In September, there are three auspicious days of 9 9 9.
September 9, 2016 is the ninth day of the nine month (September) of a nine year (2+0+1+6=9). Two more days in September are 9 days: 18 (1+8) and 27 (2+7). How will the energy of 9 affect you?

The sum of 9 9 9 =18 (1+8=9) So 9/9/9 is a 9 day!
In numerology, 9 is the number of transformation and completion. It is looking at the bigger picture and finding a new prospective to an old situation. What a powerful day to set out intentions to change your life! In fact, you do not have to limit this to one day in time. September is a 9 month and 2016 is a 9 year — so, you have a few months left:)
As a numerologist, I have previously examined the topic of transformation in the year 2016. For all of you, this is a year of contemplating what inspires you and what you need to change in order to move to a new place. You may be experiencing endings this year as well, perhaps a loved one passing or the end of a relationship or career path. To reflect with a “9” prospective, you can ask yourself: “What are the lessons and gifts that I received from this experience that has moved my heart and soul?”
I know for me, sometimes it feels like I am on a cliff, reluctantly ready to face something new. Will I take a zip-line to the other side, will I jump, or will I reach out and ask for help? Of course, there is another alternative… I could turn on the TV and veg out. LOL. It is all about facing my fears and challenges with compassion and adventure.
So on this 9 9 9 adventure day.. imagine what you can do! You can start now in meditation. Clear your mind for 5 minutes of breathing (use the timer on your iphone).
9 Ideas for Your 9 9 9 Day
Do not limit yourself to these 9 ideas. Feel free to explore! Of course you can continue this list for the rest of the month and year.
- Open to your potential, breathe it in and send it out with a big exhale.
- Make an intention list of what you would like to transform or create in your life. With each intention, Jot down one thing you can do to begin the change.
- Make a list of what you have accomplished this year.
- Make a gratitude list – all the people, places and things you are grateful for.
- Do one thing today that might be slightly out of your “normal” that will be inspiring or make you smile. It could be as simple as wearing purple socks or saying hello to someone in the elevator!
- Be creative in some way – doodle, dance, write, sing.
- Start one project you have been putting off. Do not overwhelm, you do not have to finish this today!
- Explore the magnificence of nature – take a walk, sit outside, water your plants.
- Celebrate you and abundance through drumming, dancing, chanting.
I would love to hear from you. Tell me what you will do in this nine vibration.
Want to know more about what inspires you? How your name influences you? What is your destiny and personal year 2016? A numerology reading can transform you with a new outlook. Click here to find out about my 90 minute readings.
Here is a creative inspiration for the fall that can help you to expand. Painting Your Chakras. A workshop with Greer Jonas, Saturday, October 23. Find out more here.
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9.9.9 was a very amazing day… extra sharp and light day, uuuufff… super high energy !!!
Also the day I found out I was a 33 destiny number 😉 and read ‘If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe’ Nikola Tesla. It started to move already a few days before and the 9 was a peak moment and it’s continuing ;)) I have been having deep manifesting integrations of past months & years, dots linked in a new luminous way. Next is NOW, ENERGY, MAGIC, HEALING, SHARING, LOVING & TIME FOR PARTNER & BABY… GRATEFUL” Oya
Wow Oya, So wonderful, may each day bring you so much insight! And thanks for reminding me of Nikola Tesla. Sounds like a great next blog. Stay tuned:)
Good stuff Greer. And so generous of you to answer people’s questions. Many blessings and abundance in your work! Lucia
Thank you Lucia:) Many blessings to you:)
I just love your website. Thank you for these creative ideas on how to best use the 999 energy. It is also joyful ???
Love and Light
Thank you Karin.
Many blessings, Greer