Is the power of 8 a bad thing? Only in the eyes of the beholder. Eight, in the mundane world is about money and materialism. But it is so much more. In the higher realms of the eight, it is about abundance in every way. It is the infinity symbol— which is limitless potential.
September is a 9 Month – Transition Time
Yes, September is a 9 month, what does that mean for you? Nine is all about transformation and transition.
Magical Monhegan Island in Maine
Take a step back in time to Monhegan Island in Maine. It is a magical place with no traffic, no noise or crowded supermarkets. See the beautiful photos taken in August 2013.
Your “I Keep Seeing the Same Number” Journal
Are you seeing the same number everywhere? 11’s 33’s 555? What is the meaning of it for you? All of you have a story to tell. This post is your journal. Send me comments and questions and I will continually update.
Painting Your Chakras
Painting your chakras? Interested in engaging your creativity and spiritual self? Check out this class in NYC and Ct.