Maya Angelou voices her strive for freedom and spirituality through her creative being. Here is a numerology reading of this great poet and activist. Her spirit lives on.
monthly feature
Valentine Love is in the Air and Numbers
Hey everyone, so fast approaching Valentine’s Day 2014. This year Valentine love can be a very vibrant and gregarious time for you. What does it mean by the numbers?
Universal Year 2014: The Journey of 7
What do you have to look forward to in year 2014? In numerology, 2014 is the journey of the number 7, the energy of spirituality and inner wisdom.
Tribute: Nelson Mandela Numerology Prospective
In a tribute to the late Nelson Mandela numerology explains a lot. A destiny number of 8, gave him a powerful presence in the world.
I Keep Seeing 20 Everywhere
Is there a reason I keep seeing 20? “For the past couple of months I’ve been seeing the number :20 on the clock. It […]