Want to know all about numerology in 20 minutes?
This numerology interview that took place July 2015 hosted by Coach and hypnotherapist, Susan Holman on her The Breakthrough Health & Fitness Show.*
Numerologist, Greer Jonas discusses many facets of numbers… from destiny and personal year numbers, to Madonna’s powerful master numbers and name chart. (She is totally into this stuff:)
Watch the Numerology Interview with Greer Jonas on UTube

“Wow… Loved your interview. Quite engaging for a newcomer and a clear review for more seasoned folks like myself.” Love and light, Elle
Interested in how your numbers reflect your journey in life? Contact Greer at [email protected]
Find out more here.
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Other topics you might find of interest:
- Find your personal year.
- Find you destiny
- 90 minute numerology reading.
- What happens when I change my name?
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