With Friday (12/13/2024) being Friday the 13, I am reposting this account of the illusive 13. Lucky? Unlucky? Sacred? Everyone has an opinion.
Friday the 13th is often seen as a vision from a scary movie representing dangerous and unlucky times. To me, as a numerologist, 13 is a sacred number.
Number 13 unlucky?
What do you think?
Ask Greer: “Now, I’ve never been very superstitious, but when it comes to the number 13, I am literally haunted by it. Born 3/13/91, I have always loved how upset people get about that number, but it feels closer to me than anything. I cannot go anywhere or do anything without seeing this number. Is number 13 unlucky or lucky? Some insight on what it all means would be greatly appreciated!”—Josh
Quick answer: Is number 13 lucky or unlucky? ” Neither!” —Greer
When I look at a number, I do not see lucky, unlucky, good or bad. To me, as a numerologist, each number has a specific vibration and often the combination of this number affects us in different ways. Various numbers that appear in our lives will offer personal lessons unique to our own experiences.
I myself am amazed at the superstition and negativity over the number 13. Buildings don’t have a 13th floor, people feel a bad omen on Friday the 13th, etc. Thirteen has a differing wrap based on several ancient interpretations and belief systems.
The Christian view of The Last Supper can be seen in a few ways. With thirteen participants, one was the traitor. Yet the same scenario could describe the 13th participant as Christ. *Another interpretation is that Mary was the 13th Divine Feminine aspect. (*See comment on this post.)
In Judaism, the age of 13 is considered the powerful right of passage for a young girl or boy. Moving into maturity and connecting with adulthood is celebrated with the Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
Now lets get to your question, is number 13 unlucky
and what does it mean when I see it continually?
Let’s break down the number 13 in numerological terms. (1+3=4). Thirteen describes a pattern of new beginnings (1) + creative expression (3) = building and structure (4). It is actually a theme of solid, grounding movement. So in essence, number 13 is a strong vibration representing organization and accomplishment in a creative and unique way. What can be unlucky about that? Perhaps letting go of superstitious belief systems can open your experience to something new and significant.
If so, and especially since it is in your birthday number, perhaps seeing 13 is a sign for you to pay attention to where you are going in life right now. Are you travelling with your feet planted firmly on the ground and with a purpose? What are you looking to accomplish at this present time? It is good to keep a journal when you see the number 13 in order to decipher what the universe is trying to tell you.
Is 13 unlucky or lucky for you? I like your attitude, as thirteen has followed you around your whole life. When you see the number, take it as an “aha” moment to uncover where the signs are leading you to.
*The Number 13 and the Divine Feminine: Full Moons
“The association with the number 13 is directly connected with the Divine Feminine in relation the 13 Moons. The 13 Moons annually are recognized by indigenous cultures worldwide. Many Medicine Wheel teachings, including the ones I offer, have 13 Moons in the outer circle of the wheel offering teaching of the cycles of life and a deeper understanding of oneself to assist in self-actualization.
The moon is the feminine energy of our luminaries and represents the mother and the receptive principle. The sun is the masculine energy and represents the father and the active principle.”—Author and spiritual entrepreneur, MargaretAnnLembo Read more about the 13 moons and the divine feminine on her blog.>.
Tarot, Myths, and Sanskrit on Lucky, Unlucky Number 13

Number 13 in Tarot. Part of the fear and superstition came from the misunderstanding of the 13th card in Tarot deck. On first view (see card on the right from the Ryder-Waite Tarot deck) we see the card of death, or the grim reaper. In most symbolism, it actually represents transformation, purification and rebirth. The death of the old and bringing in the new. Read more about this at BiddyTarot.com
Norse Mythology and Unlucky Number 13
The symbolic meaning of number thirteen is described explicitly in Avia Venefica’s What’s your sign website. Long story short, we see the Norse myth of a banquet of 12 Norse gods. An “honorary banquet was held in Valhalla for Baldur (god of nobility, redemption and admirable strength) among other twelve Norse gods. Loki (the trickster) came to the banquet as the uninvited thirteenth guest. Afterwards, we learn Baldur was slain by Hoor who, to execute the god, was given a magic spear by Loki. ” – Avia Venifica. Read more on Avia’s site.
13 is the Number of all Mystery Schools on Planet Earth
“The Number 13 is the combination of the I AM Presence merged with Mouna (Sanskrit for Inner Silence.). Inner Silence merged with the I AM Presence which the Number 13 is, is the Silence that speaks a Most Eloquent Tone. It is usually accompanied by Using Communication as a Healing Tool,” says spiritual leader Samyama Gates.
“The Number 13 also refers to The Absolute, The Light, The Truth, and the Way. As a Spiritual Astrology Readings, I use the Number 13 a lot during Healing Work, when I phrase and pause, as I Command the Environment to Move the Planets for my Querents, that they may be assisted.”
More posts on seeing same numbers all the time:
- Should I play the lottery?
- Seeing the Same Numbers Can Be a Message for You
- What to Do When You See The Same Numbers
- I Keep Seeing the Same Numbers Everywhere
- Can the Destiny of ‘One’ be an unlucky Number?
The number 13 is a transformational number one of strength and courage , the one is independent of it’s self allowing the expression of the spirit to come through. — Numerologist Intuitive, Marie Baron ~ mariestellarintuitive
HI Greer, I like 13! Here are a few more aspects of 13.
In our Cosmic Astrology, we use the principal of 12 around 1 = 13.
12 hours of the clock, 12 Zodiac signs – the 13th pt is in the center, the Divine Feminine, our God-Self.
In the Last Supper it was Mary as the 13th Divine Feminine aspect.
There is also the 13th sign of Ophiucus, which encompasses our consciousness outside the Solar Ecliptic. — Lori Rafalof
Thank you for this info!