Do you find yourself fighting with your partner? Numerology can help you understand why and what to do. It is all in your birthday numbers!
Ask Greer
Why is the Life Path of 8 So Hard in Numerology?
Why is the Life Path of 8 so hard? Have you heard this before? Let’s take a look at the shadow and the brilliance of the destiny of 8.
Is it Common to Have a Master Number?
Is it common to have a master number? Not really. The powerful master number occurs when the sum of your birthday forms two of the same number.
Can I Have a Karmic Debt Number of Zero?
Are you wondering if you have a karmic number and what that means? If there are no numbers missing, you have a karmic debt zero. Does that mean you have nothing to learn?
I See the Same Birthday Numbers All the Time! Why?
Are you seeing the same birthday numbers everywhere? Like your father’s? What does it mean? Numerology can help you understand the message.