Welcome to the month of July everyone! The Number 7. According to numerology, seven represents the unique, psychic, mysterious, and spiritual energy that can be available to each of us.
Number 6 is the Spirit of the Heart
June is Here, the 6 month of the year. Number 6 is the Spirit of the heart. How will you share your love with others?
Cher, Prince, & Madonna Rose to Stardom Using Their Firstname Only!
Looking to change your name? Read about how Prince, Cher and Madonna change their full birthnames to only go by their first name. The result gave them the freedom be out in the world as iconic entertainers without holding back.
May 2023 – the Energy of Five Can Shift the Feeling of ‘Stuck’
May is here and with it is the energy of the “5”. The five will assist us in making important changes in our lives. What will you do?
What is Your Personal Year Number in 2023?
What is Your personal year number? It is what you have to look forward to this year. To find the number, add the sum or birth month, day to current year.