Were you wondering about July numerology and how the month’s numerical theme can affect you personally this year? It is the 7 month of the 9 universal year (2016 — 2+0+1+6=9). WIth the spiritual theme of the 7, you might be finding yourself seeking some alone time to contemplate and reflect on your life, and how your life is in transition.
What does July numerology say to you? Connect to Spirit

Seven is the energy of spirituality and connecting to your inner dreams. It is a time to reach inside to see and feel who you truly are and what you are here to do. Accepting oneself is key. Kind of like sinking into the unique being that is you and trusting in the divine. It can also be a time to take a fearless step into the unknown. Perhaps do something that has always intrigued you, but you have been reluctant in the past.
You may find people coming in from the past who have returned to teach you something. Or discover a book on your shelf that you have not read in a while. Open to a page of profound wisdom, pertinent to today. Look for the signs, they will be coming to you the entire month. This can be a turning point to look at life in a different way.
∞ Just for this moment, allow spirit to work though you. Take a breath and let go. Stretch beyond fear, beyond judgment, beyond expectations. Let this be a moment to connect to your inner joy. You can find this moment in nature, stepping onto the earth with bare feet and feel its warm love inside of you. Write, paint, create, sing, dance, read, meditate, dream. Enjoy the unique being that is you.
July, the 7 Energy is an “Unfolding”
Internationally known teacher and shamanic practitioner, Lena Stevens talks about how the theme for July is an “unfolding”.
“This month has the potential to be beautifully inspiring, where we observe how our life is unfolding without any additional effort. We witness how our choices and changes are influencing what is manifesting for us.”
“Even if you feel that recent changes in your life are not due to your conscious choices, choose the changes anyway. and follow the unfolding, choosing every moment to be present and accepting. This is the position of power.” Read more here www.thepowerpath.com
What is your personal month number in July Numerology?
To find you personal month for July, simply add your birthday month and day to the current year. Then add the current month number (which would be 7 for July).
As an example, if your birthday is April 1st (hint, that’s mine:) then the calculation would be as follows: 4+1+2+0+1+6+7=21 (2+1=3)
A 3 personal month is all about communication and creativity. Factoring in the 9 universal year, it is a time to look at how you are connecting with others and seeking what inspires you creatively. A great thought for me as 3 is also my destiny. Really stepping into my unique and creative power and sharing it with others is a great goal. Below is a brief synopsis of the theme for each personal month.
Check out what your personal month has in store for you in July
Once you discover your personal month number (above), what is your theme for July? How will you reflect on your life and take action to transform what you might have just been putting up with? Make sure you add the personal spiritual growth component of the 7 to the mix. Feel free to share your findings!
1 — A time of rebirth.
2 — This is a time of relationships of all kinds, especially self.
3 — Creative expression, how will you communicate with others?
4 — Complete a project, organize, work with your hands and mind to build something.
5 — A time of charismatic energy and connecting with people and travel.
6 — Your heart is open. Sharing love and compassion with family, friends, community and self.
7 — It is a time of spiritual growth and finding the answers within. A period of reflection.
8 — Energy and abundance is yours to help you move forward in your life.
9 —A time of transformation and transition.
To read more details about your personal month and element, click here.
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
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I will give you a brief synopsis of your personal month for July, numerology style.
Once you like my page, please comment on Facebook like this: “What is my personal month for July? My birthday is _________.”
Looking to create a new business and want to find a business name that matches your vision and is successful? Read more here. Check out special summer discounts.
Other topics you may enjoy
- Personal month and Element
- The Power of 7
- What is your Personal Year
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Speaking of Inspiration, Spirituality and Creativity.
Check out Painting Your Chakras Workshop on July 23, 2016.
This is a fun and creative workshop to reach into your spirit without judgment

Okay my friend. mine is an 8. Hope so ~ Sounds good to me. 🙂
Thank-you as always! Love!
You are such a powerful woman! Thank you for all your support always. Greer