Ask Greer: I’ve been trying to find a specific meaning to the repeating number patterns of 4 in my life and especially in my artwork. If you could shed any light on this I would be very appreciative.—Liz
Greer: Fascinating topic, Liz. As an artist, I am especially intrigued to witness repeating number patterns of 4 in art. Fours are all about building— putting things together. It is the square, the home, logic, everything having its place in the cosmic realm. Four is the earth and the vibration of a grounding force in all of us.
The Sacred Number 4
In the Lakota tradition, the number 4 is considered a sacred number. For example, we can experience the four vibration in everything in nature (root, stem, leaves and fruit), the four directions, four-legged animals, and the four seasons (Summer, Winter, Fall and Spring) Watch U-Tube “The Sacred Number 4“.
When you see the same number everywhere— in your art, on the clock, license plates, etc, pay attention and journal about it. It may be a message for you. I have had countless questions and comments about this phenomenon. Read this post and all the comments for more about this. “I Keep Seeing The Same Numbers Everywhere”.
Repeating Number Patterns: A Hidden Code of Recalibration?
There is another piece about seeing the same numbers everywhere that I have been pondering. Could it be that when a consistent number appears in an art vision or the clock or after you say something profound, perhaps it is a personal code of recalibration for you. Perhaps the connection to that code of numbers is shifting and expanding your mind, cells and DNA in some important way. A message to pay attention, yes. But maybe even more. I know when I see 11s or 33s or 45s, I feel a true connection to my higher power.
I invite all of you to connect to “your numbers”, explore all the possibilities through meditation, writing or art. I suspect that this is the way inventors, physicists and philosophers come up with their brilliant theories.* Please send me comments, art and insights in your exploration. I am so intrigued!
Liz, does this ring true for you? Please tell me more and send your paintings. I would love to post them on my site and any other insights you may have.
* * * *
Pythagoras and Music
*Did you know that Pythagoras (the father of the numerology methodology that I practice) worked with energy patterns in his theories of music and numbers?
“One day while meditating upon the problem of harmony, Pythagoras chanced to pass a brazier’s shop where workmen were pounding out a piece of metal upon an anvil. By noting the variances in pitch between the sounds made by large hammers and those made by smaller implements, and carefully estimating the harmonies and discords resulting from combinations of these sounds, he gained his first clue to the musical intervals of the diatonic scale.” — Read more on this.
Do you see the same numbers everywhere? If you are interested in a more detailed analysis of the numbers in your life, which could include your address, your name, your business, life purpose and more, please contact me. Click here Please state what you would like to work on in a private reading by phone or skype. To set up an appointment or ask a question about this, my email address is [email protected] or respond in the comment section below. More about readings.
Hi Adaeze. 27 is the number of completion and transformation. Pay attention to when you see this number. What are you thinking or feeling? What is going on in your life? If you want more info, you may consider getting a reading. I have many options, including a mini- email session. Many blessing for 2019:)
Yahweh nassi ,Thank you enlightend one . Greer you are appreciated. Cayce T.
So I keep seeing the number 111 or 1111 daily for over 18 months now…. Multiple times a day. Yesterday it was 11.11am and then on the TV I glanced up at the TV randomly and the show said something about a person noticing the time – yep 11.11 flashed up on the screen. The day before that it was 1.11. This is a daily occurance that I have started taking screen shots on my phone. Creepy.
Hello Mel, Thanks for the comment, you are not alone.. especially seeing 11s all the time. It is very common. 11 is all about a psychic seeing. Seeing beyond what is known. When I see 11s on the clock, etc. it is a confirmation for me that something I am talking about or thinking about needs to be paid attention to. See this post for more. Also this post talks about seeing the same number all the time.
If you are interested in receiving a personal answer to your question through an email or skype, I will happily answer it. We can go into more detail about your question. Here is a link to receive this service.
Hi Shelley, Yes, very interesting.
4 (sacred number and dealing with grounding and building and the home) 1 (new beginnings) 8 (power and being out there in the world) = 13 (3+1=4). What a powerful and directed journey for both of you. So in essence the message can be a grounding one. When you see this number, it might be saying, stay strong, you are on the right track. Take one step after the other and don’t skip a step. Lesson is patience and perseverance. Hope this helps:)
I have been seeing 45 everywhere for past 6 to 8 months. My left eye has been twitching. I have just quit my job and converted my position into a contract and here in a trip I want to turn it into full time position. Also will be traveling for almost a month. So not sire if angels are trying to warn me or tell me everything I am doing is going to turn out good, I wish know what these number series mean. Example I wake up middle of night and check time it will be 2:45 etc… Can you help direct me 🙂
Dear Katama,
It sounds like a powerful time for you. I cannot tell you what the exact meaning of 45 is for you as everyone learns and responds to the matters and lessons in their life a different way based on their own spirit. Just like twins are born on the same day and the same parents and environment will turn to different values and goals in life.
That said. Lets talk about the meaning of 45. I see it as a direction. This is a number that comes up at important times in my life (it is also the address of my childhood home). Is there something about 45 in your life?
So. 4 (matters of the home, building, order, working with hands, stability) + 5 (connecting with people and energy, and yes, travel) = 9 (transformation, transition and completion). So wow, what comes up for you when you read this? It certainly seems like a time of change in your life. It certainly seems like you are in a place of transformation. Perhaps you are working on establishing the building blocks to a new foundation and connecting with the people and the energy to accomplish it? Keep in mind the 9 energy is a moving energy and can feel like a roller coaster ride but in the end, it is all about achieving the bigger picture of life. It will be good to keep a journal and find the messages you are given when you receive 45. Write down how you feel and what is in the way of you achieving your goals. The 45 is saying.. take a look, or it might be saying.. you are on track.. or it might be saying a big YES. or it might be saying, this moment is important.
Hope this helps you on your very exciting new journey.
If you are interested, I am available for a 90 minute reading based on your name and birthday. $185 includes Skype session which will be taped and charts will be sent. here is the link to numerology session invoice.
Many blessings, Greer
Do not be frightened Sandra, as you can see from my previous post,, 6 is a beautiful number of the heart. It is the number of community and family and friendship and service.
Double 6 adds to 12 1+2 = 3. Three is all about creativity and self expression. So when you see 66 pay attention to what is going on in your life. What were you thinking at the time? What were you trying to express? As I have said in other posts,, when you see the same number all the time, it is a sign, or a confirmation. And you can work with it by keeping a journal as far as when it pops up and even what was said on the radio or what your friend said next to you. It could be an important code just for you.
Would love to hear more details of your 66 journey. If I can help in any way for you to understand it more, please write me. Many blessings, Greer
I keep seeing 27. It’s literally haunting me. What could that mean please?
Hi Adaeze. 27 is the number of completion and transformation. Pay attention to when you see this number. What are you thinking or feeling? What is going on in your life? If you want more info, you may consider getting a reading. I have many options, including a mini- email session. Many blessing for 2019:)
Yahweh nassi ,Thank you enlightend one . Greer you are appreciated. Cayce T.
Thanks Cayce:)
So I keep seeing the number 111 or 1111 daily for over 18 months now…. Multiple times a day. Yesterday it was 11.11am and then on the TV I glanced up at the TV randomly and the show said something about a person noticing the time – yep 11.11 flashed up on the screen. The day before that it was 1.11. This is a daily occurance that I have started taking screen shots on my phone. Creepy.
Hello Mel, Thanks for the comment, you are not alone.. especially seeing 11s all the time. It is very common. 11 is all about a psychic seeing. Seeing beyond what is known. When I see 11s on the clock, etc. it is a confirmation for me that something I am talking about or thinking about needs to be paid attention to. See this post for more. Also this post talks about seeing the same number all the time.
If you are interested in receiving a personal answer to your question through an email or skype, I will happily answer it. We can go into more detail about your question. Here is a link to receive this service.
I keep seeing the same number for me and my husband,but in different order. I’m a fish and he’s a Leo. 4.1.8.his 184
Hi Shelley, Yes, very interesting.
4 (sacred number and dealing with grounding and building and the home) 1 (new beginnings) 8 (power and being out there in the world) = 13 (3+1=4). What a powerful and directed journey for both of you. So in essence the message can be a grounding one. When you see this number, it might be saying, stay strong, you are on the right track. Take one step after the other and don’t skip a step. Lesson is patience and perseverance. Hope this helps:)
I have been seeing 45 everywhere for past 6 to 8 months. My left eye has been twitching. I have just quit my job and converted my position into a contract and here in a trip I want to turn it into full time position. Also will be traveling for almost a month. So not sire if angels are trying to warn me or tell me everything I am doing is going to turn out good, I wish know what these number series mean. Example I wake up middle of night and check time it will be 2:45 etc… Can you help direct me 🙂
Dear Katama,
It sounds like a powerful time for you. I cannot tell you what the exact meaning of 45 is for you as everyone learns and responds to the matters and lessons in their life a different way based on their own spirit. Just like twins are born on the same day and the same parents and environment will turn to different values and goals in life.
That said. Lets talk about the meaning of 45. I see it as a direction. This is a number that comes up at important times in my life (it is also the address of my childhood home). Is there something about 45 in your life?
So. 4 (matters of the home, building, order, working with hands, stability) + 5 (connecting with people and energy, and yes, travel) = 9 (transformation, transition and completion). So wow, what comes up for you when you read this? It certainly seems like a time of change in your life. It certainly seems like you are in a place of transformation. Perhaps you are working on establishing the building blocks to a new foundation and connecting with the people and the energy to accomplish it? Keep in mind the 9 energy is a moving energy and can feel like a roller coaster ride but in the end, it is all about achieving the bigger picture of life. It will be good to keep a journal and find the messages you are given when you receive 45. Write down how you feel and what is in the way of you achieving your goals. The 45 is saying.. take a look, or it might be saying.. you are on track.. or it might be saying a big YES. or it might be saying, this moment is important.
Hope this helps you on your very exciting new journey.
If you are interested, I am available for a 90 minute reading based on your name and birthday. $185 includes Skype session which will be taped and charts will be sent. here is the link to numerology session invoice.
Many blessings, Greer
I keep coming across the number 66, it’s almost frightening these days. What could this mean? I’m totally baffled. — Sandra
Do not be frightened Sandra, as you can see from my previous post,, 6 is a beautiful number of the heart. It is the number of community and family and friendship and service.
Double 6 adds to 12 1+2 = 3. Three is all about creativity and self expression. So when you see 66 pay attention to what is going on in your life. What were you thinking at the time? What were you trying to express? As I have said in other posts,, when you see the same number all the time, it is a sign, or a confirmation. And you can work with it by keeping a journal as far as when it pops up and even what was said on the radio or what your friend said next to you. It could be an important code just for you.
Would love to hear more details of your 66 journey. If I can help in any way for you to understand it more, please write me. Many blessings, Greer