Born in the creative third month of the year, Queen Latifah is all about creativity and self- expression. Always wanting to be unique, the name “Dana” did not really fit Latifah’s powerful energy. So she changed her name and with that created a master persona.
Seeing 708 All the Time
Do you see the same number all the time? Perhaps you keep seeing 708? What does this mean? It is often a sign that you need to pay attention to something that is happening in your life.
Leap Year Numerology, A Moment Out of Time
Leap Year from a numerology point of view is more than just a day that only happens every 4 years. It is a day out of time. Even if this is not leap year, we all can feel its effect. This could be a time to set energy in motion before it has form.
Where is Cupid’s Arrow in Winter? Astrological View
Want a Valentine’s Day Astrology and Tarot perspective for this February 14, 2015? Personal Tarot reading for the day is included.
The Choice for Love Numerology Style
Perhaps it is a difficult and emotional time for you right now? Seems like things are moving at a fast pace and you are trying to catch up? Breathe in love.