Is it ok to use numbers in business names?

I am continually getting asked for guidance in finding a successful name for a business. Here is a very interesting question about using your numbers in business names.
Ask Greer: I am looking to start a business and wondered if I could include a number in the name. I have several ideas for numbers. Perhaps the number 360. One idea is using my daughter’s name, “Aubra”. We were inspired to give her this name and thought of the business name Aubra360— Alex
Answer: Hi Alex, you can absolutely use numbers in business names. Especially “360” which means full circle. Case in point is restaurant chain Latitude 360. In numerology, when calculating your business name, we first add all the numbers together (this sum will influence how the business will express itself to the world). Then we break the name down. We add the vowels on the top (sum is your soul number— the essence of the name) and the consonants on the bottom (sum is the value systems number— who/what the business will attract). Take a look at this chart of Aubra360.

Aubra 360 has a 7 expression number. This is a great name for a spiritual business that enlightens and strives for being unique. The name would be excellent for a yoga studio, selling enlightened products, writing, coaching or connecting to nature. The 5 in soul will attract people and energy and give the essence of the business a fire so to speak. This people-energy id 5 is needed for the 7 to get started and to achieve a presence online and in practice. Seven energy is often quiet and introspective, so it will be helpful to have that burst of energy in the business name.
The 11 in value is a master number, all about inspiration and ideas that can transform. So you will attract people who are interested in enlightenment.
One extremely successful name with a seven (7) expression is Google. As we all know, Google is all about searching for the unknown and the unique. Read more about this and other successful business names.
If you would like me to work with you further in creating a business name that suits you, I would be honored. When I work with clients, we begin with a brainstorming session including your ideas. Then I come in with various charts and other alternatives for names if some would work better than others. Here is the link to register and start the process.
My reading with you was a pivotal, powerful moment in my life and I am grateful and frankly awed. You are a true force of divine feminine creative energy and to have my life touched by what you bring has already had a profound impact on my journey. —Daisy
Got Questions about your business name? Dear reader, I would like to take this time to thank you for your enthusiasm in numerology and my site. The comments and questions, especially about finding your business name, have more than quadrupled. I would love to reach each of you and to assist you in your quest to learn more about your business. For this reason, I have a nominal fee of $85 to answer a few of your questions about your business through email. Click here.
Numerology Readings
My goal, as an intuitive numerologist, is to help you uncover abundance in all areas of your life, not just money. Through this process, you may also discover the abundance of success in a spiritual, creative, inspirational and intellectual aspect of your life.
Personal Numerology Readings: Interested in a numerology reading all about your name and birthdate? Or looking to change your name? A 90 minute session can help you uncover more about yourself, your lessons and life path. Click here to learn more and to schedule your appointment.
Business Name Reading: Looking to create a new business and want to find a business name that matches your vision and is successful? Click here to learn more and to schedule your appointment.
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Hello Charles, I would be honored to assist. When I work with clients, there are many questions I ask in order to brainstorm on the best name for you. Here is the link to my readings to get started. Many blessings and success!
Good morning I’m finding a business name of my construction firm can you give me some suggestions what name should i used., thanks more power.,
Hello Adrian, I would be happy to but need more information to come up with names. If you are interested in a reading, see the link in this post. Basically a construction firm would do well with a 4 in its expression which is all about building. Many blessings and success, Greer
I am going to start an online clothing business. Can you please suggest a name?
Hi Sundra, Finding a perfect and successful name for any business is so subjective to your values, clients, destiny and what you want to achieve. When I work with someone on their name we go through a process of answering questions, coming up with a variety of charts and options and then finalizing the names in a one hour skype session. I would be happy to provide you with such a service. Here is the link.
Wishing you much success! many blessings, Greer