
A numerology reading might the answer.
Find out more about my numerology readings.
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Thank you so much! I have always saw the yin/yang symbol but never knew what it meant. I love how you explained this . Now I understand. When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Thanx ☺️
Thank you so much Carlette for this reminder of the yin yang symbol. The original post was from 2014, almost ten years ago! How perfect as we move to 2024 in less than a month!!!!
I cannot believe that I never understood yin/yang in this way. Wow! Thank you
for all your teachings. Ani