Today is 1/11! Add the 1+1+1+2+0+2+5 = 3! It is a master 11 day of creative expression. What will you do to inspire?
master 11
November Numerology – Today is 11-1 Master 11
Today is the First day of November ! The Master 11! Add the 1+1+1+2+0+2+4 = 11! 11 is Mastery in Divine Inspiration. What is your vision?
2018 Numerology – the Year of the 11 Portal
What is in store for you in 2018? According to 2018 numerology, this global year is a new portal for all of us. The master 11 is the energy of divine inspiration, leadership, and new beginnings.
Ready for the August 21 Solar Eclipse?
Many predict that the August 21 Solar Eclipse will have a big effect on us spiritually and energetically, especially in the USA. From an astrological and numerology perspective, how will the eclipse affect you?