Join numerologist Greer Jonas and talk show host Paul Morris on BlogTalk Radio Wednesday, February 11 at 4:00-4:30 pm. We will be talking all about numerology and its impact on your life. Hope you tune in!
February, Numerology and Love
What will February bring you in numerology and love? It is the two vibration – all about relationships of all kinds – romantic, social, and of course, self
What Does the Life Purpose Mean in Numerology?
What does the life purpose mean? Are you wondering what your destiny if knowing this can help you find a profession? Do you have an 11 destiny?
Numerology 2015: Year of Abundance
Are you wondering, if the year’s number changing to 2015, will have some form of shift in your life? According to numerology 2015 is the year of power and abundance.
12.13.14 – Last sequential date in our life time
Coming up on Saturday, we see the last sequential date in our life time 12.13.14. Many weddings have been planned around 12.13.14 because it […]