What is your Personal Month numerology theme? Here is a question from Denise for the month of June.
I feel very emotional this month, is there a specific personal month theme for June that explains why? – Denise
Yes, you are not alone on this emotional whirlwind! In fact, the theme of June, which is the 6th month of the year, is all about compassion and matters of the heart.
It is no coincidence that June is always thought of as a month of marriages, bridal showers and graduations. The numerological vibration of the 6 is connecting with family, friendship, romance, community and love. It is about birthing something, be it a new relationship or stepping into your life in a more compassionate way. It can be emotional as it is truly about opening the heart. Read more about June and 6 in this post.
“You are my courage, as I am your conscience,” he whispered.
“You are my heart, and I your compassion. We are neither of us whole, alone.
―Diana Gabaldon, Drums of Autumn
What is your personal month numerology focus for June?
Want to find out what your personal month number is for the month of June? This number can tell you more about how to cope and thrive in this 6 month.
Here is how: Add your birth month + birth day + Current year + 6 (June is 6th month).
If your birthday is April 1 and it is 2015, your numerology calculation would be like this: 4+1+2+0+1+5+6 =19. (1+9=1)
1 – A time of rebirth and innovative ideas. Tap into how you are how you are relating to others on your journey this month.
Personal numerology month focus for 2-9
2 — You are not alone. Connect with another, to find truth and balance. This is a time of relationships of all kinds, be it romantic, social, business, self. Double whammy in the 6 vibration of June. How are you doing so far?
3 — A time of creative expression, how will you communicate with others?
4 — You are organized and strong. It is a great time to complete a project, working with your hands and mind to build. Connecting to home and family will be key in June.
5 —A time of energy and connecting with people and charisma. June should keep you really busy! Make sure you leave time for self.
6 — Your heart is open. You may find yourself sharing love and compassion with family, friends and community. The emotional component will be doubly strong this month.
7 — It is a time of spiritual growth and finding the answers within. A period of reflection. Here you can work on the emotional piece of your inner being. You may feel like isolating or meditating more than usual this month. Honor your need to be alone. Have compassion for yourself.
8 — Energy and abundance is yours to help you move forward in your life. It is a time of power and strength as a leader and manifester. June will bring many people to you and your challenge is to balance between power from the mind vs. power from the heart. If you do not, you will probably be locking horns this month with many, as you struggle to be in charge.
9 — Nine is all about transformation and transition. So this is a pivotal month in the area of the heart and you might find yourself soul searching. This might be a time of looking at the past and old relationships or even ancestral patterns.
You can do the same thing for any month. Just find your personal year (sum of birth month + birthday+current year) and then add the number of the month. Once you find your personal month numerology focus, you can use the above descriptions to help you cope and thrive.
Quick note to what each month’s vibrational theme is:
- January – (1) New beginnings
- February – (2) Relationships
- March – (3) Creativity
- April – (4) Building
- May – (5) fun and action
- June – (6) compassion
- July – (7) spirituality
- August – (8) power and abundance
- September – (9) transformation
- October – (10/1) potential
- November – (11) divine inspiration
- December – (12/3) Creative expression
Feel free to comment on what personal month you are in and any insight or questions you have. Would love to hear from you! You can email me directly at [email protected] or comment below.
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