If your life purpose is a six, you are here to spread compassion and love. The 6 destiny number is the teacher, the mother, the healer, the great friend and the empathetic coach. Your journey is through the heart as you expand your service to your family, friends and community. It is also the loving connection with the earth. Your path might also be the environmentalist or the gardener.
To find out more on how to find you life purpose, click here.
The Lesson of the 6 Destiny Number
The lesson of the six is to open your heart and accept yourself and others. Appreciate the perfection of imperfection. The 6 tends to take on everyone’s problems and count themselves last. The true journey is to love self and through this heart connection, you will help others. It is not about taking care of everyone but supporting and inspiring others to discover their own power and self-care.
Most importantly and often a challenge, the six needs to learn about speaking the truth without judgment or desire for a specific outcome.
John Lennon Had a 6 Destiny Number
John Winston Lennon was born October 9, 1940 – December 8 1980. The beloved singer, song writer and pacifist John Lennon had a six life purpose. (To calculate the life purpose, add month, day and year of birth, 1+0+9+1+9+4+0 =24/6.) His song “Imagine” is the essence of the enlightened six journey.
• Questions on your numbers? For a nominal fee of $18. I will be happy to answer them through email. $44 for 15 minute phone consult. Click here to schedule your mini reading.or schedule a:
• Full one hour or 90 minute reading to learn more about yourself and your challenges in life through the details of your name, destiny and karmic numbers.
90 minute reading includes charts, detailed analysis, skype session and recording, plus intention work. Click here to schedule your 90 minute session.
60 minute reading includes charts and skype session (analysis is not as detailed) Click here to schedule your 60 minute session.
Yes i m a teacher. And i love my profession. But now i m having cancer that is killing me slowly. I want to know how long i hv to bear this cancer before dying. All drs hv lost hope n i m left in hands of god
Hello Gurmeet,
I am sorry for your illness. I wish you a lighter journey and more peace in your transition if that is the way it will go. I hope you have support around this with your loved ones. And perhaps a spiritual connection to bring you more peace. Meditating, listening to peaceful music like Deva Premal may be healing for you. Unfortunately, numerology cannot predict when how long someone is on this planet and anyone who says so is not working with integrity.
Many blessings and peace,
My destiny number is 6. I am in financial industry but planning to change career and be a Doctor. Be a Psychiatrist or Dermatologist in the future. However circumstances are coming on my way are very challenging. It feels I am against all odds just to transfer in my dream career. I hope I am on the right tract.
Hi Therese,
I see your destiny is a 6 which is all about service and compassion. Being in the medical or therapy world would be excellent for you as long as you do not take on everyone’s ailments. Compassion for self first and not “care taking” or needing to change the world is necessary or you will burn yourself out.
Much success! If you are interested in a reading to get some more insight into you.. I would be happy to work with you. Here is a link to a reading.https://numerology4yoursoul.com/product/numerology-readings/
I felt this was spot on for me and was quite pleased with the results ? My passion is to become a Alcohol/Drug Counselor and I am currently in school for that now. I was very enlightened thanks!!!!
You are so welcome. Having a 6 destiny is all about service and compassion. It does seem like your profession as a counselor is perfect. Basic lesson of the 6 is to love and have compassion for yourself. In all matters of life to ask yourself, “am I looking for approval or doing things because I want to be loved?” This will not bring you satisfaction and could set you up for disappointment, because you are depending on someone else to bring you joy. (I so relate to this!) Always check in on your heart’s desire and remember you are perfect just the way you are. many blessings, Greer.
My boyfriend’s and my destiny’s number is 6 ..any connection? or guarantee that we will always stay together?
Great Question! Having a destiny of 6 is all about love, compassion and service. You would make a wonderful teach, healer, counselor, working with community and philanthropist. Great with children. You are someone who people trust and want to connect to. Whatever you do, you will be happy when it is dealing with people. As long as you are following your passion, you will be successful. 6’s challenge is they want to to please and they need to remember to love themselves first and not just to help someone else.
Having a relationship with another 6 can feel like soul mates because you get each other. You both come from the heart and can be very affectionate. You could actually work together if you are both loving what you do and can separate with different tasks thus avoiding competition and jealousy. 6s can care very much what people think and put themselves down with judgement and feeling less then. You can be of great support to each other as you encourage each other to shine. But if you come from a place of “how can I please him” and what he does is more important than me, you will become resentful eventually. Best bet is open communication and encouragement and self love. I would say at least a daily check in. How are you doing? And really listening to him as well as sharing self honestly.
I cannot promise you will always stay together, there is no number combination that can predict this. As with life, it depends on both of you. Hope this helps:)
I cant believe this, this is so accurate. I have always been putting others first before myself. And i have always wanted to take psychology, i want to be a psychiatrist and a teacher as well in which i think is so similar to the journey in my life. 🙂
the num i got is 6 but its description is totaly wrong …according to journey of my life..
Hello Jatin, That is very interesting, tell me what is your journey in life? The 6 journey is all about people and guidance and teaching. Perhaps you have a form of this? If you would like to know more, check on this page for my private readings and answers to short questions. Perhaps I can help further. Many blessings, Greer