“Born on leap year (February 29), seems unfair and so confusing. When do I celebrate my birthday? And how do I calculate my personal year in numerology terms? The 29th only comes out every 4 years, do I use March 1st? I have had the same problem with my birthday parties all my life🙁” —Marcy
Leap Year Numerology
Leap year baby, do not despair! My simple answer: To find your personal year (the theme of what will happen for you this year), add the birth month + birth day + current year. Therefore, whether it is a leap year or not, still add 2+2+9 to the current year.
I understand, it is complicated every year. When do you celebrate your birthday? How old are you? Feeling left out? I have good news. You are unique and have been born to think out of the box for sure. Otherwise you would have chosen a different day to be born.
As a numerologist, I am intrigued by this switch on and off in time and date, I believe it has a vibrational effect on all of us, no matter what our birthdays are.
Leap Year Numerology goes way back
Our Gregorian calendar year is 365 days. But it takes 365 days plus six hours for our Earth to make its circle around the Sun yearly. To keep the calendar in some sort of balance and order, it was decided back in 45 BC (by Julius Caesar and his Julian Calendar) to skip February 29 for three years and only celebrate the 4th year.
Seems unfortunate for those leap year babies? Well maybe. But you will always be younger than your age. And there is more. You were born on a very auspicious day. A day out of time. The energy of 29 is eleven (11). This number is all about inspiration, tapping into the unknown and having an altered view of your surroundings. This view shows seekers what is beyond 3D sight, beyond what we see with the naked eye. Perhaps that is why you decided to be born on this day. Perhaps your soul reached for eyes to see further— to openly appreciate both the shadow and the light.
Numerologist Christine DeLorey calls the leap year ’29’ a “numerological wobble in time”, the ripples of which create additional weekly insight starting in calendar week #9, which is the week in which February 29th falls.” Read more here.

The Zero in Numerology
This time wobble, (which appears only every 4 years) makes me think of the “zero” in numerology. That moment out of time when you are in the potential of what could be. Kind of like the void, the emptiness that is present before something is full. Have there been moments like this in your life? Probably quite a few. It does not only occur on February 29. I am sure you are nodding your head right now in recognition.
Philosophers and spiritual leaders have pondered the question of the zero. You know you are over what used to be, ready for change in your life. Ready for something new, but you are not quite sure what is next. You are in the hallway, with many doors, which one will you open? Are you feeling that right now?
Astrological Interpretation of Leap Year
“Leap Year babies, sometimes called Leapers or Leaplings, are born near the tenth degree of the sign Pisces. Their energy is creative, receptive, and often very unique. To be born on this day is to have a kind of magical “sixth sense” about the world. They are believed to be naturally lucky and often possess special talents.” Read more here.
Leap Year Numerology for Every One
2015 is not a leap year. Last one was 2012 and next one is 2016. But here is what I would like to propose. Let’s take the 48 hours of February 28 – March 1st to meditate on emptiness, on potential, on letting go of all our ‘shoulds’ and our ‘could haves’. This could be a time to set energy in motion before it has form. Empty our thoughts with a simple meditation like watching the river flow.
Suggested Meditation. Close your eyes and open your third eye. Release your thoughts and embrace the flow and the openness of the river. You might want to dance the meditation or write or paint. Enjoy this day out of time and your new discovery of self and spirit.
Perhaps this could be a yearly ritual, a new anti-Hallmark event. We could call it “Leap Time“. And we can celebrate every year! Of course on the designated leap years, we could really delve in and celebrate only on February 29.
- Want to know more about numerology? I will be teaching an all day class on Saturday March 28 in NYC. Click here to learn more.
- Also, online 4 week class will be available in April in Intro and a special on Business names coming soon. Please comment below with your interest.
- Personal 90 minute numerology readings in person, phone and Skype will help you understand more about your self and give you a vision of intention for this year.
- Looking for a name for your business? Special 1 hour readings will focus on your values, goals and successful business name.
Other topics you might be interested in:
- Leap Year 2016
- Are all relationships karmic? Downloadable Lecture
- Where is Cupid’s Arrow in Winter?
- February, Numerology and Love
- Find you personal year calculator
- Numerology Journey Oracle Cards
Listen to Greer as she talks about Numerology on BlogTalkRadio February 11.
Learn about what your numbers mean to you and all your relationships with a personal 90 minute reading.
When is the Next Leap Year?
Want to know when is the next leap year? Last one was 2012. The next leap year is in 2016. Here is a quick reference table from 1804-2196.
Thank you, Greer.
When I was a kid my mom always made a big deal of my birthday on non-leap years so that I wouldn’t feel badly. But I like your approach because it doesn’t carry with it the energy of lack– it is creative and fun and filled with potential. The vibration of your idea is so high. –Sharon
This is a great post– especially close to my heart:) I love the idea of
a “leap time.” I’ve tended to celebrate my birthday in non-leap years on 2/28 since it is the last day of February. But this year and especially after reading your post I thought, “well, why not…maybe I’ll try 3/1.” So in 2015 it’ll be March 1 🙂 Thank you for the inspiration. So, 29 has the energy of 11. My birthday, 2/29/1960 = 29/11 also has the energy of 11. – Andrea
Hi Andrea, so great to know a leap year being! Do you often feel like you see the world in a unique way? Perhaps beyond what most see? Yes with your 11 you are a divine inspiration. Hey why not celebrate your birthday on 2/28 and 3/1. Make it a two day event out of time. Many blessings, Greer